Sunday, July 31, 2016
It's Their Right, But Not Yours
A 1957 motion picture that has now become a cult movie entitled,
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" depicts the citizen's bodies of a
small town being possessed by aliens, one by one.
Many of our centers of learning in recent years, are being invaded
by liberal aliens in the form of former hippies who are now tenured
professors, possessing our progeny, attempting to alter traditional
and family values we try to instilled in them.
The "Roaring Twenties" that sprung up during prohibition wasn't as
destructive as what is being sold to our youth today. They are taught
by the "body snatchers" in academia and in the liberal media that it's
ok to cross the line of moderation into obsession, destroying mind
and body; holding patriotism, God, gender modesty, moral codes in
contempt. If it feels good, go for it, even if it's offensive and
disruptive to the majority. It's their right, but not yours.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Bumper Sticker Mentality Can Be Dangerous
Liberals have a knack to come up with mendacious slogans, to
put forth their agendas. A prime example is, "hands up, I give up!"
is a description of something that never happened. "Black lives
matter" is the deception to depict eighteen year old 6'5", 289 lb
Michael Brown, a felonious bully as an innocent child.
The latest open border farce is, "build bridges, not walls!"
The families of the many slain Israelis and those of the victims in
Paris and Brussels who were murdered because of globalization
wouldn't agree. Kate Steinle would still be alive if that bridge to
sanctuary city, San Francisco was torn down.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Thursday, July 28, 2016
“Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil”
This maxim or proverb, that originated in 17th Century Japan (using 3 monkey's as symbols), seems to apply to the Obama Administration and to Hillary Clinton. In the Western world, the phrase is often used to refer to people who deal with impropriety by “turning a blind eye” to it, or as someone with a lack of moral responsibility by looking the other way or by feigning responsibility. Do Obama and Hillary meet that criteria?
The four major scandals of the Obama Administration, along with Hillary as Secretary of State, have the finger prints of that proverb all over them including 1) Fast and Furious (selling arms to Mexican drug cartels), 2) the Benghazi attack (where 4 Americans were murdered, including our Ambassador to Libya, 3) the targeting and harassment, by the I.R.S., of Conservative groups, by refusing them charitable tax status, and 4) the use, against State Dep't. Policy, of a private e-mail server by Hillary in the conduct of her duties.
Listening to Obama and Hillary, and their hand-picked spokesmen and aides, they really adhere to the proverb, “hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil” in order to deflect from their incompetence, ineptness, and possible dereliction of duty. And in the case of Hillary, the possibility of committing a crime.
Of course, in the case of “Fast and Furious”, no one in the White House or the Attorney General's office (under Eric Holder) knew that guns were being shipped to Mexican drug cartels - according to them, it was all done by lower level Justice Dep't. Officials. But,in the meantime, pertinent documents regarding this matter, were withheld that would have most likely shown who authorized this debacle, by using executive privilege as a roadblock to getting these documents. Where's the openness and transparency that Obama promised in his campaigns?
When it came to Benghazi, Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, knew nothing about the lack of security at our compound and annex in Benghazi, even though numerous memo's were sent by Ambassador Chris Stevens and his Ass't. Gregory Hicks, alerting Washington of the danger months before the horrendous attack took place, causing the death of 4 Americans and the ambassador. After the attack, and for weeks thereafter, the powers-to-be told the world the attack was prompted by a stupid anti-Muslim video that no one saw. They refused, for weeks, to admit that this attack was a terrorist attack by a group affiliated with Al-Queda, and to this day, they still fumble with the word “Islamist terrorist” in explaining what went on, on that fateful day of 9/11/12. Did the upcoming presidential election have anything to do with their pronouncements? It was obvious, wasn't it?
In regards to the I.R.S. targeting and harassing Conservative groups, at the time, as they applied for preferential tax status, President Obama was asked if he knew about actions of the I.R.S., he stated that he only found out about it in the media like everyone else did. Is he for real? Is he not the president of the United States, and did he not appoint the various commissioners of the Internal Revenue Service. Well, if you believe what he said, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
The most recent scandal, was about involving Hillary's use of a private e-mail server, which has brought about an investigation by the F.B.I. looking into whether or not Hillary committed a crime by putting our national security at risk by using an unsecured e-mail sever against State Dep't. rules and regulations. She has offered one lie after another, which the State Dep't. Inspector General has pointed out quite clearly. As of this writing, the F.B.I. recommended no "indictment" even though all the evidence pointed to a violation of the civil code by Hillary Clinton. Since that meeting between Bill Clinton and A/G Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix, you could assume that the fix was in. After all, she worked for Obama and he didn't want an indictment to screw up his legacy.
Obama and Hillary firmly believe that they are “teflon coated” and that none of these scandals will bring them down. You could deduce that the proverb of “hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil” has been adopted by both Obama and Hillary and they have perfected it like no two other people.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, July 24, 2016
MORT’s meanderings
Obama steps out of the Anti-America / Pro-Islam closet and boldly proclaims:
‘It’s radical Islam terrorism Folks, get used to it.’
C’mon now, of course he didn’t come right out and say that in those exact words. But, he threw a hissy-fit and asserted that use of certain phrases and words would not have stopped the massacre in Orlando. In charged rhetoric so typical of Obama, he pivoted from the clear facts in evidence, to blaming availability of guns to an individual intent on committing such a hate crime.
He followed all that by sending his toady Attorney General Loretta Lynch (Eric Holder, in drag) on a whirlwind tour of the Sunday shows, to codify his convoluted explanation. During her pronouncements at each of these venues, she advised the mass media why content of the phone call by murderer Omar Mateen during his bloody killing spree, would not be included in the official account. Her take was that it would only encourage more self-radicalized, ‘lone wolf’ copycats to commit hate crimes however, the real reason for the erasure of this significant part of the story is that it could have a deleterious effect on the electoral hopes of Democrats. Shades of a former Sunday show cover-up by Susan Rice. Does anyone recognize a pattern, here?
Obama has declared war on the reporting of facts that differ with his agenda; the use of terms he deems as derogatory to Islam; and he has issued a thinly-veiled threat to anyone who might be thinking about telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth, regarding the horror that was the Orlando massacre.
Obama leaves no doubt where he stands. He hates our Liberty and the freedoms that are guaranteed to every legitimate citizen of the USA by the Constitution of the United States of America. Further, that he is committed to Islam in every detail of whichever interpretation might be put onto that oppressive way of life. Frankly, my Dear, I don’t give a damn what he thinks – he stinks. .Beyond that, he can believe that the Sun rises and sets on his image – which I really do think he believes. The truth is, that from the outset of his time in office, it has been his intention to destroy this nation as it was conceived by the Founding Fathers – and he has come pretty damned close to doing it. Except that for him, there is still that annoying, tenacious thing - ‘right & wrong’.
The Founding Fathers had it right. We have it right. Barack Hussein Obama has it all wrong, dead wrong, all the time. All his bluster, lies, colossal arrogance and smooth talky-talk can’t change that. We’ll survive this election as we’ve managed to come through the nearly eight years of Obama’s diabolical misuse and blatant abuse of our First and Second Amendment rights. We are decidedly worse for the wear but, we shall recover because we are Americans and we’re made of some pretty tough stuff.
All Obama has going for him is his classic case of Narcissism and a corrupted media.
He is a villain right out of ‘Dante’s Inferno’ and beyond all comparison. He is a miscreant without a single redeeming feature.. It will take several generations for patriotic Americans to get his stench out of their nostrils. We on the other hand, shall win because our hearts are true and our cause is just. If you do not share this same philosophy then, go vote for Hillary – not only more of the same but, much worse.
Here’s my take: May all true Americans who have boundless faith in their Faith and in their Creator, be blessed with living to see and enjoy a rebirth of this nation as a nation that is universally rededicated to the tenets of The Constitution, as originally conceived.
If it works out that this can only be possible without the presence and misguided influence of Progressives (meaning those dyed-in-the-wool Democrats and any turn coat Republicans-in-name-only), then that is the price we shall have to pay.
Where do I sign up?
MORT KUFF © 6-20-2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
An “Amnesia Stonewall”!
How can so-called very intelligent politicians, who seem to remember anything that might get them votes, suddenly get a case of an “Amnesia Stonewall” when asked questions about certain situations by investigators pertaining to their jobs or positions that they hold.
As the F.B.I. continues its investigation into the use of a private e-mail server used by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State, the people closest to her (her aides) have had a problem remembering what they saw and heard regarding the e-mail matter. The phrases, “I don't recall”, and “I don't remember”, tumble off their lips when asked some very pertinent questions which they should have been able to answer with little or no problem. Do you think they might be covering up for their boss? This is a scenario just like the members of the Mafia have used when they were questioned about their unlawful activities. The phrase, “I don't know nuttin” was a common answer by the mobsters, most likely under advice of their lawyers.
The Obama Administration at the beginning of 2009 stated that they would be the most transparent administration in history, but its been one stonewall after another as the Obama Administration has erected roadblocks when they were asked about certain policies and actions that needed answers. Examples of this “stonewall” were the investigations into “Fast and Furious” (guns sold to Mexican drug cartels), the I.R.S. targeting of conservative groups by denying them a beneficial tax status, the Benghazi debacle (blaming a non-descript video as the cause of the deadly assault against our compound where 4 Americans were killed, including or ambassador to Libya) etc.
This practice of the “Amnesia Stonewall” is not new to the Clinton's. That's been their “modus operandi” ever since they entered politics in Arkansas, through their time spent in the White House, and up to the present day. Both Hillary and Bill could normally rattle off one statistic after another with precise accuracy, but when they were questioned and confronted with possible problems in regards to their actions and with interchanges and dealings with their political cronies, they suddenly had a lapse of recall and they stated that they couldn't remember, or in the case of their underlings, by the use of the 5th Amendment, which protects people from possible self-incrimination by answering questions about their involvement in the action being investigated.
Highly intelligent people who surround Hillary Clinton by the names of Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Brian Pagliano (the fellow who set up Hillary's unlawful private e-mail server), all have had extreme lapses of memory. The obvious conclusion, by these aides taking the 5th or by not remembering, is that they all had something to hide from the investigators or authorities. Unfortunately, it seems to have served the Clinton's well over the years. That's why they have been able to avoid “prison time” when lesser mortals have wound up in the slammer and, in addition, saddled with very large fines. (ex: former Virginia Bob McDonnell who is now waiting to serve a term in jail, and former Gen. David Petraeus who was found guilty of doing less than what Hillary has been accused of).
I guess you could say it's important to have friends in high places to help deflect the obvious “sins” that the Clinton's have committed over the years. It has also been beneficial for the Clinton's to have uncompromising support of the Democrat Party. It seems that the Democrats want to hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil, when it comes to Hillary and her husband Bill. It seems that party loyalty takes precedence over ethical behavior within the Democrat Party.
Yes, the “Amnesia Stonewall” is alive and well in Wash. D.C., and the Clinton's are poster people to show how to use it for their benefit, and how to avoid the consequences of their actions.
Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Cashing in on lies
So called neo liberals who have appeared on the political scene
expect law abiding citizens to accept rabble rousers as legitimate
protesters. This new crop of anarchists call their advocacy " black
lives matter," derived from the big lie concocted in Ferguson, Mo.
and Baltimore, Md. Anyone citing their illegitimacy is labeled racist
or unfeeling.
To connote the actions of these very few, the repulsive "N" word, a
denotative definition of lazy, ignorant, worthless piece of humanity,
still used by white supremacists and blacks, is unacceptable in
today's society, so it's obvious a new, none racial descriptive word
must be found and fitting that will apply to this and other groups
backed by the likes of Al Sharpton, George Soros and the bleeding
heart pseudo liberals.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Steven Crowder - DEBUNKED: #BlackLivesMatter Propaganda Exposed Case-By-Case
Thursday, July 14, 2016
The Fix Was In!
Does any objective observer not think that the “fix” was in by the FBI and the Justice Dep't. by not indicting Hillary Clinton for “gross negligence” (a/k/a “extreme carelessness”), for putting our national security in jeopardy by using a personal server in the conduct of her duties as Secretary of State? Months ago, Pres. Obama said that he saw no crime committed by Hillary and that it was just a “mistake” on her part, which she has apologized for. How did he know, was he part of the investigation or was he sending a message to the FBI and Justice Dep't. that he expected no indictment. Something smells rotten in Denmark, as the old expression goes.
During the testimony of the FBI Director, James Comey, before the Congressional Oversight Committee, he was asked if he attended the interrogation of Hillary by the FBI - he replied that he did not. He also was asked if Hillary was put under oath - he replied she was not. In addition, he was asked if her testimony during the FBI “interview” was recorded - his answer was no it was not. And the kicker to all , he was asked if he was he aware of the results of the interview by questioning all the actual interrogators - he said he did not, he only read the summary of the interview. But, even after admitting those disclosures, he was able to somehow determine, in a couple of days, that she committed no crime in his 13 minutes of damning disclosures and two minutes of exoneration. It just doesn't add up.
As stated above, Comey's presentation was approximately 15 minutes long and for the first 13 minutes, he laid out a “prima facie” case of why she violated the rules and protocols of the State Dep't. and the civil code. It was a damning list of lies she has told over the past year and a half , and it certainly looked like he laying the groundwork for recommending that the Justice Dep't. convene a grand jury to hear the information that they gathered. But, after the 13 minutes of damning rhetoric by Comey, he did a complete 180 degree turn around and stated that he wouldn't think that a “competent prosecutor” would try this case with the evidence at hand, and that he would not recommend an indictment.
Many people in law enforcement and the legal profession were amazed at his reasoning, and some friends of his who worked with him in the past were totally shocked by his incomprehensible decision. Included among the critics were his former boss in the federal prosecutors office, former Mayor of the City of New York, Rudy Giuiliani, and former Ass't. Director of the FBI, James Kallstrom, among others, who said they thought that Comey was totally mistaken in his judgment.
We cannot know what went through the mind of James Comey, but it does give the impression and appearance of a pre-determined outcome with political overtones. Why else would Pres. Obama weigh in months ago about the “innocence” of Hillary, and why would Hillary, when asked if she feared indictment, she said over and over again that there wasn't a chance of that happening. Doesn't that give the appearance of a “fix” in the eventual outcome?
James Comey has been touted as a person above reproach and a “straight shooter”, but one has to wonder how he could come up with that convoluted decision that he came up with. Was he looking to not be the one who derailed the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton, or was he just trying to appease the political establishment and the Wash. D.C elites even though the evidence pointed otherwise.
My opinion is that, “the fix was in” from the beginning, and Hillary has skated free for the umpteenth time, giving credence to the phrase that in Wash. D.C. “it's not what you know it's who you know” and it is obvious that there is a two-tier system of justice - one for the “connected” (the Clinton's), and one for the average Joe. We seem to be fulfilling the prophesy of the late judge William Bork, who said we were “slouching toward Gomorrah”. Let's hope we don't fulfill his prophesy.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
It takes Bill Whittle 93 seconds to show Hillary Clinton guilty of violating three separate Federal Statutes. It takes another three minutes to explain why she and B. Hussein Obama simply DO NOT CARE.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
MORT’ meanderings
“This isn’t who we are”.
“This is who we are”.
- Barack Obama
As a native born citizen of these United States in full possession of all my senses – and exercising my right as one for whom this Government is Constitutionally obligated to serve rather than dominate – I hereby instruct and issue a direct order to the current President (Barack Hussein Obama) to cease and desist using these two expressions, since he has proven he hasn’t the slightest F’ng idea of what they actually mean.
He is ignorant of factual American History and is committed to obviating The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Further, he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know and hasn’t the least interest in preserving the traditions of Liberty and personal freedoms that was the driving force behind the bold and courageous actions of the Founding Fathers who fought the British to establish those freedoms in the original 13 colonies.
Obama is committed to bringing about the tyrannical influence of radical, militant, Islamist ideology in this nation and that is the diametric opposite of ‘Who we are’. When a president goes rogue and takes such obvious joy in mocking all the sacred bastions of independence and denigrating the freedoms for which so many of our fellow citizens have fought and died, he has forfeited any legitimate authority to direct the future of this nation. Obama is who he is for sure but, he is for sure, no part of ‘Who we are’.
MORT KUFF © 7-9-2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
A Blessing in Disguise
Who would be the easiest candidate for Donald Trump to run against – you guessed it - Hillary Clinton. The decision by F.B.I. Director James Comey actually did Donald Trump a big favor by not recommending that Hillary Clinton be indicted. Now, she will remain the candidate with the known fact that she was “extremely careless” (i.e. grossly negligent) in handling classified and top secret information by using a private e-mail server against State Department rules and protocols. If you were a candidate to lead the greatest country in the world, having this determination by the F.B.I. hanging over your head, it would be very damaging to any candidate, even a “teflon candidate” like Hillary Clinton.
This decision by the F.B.I., by not following through on the law that is on the books, shows that our laws are applied unequally, depending on who your are and who you know. It seems that Director James Comey lacked the “cajones” to do the difficult task of applying the law in a fair and impartial manner, even after he laid out a damning case against the activities of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but before he stated that he would not recommend an indictment of Hillary Clinton to the Attorney General. It's like saying a woman is a “little bit” pregnant, either she is or she isn't, the same with the facts as Comey laid out in detail. He choked up.
It was quite apparent to most every fair-minded person, that for the past year and a half, that Hillary did all the things that she was accused of doing, and it was validated by Director Comey, short of pressing for an indictment. It seems to any “reasonable” person that she dodged a bullet (again) by not facing a felony charge and possible jail time, but she has now being portrayed as being incompetent to be president of the United States. Imagine a U.S. president not being able to exhibit good judgment in the conduct of the office? Is what she did with her e-mails a window into how she would act in the Oval Office? Is that what we need , in these perilous times, someone who makes decisions in such a reckless , careless, negligent manner as she did?
It will be interesting as to whether or not the voters will give her a pass come election time and forgive her for her lack of judgment. From this moment on, it will be Donald Trump's election to lose. Let's hope he takes advantage of this opportunity of this “blessing in disguise” by sticking with the main issues confronting us as a nation which are the economy, terrorism, and border control.
Hillary Clinton might have won the battle, but she is going to lose the war.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, July 3, 2016
It Didn't Just Happen
It starts when waking up in the morning, when the rising sun from the east
paints the lingering clouds a fiery red, and then lighting up the landscape,
making you aware of your surroundings.
What you see are things that just didn't happen, but created by something or
someone that most of us on this planet have labeled God.
The beginning of everything is unknown, having mere mortals through the
ages, try explaining our mystery of life.
Repeating myself, it didn't just happen and speculating that there is a creator;
but then, who or what created the creator? The question gives rise to what
we know as religion. In theory, nearly everyone with human intelligence
want to believe in something. Even to the primitive.
I'm comfortable being Christian because the concept in its formation is peace
on earth and good will toward all men. Not all faiths are based on this premise
and some have outcropped into sects that strayed from the nucleolus,
detrimental to their original purpose. Some of these sects rose through violence
and spread with force that has caused havoc and repercussions in many areas
of the world, with fury and devastation. Locally, violent anarchist dissidents
are invading civil disobedient demonstrations, who are minions of nefarious
individuals; coining "Occupy Wall Street" and Black Lives Matter" slogans.
Human intelligence doesn't deter ignorance that befalls those easily manipulated
by authorities with evil in their heart.
Conservative column from George Giftos
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