Sunday, May 31, 2015
The Tyranny of the Minority
The old expression that the “squeaky wheel gets the most grease”, certainly applies to what is going on in our country today. The phrase “tyranny of the majority” was used by one of our founders, John Adams, explaining that the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by the majorities. Our laws are generally made to protect the rights of the individual (the smallest minority) from oppressive acts by the majority.
But today, we have a phenomenon that could rightly be called the “tyranny of the minority”. With proliferation of the term “political correctness”, small, vocal segments of our population have cowered a good portion of the majority from acting in a way that goes against the prevailing opinion of the majority. Areas where this vocal, and sometimes militant “minority” has used intimidation are in the areas of gay marriage and global warming (a/k/a man-made climate change).
The gay and lesbian community, which represents about 3% of the population, has been very aggressive in promoting the idea of legalizing same-sex marriage in trying to get our laws changed to have the federal and state governments accept gay marriage as the norm. If by chance you disagree with the gay position of marriage, all hell comes down upon the person (s) who advocates that marriage should be between one man and one woman (traditional marriage). With the help of the media, academia, and some feckless liberal politicians, the militant gay community has used coercive tactics against those who disagree with them. Calls for firings and boycotts , for those who are against gay marriage, are means by which the gay community uses to quell dissent. It seems that those who constantly preach for tolerance for themselves, are the same people who are very intolerant of people who believe in traditional marriage and think the marriage laws should not be changed. According to them, there is no place for dissent, and it seems that the “minority” is winning the battle through intimidation and a sympathetic court system made up of mostly liberal progressive judges.
Another area where the “minority” seems to have used intimidation and false facts for their cause is in the area of “global warming” (a/k/a climate change). Ever since Al Gore jumped on the bandwagon in the 1990's, the environmentalists (sometimes referred to as wacko's) have intimidated the news media, academics, and mostly liberal politicians, that we are facing a period of climate “doom and gloom”, whereby even some of our elected officials and bureaucrats have claimed that “man-made climate change” is the major threat to western civilization, even more devastating than than the threat from militant Islam. Some of the “climate change experts” say that it is “settled science”, case closed , and that man-made global warming is, in fact, a real and ominous threat to all of civilization. Wait, not so fast, it is not settled science.
Of course we have climate change, and it has been occurring since the dawn of time, and back in those days, we weren't using fossil fuels. Some very knowledgeable scientists and climatologists , such as Dr. Richard Lindzen of M.I.T., Dr. Timothy Ball of the University of Winnipeg, and the founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, dispute this theory of man-made climate change and claim that the proponents are using “smoke and mirrors” to promote this flawed theory of man-made global warming to mainly enrich themselves by getting massive amounts of government and foundation money grants to justify their erroneous theory. They mock the people who challenge them and call them “deniers” and they look upon them as creatures from outer space, but most people, the majority, don't buy into the “doom and gloom” scenario, but many countries have bought into it and have spent a lot of money foolishly trying to control Mother Nature, which is an exercise in futility.
So, to make a long story short, instead of the majority imposing their will on the public, we see a militant group of agenda-driven people (the minority) imposing their views and thoughts on the rest of us, that's what I call the “tyranny of the minority”.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement
She asks "Why Are We Fighting In Iraq and Afghanistan"? The Judge also
takes on the "Taliban 5" and how they can be free to travel by Monday.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
The Disease That Must Be Dealt With
We are facing a danger that will sweep the world worse than the plague. Every effort must be exerted by every civilized society to recognize the destruction it will cause if we don't eliminate it before it gets a foothold, causing a mammoth disaster and uncontrollable destruction. I'm not referring to the EBOLA virus. This deadly disease is known as SHARIAH, and the Typhoid Marys designated to spread the disease are radical Jihadists, who transform Islam into a psychopathic religion. This Muslim cancer will metastasize in our Constitution if we do not out law it now.
The sponsors of Shariah law condone homicide, evidenced by the beheadings shown on the Internet, of innocent, unarmed, non combative souls, whose crime was to provide humanitarian assistance and news. We are a nation of laws, manifested against the abuse of women, children and murder, respecting the rights and human dignity of its citizens, and freedom to worship without coercion on anyone.
The purveyors of Shariah are an abomination to the human race, so the first amendment should not apply, because Islam is not a pure religion, and in many cases a form of government that shouldn't afford them protection against discrimination, allowing them to carry out dastardly acts on us to conform to their ideology.
Human sacrifice is a primitive ritual that had its day in the age of ignorance. It persists today in the form of suicide bombers, by influencing the weak minded imbeciles, who can easily be manipulated by self serving Imams and Mullahs, promising 72 virgins awaiting them in paradise, instead of teaching them about loving one wife and rejoicing in their daughters.
Misguided entities such as the ACLU, who may file a law suit on behalf of Islam, should instead fight relentlessly against Shariah as it does against the display of the Ten Commandments, Crucifixes such as the cross on Mount Soledad in La Jolla; backing condo commandos against the American flag and school boards against the pledge of allegiance.
It's clear what has to be done to save the world from itself, but there is more to fighting radicalism alone. The Neville Chamberlain mind set still exists and political correctness persists, to stifle attempts requiring the proper action for a solution.
In a card game, you can't reveal the hand you're holding and expect to win. Keep your cards close to your vest and determine whether to hold, pass or raise the ante is a strategy to keep your opponents guessing. Giving them your intentions before the next card is dealt shows them you are a green horn, and open to a fleecing by card sharks. Lacking concentration on matters at hand, the stack of chips in front of the President is vanishing and it's time to heed the advice from his experts and not rely on gut feeling, that offers flip-flops only and not boots on the ground.
Derelict governments bred complacency that led to two world wars. To head off a third one, the President and Congress need to come together for joint legislation to out law Shariah and set example for other nations to follow, so that rogue organizations and their splinter groups like ISIS can never be a menace or ever become a threat again.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Sunday, May 24, 2015
This Memorial Day Remember Our Fallen Heroes
Memorial Day was initially called Decoration Day and is a time when we remember and honor those military Veterans who gave their lives for our country. We salute the Veterans who served and gave their all to protect the freedoms which we enjoy.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Hillary Clinton on the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq – 2002
This was stated before the Senate on Oct 10, 2002
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid and comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons”. HILLARY CLINTON
She couldn't have been more clear in voting to give Pres. George Bush the authority to attempt regime change in Iraq. She had access to the same intelligence as both Pres. Bush and V. Pres. Chaney, so any disclaimer by her, today, about her agreement to attack Iraq, is disingenuous to say the least.
Others who made similar statements prior to us invading Iraq were:
John Kerry
Jay Rockefeller
Henry Waxman
Carl Levin
Madelaine Albright
Pres. Bill Clinton
Robert Byrd
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Ted Kennedy
Tom Daschele
Harry Reid
Sandy Berger
Nancy Pelosi
etc., etc., etc.
By the way, all of the above were Democrats.
HILLARY Clinton "Took Me Through Hell" Says 12 Year Old RAPE Victim!
This tape reveals Hillary Clinton voluntarily defended a child rapist that she knew was guilty. In this 1980's taped interview, Hillary Clinton laughed about getting the convicted rapist of a 12 year old child off on a technicality. Hillary got him off with time served in county jail, about 2 months. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison, down to a lesser charge."
The audio recordings also capture Hillary chuckling about her efforts to exploit the local authorities' mistake, which ultimately allowed her client to get off with an extremely reduced sentence on lesser charges. The Hillary laughter over decidedly unfunny developments is strange and disgusting.
A legal expert quoted by the Washington Free Beacon, which published the original story, also questioned the ethics of Clinton revealing the results of her client's polygraph test. She told a reporter that the accused man passed the test, which "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," a clear indication that Hillary knew of her client's guilt. The Free Beacon piece did not quote the victim extensively, saying that the woman (now 52 years old) declined an interview. She did, however, express a "deep and abiding hostility" toward Mrs. Clinton. In the wake of the audio's release, the victim, who comes across as a troubled woman, has every reason to remain furious with Hillary.
“In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid and comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons”. HILLARY CLINTON
She couldn't have been more clear in voting to give Pres. George Bush the authority to attempt regime change in Iraq. She had access to the same intelligence as both Pres. Bush and V. Pres. Chaney, so any disclaimer by her, today, about her agreement to attack Iraq, is disingenuous to say the least.
Others who made similar statements prior to us invading Iraq were:
John Kerry
Jay Rockefeller
Henry Waxman
Carl Levin
Madelaine Albright
Pres. Bill Clinton
Robert Byrd
Joe Biden
Al Gore
Ted Kennedy
Tom Daschele
Harry Reid
Sandy Berger
Nancy Pelosi
etc., etc., etc.
By the way, all of the above were Democrats.
HILLARY Clinton "Took Me Through Hell" Says 12 Year Old RAPE Victim!
This tape reveals Hillary Clinton voluntarily defended a child rapist that she knew was guilty. In this 1980's taped interview, Hillary Clinton laughed about getting the convicted rapist of a 12 year old child off on a technicality. Hillary got him off with time served in county jail, about 2 months. She says she used a legal technicality to plead her client, who faced 30 years to life in prison, down to a lesser charge."
The audio recordings also capture Hillary chuckling about her efforts to exploit the local authorities' mistake, which ultimately allowed her client to get off with an extremely reduced sentence on lesser charges. The Hillary laughter over decidedly unfunny developments is strange and disgusting.
A legal expert quoted by the Washington Free Beacon, which published the original story, also questioned the ethics of Clinton revealing the results of her client's polygraph test. She told a reporter that the accused man passed the test, which "forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," a clear indication that Hillary knew of her client's guilt. The Free Beacon piece did not quote the victim extensively, saying that the woman (now 52 years old) declined an interview. She did, however, express a "deep and abiding hostility" toward Mrs. Clinton. In the wake of the audio's release, the victim, who comes across as a troubled woman, has every reason to remain furious with Hillary.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
MORT’s meanderings
We’ve reached ‘The Point of No Return’.
Following Charles A. Lindbergh’s epic flight in 1927 when he was the first to fly the Atlantic Ocean, solo, non-stop from New York to Paris, aviators became aware of that point in trans-Atlantic flying, known as, ‘The Point of No Return’.
That meant, the point at which the fuel supply calculated to allow the pilot to reach his destination in Europe or return him to a safe landing back in the U.S. became one and the same. To proceed beyond that point in the planned trip, meant, there was no turning back.
Today, we citizens here in the United States of America who are concerned with the imminent threat of ISIS terrorists and others who mean to do us harm, should know that, ‘WE HAVE REACHED THAT POINT OF NO RETURN’. We cannot go back to where we were before ‘911’. We can never return to the false comfort of that delusionary mind-set that made us feel secure because of the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean that separated us from the bad guys in Europe and the Middle East. To quote a cartoon character from the 1930’s, “Them days is gone forever!”. Let us not delude ourselves for one moment longer. Awaken to the danger.
Our mortal enemies and they are many, have one objective in common – they want to destroy our Liberty and take complete control of our nation and its people by something known as, a ‘Caliphate’. This term goes back to 1614. What it means is that nothing less than world domination by the followers of Islam is their goal. And, they are driven by their ideology.
Radical-Militant Islam fully intends to take over the control of America by one of two tactics or, by a combination of both. 1. Stealthy integration and the gradual imposition of Shariah law across the land until they gain their objective or, 2. a campaign of vicious, blood-thirsty mayhem & murderous attacks on men, women and children in this country that will force the populace to submit to Islam’s takeover. Make no mistake, the wheels are turning –
The bad guys are already inside our gates; they are here – NOW!
So, this is Paul Revere riding hard and shouting the warning. Do not turn away. Never, ever presume that someone else is going to protect you. Do not think it can’t happen here. Do not poo-poo efforts to take pre-emptive action to protect us – that’s all of ‘us’. Act as if the goons are coming up your driveway right now – because they are. Get educated; take a crash course in radical Islam. Listen to the experts on what’s happening as we speak. And for the sake of reason – DO NOT COUNT ON SELF-CENTERED, ELECTED DEMOCRATS TO PROTECT YOU. Do you want to see who can protect you? Look into your mirror. Time to ‘Wake up, America’.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Is Pamela Geller a Hero?
It seems that both liberals and conservatives champion free speech, but if that free speech comes in conflict with their views, some seem to do an about face in denouncing the free speech of others. So it is with the “free speech” of political gadfly, Pamela Geller.
For years, Pamela Geller has been a forceful, outspoken critic of radical Islam, and it has caused her to have a “fatwa” (a Muslim death sentence) put on her head for her outspoken views. You'd think that right-thinking people would be heaping praise upon her for telling the truth about the evils of radical Islam, but just the opposite has occurred in the aftermath of her cartoon conference in Garland, Texas. Although most of her critics say they favor the 1stt Amendment, they put the caveat on their support by claiming that Pamela Geller is nothing but an opportunist, a provocateur, and a person who needlessly and knowingly put other people in danger. Really?
Pamela Geller is just as anti-Muslim as is talk show host Bill Maher, but the difference is that Pamela Geller is on the political right and Bill Maher is on the political left. Therefore, she is called a vicious hate-monger and he's an amusing free-thinker. A double-standard to say the least. We all know (or should know) that liberals are champions of free speech unless that free speech goes against their liberal orthodoxy (ex: global warming, same sex marriage, fracking etc.), but when you have conservatives like Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Greta Van Susteren etc. come out to criticize Pamela, it is a little disconcerting, to say the least.
Is or should Pamela Geller's judgment and wisdom be in question in sponsoring this event depicting cartoons about the Muslim prophet, Mohammad? Since much of the criticism is against her and not the Muslim terrorists who came to commit wanton murder, you wonder if the Islamist apologists have won or are winning the propaganda war? Pamela didn't invite those terrorists to come and do harm to her and the conference attendees, they came, with malice in their hearts, to avenge their “peace-loving prophet” Mohammad. Since when was criticism of anyone or anything deserving of a death penalty? Only a fanatical “politically correct” nut job would sanction such a policy as that. The militant Muslim community has done just that.
Let's speak truth to power and stop the knee-jerk reaction of blaming the messenger and not the perpetrators of crimes against humanity.
Pamela Geller might not be the most erudite scholar of the Middle East or Islam, or not the most couth defender of the 1st Amendment, but give her credit for standing up for the principle of free speech at considerable personal risk to her own life and limb.
So, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with her methods of exposing radical Islam, she should be considered a hero for speaking out for what she believes, and shutting her up would cede the moral high ground to the evil Jihadists who want to dominate the whole world under their oppressive Sharia Law. We must stand up for people like Pamela Geller otherwise we will become like the sheep going to slaughter because we didn't want to offend against the evil theocratic, political ideology (Islam) that is trying to force their ideology down our throats before they slit them under the name of Allah.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, May 10, 2015
The Odor of Trash
STAMP OUT SINGLE MOMS! That bumper sticker statement,
pertaining to the unwedded, is a first step to stop violence
destroying the heart of our cities.
The core of it is the low mentality of the participants rioting,
not protesting, who set on fire and loot the very sources that
can lift them out of their despair and hopelessness. Strangling
the breath out of businesses serving their neighborhood, deterring
others from coming into their city, to build up the community and
create jobs.
As witnessed on TV, a mother confronting her son for participating
with the mob during the Baltimore criminal mischief, I saw no
fathers! By shear numbers of children in these families, one can
ascertain there are more fathers running around or incarcerated,
than there are mothers. This is not necessarily a condition wholly
prevalent in a homogeneous community.
Black trash is not a term ever used for fear of racial back-lash; but
it shouldn't be used solely to describe whites for mental and moral
There isn't sufficient exposure for examples of successful black
Americans who broke the victim excuse espoused by Al Sharpton
and Jessie Jackson, who have contributed so much to our country's
greatness. Instead the focus is on entertainers and athletes of
obscene wealth. But it doesn't immune them from being termed
Black Trash and White Trash.
Idolizing thugs with rap sheets a mile long is sick. A prime example
is former black panther cop killer Muma Abu-Jamal, who is a folk
hero to many of so called protesters who cause turmoil in areas
where there are many decent people who are handed the dirty end
of the stick. It happens when pseudo liberals interfere in matters that
require morethan emotion.
These do-gooders have contributed much to the decline of our moral
fiber in their advocacies, and the loss of our nation's Judeo-Christian
Those mired in places like Watts, Ferguson and Baltimore can never
hope to free themselves when their vocabulary is limited to the "F"
bomb when spoken with every other word they use in a sentence
Conservative column from George Giftos
Fox’s Jeanine Pirro: Sharia Law Is Coming for Your Free Speech
This Video shows Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro opening her show with a denunciation of those
criticizing Pam Geller. The Judge warned that the liberal reaction to Pamela Geller’s event
was the first step towards a contraction of free speech protections in deference to Islam.
“For the first time I’m worried about whether or not the president’s so-called politically
correct culture will restrict our free speech in line with Sharia requirements,” she said.
“I have long predicted this administration will cut back our speech if it offends Islam,”
Pirro said. “As sure as I’m talking to you, there will be efforts to limit our First
Amendment, our free speech, to comply with Sharia blasphemy laws, which call for
death to those who slander the prophet Muhammad. Imagine, a nation founded on
Judeo-Christian ethics changing the rules for a Muslim prophet!”
Judge Jeanine went on to say “The First Amendment, besides giving us freedom of
speech, says that Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion,
” Pirro continued. “Which means I don’t have to live under any religious rule, especially
one that tells me not to criticize someone else’s prophet.”
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Liberals and the Demise of Cities
Look around the United States at the various “loser” cities and notice they mostly all have one thing in common - they are run by Democrats (liberals). Yes, that is a damning blanket statement, but let's look at the facts.
Go down the list, Detroit, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, New York City, New Orleans, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Oakland, San Francisco etc., etc. They are all run by Democrat (liberals) politicians who pander to the mostly minority poor, ethnic constituencies that make up the majority of its citizens.
Take the City of Chicago (as comic Henny Youngman used to say, “Please”), it has one of the strictest gun control laws in the country, but it has one of the highest murder rates in the country. Most of the schools are under performing and the financial condition of the city is in dire straits. Who runs the city - the Democrats (liberals) under the direction of former Obama aide, Rahm Emanuel (a liberal).
Another city basket case is the City of Detroit. Once one of the wealthiest cities in America, it is now in bankruptcy and it has lost over half its population over the past few years. Many of its former mayors have been convicted of corruption and some are presently in jail. What political affiliation did these former mayor's have - they were all Democrats (liberals).
Just recently, we've seen the the chaos and lawlessness raise its ugly head in the City of Baltimore. The city is mostly minority in population and the political machine is made up of mostly black (liberal) politicians, and they have a police chief who is also black. They have screwed up the handling of the latest riots and unrest that caused a good part of the city to have gone up in flames and had encouraged criminal looting of businesses which took place on a widespread basis. The Democrat-run (liberal) city has double the poverty rate and unemployment rate as the rest of Maryland and the schools are performing at very low achievement rate. Could there be a correlation with these facts and the Democrat (liberal) control of the City of Baltimore?
Another disaster area of the country, New York City, has an ultra-liberal Mayor, Bill DiBlasio, who has dropped many of the reforms instituted by former Mayors Guiliani and Bloomberg, which made the city a vibrant place to visit or to do business with. The crime rate has gone up 20% since he took office and his economic policies have scared many residents and businesses away to other more tax friendly places of the country. With a friend like DiBlasio, New York City doesn't need anymore enemies. By the way, he is a Democrat.
The one thing all these cities seem to have in common, besides being run by Democrats (liberals), is that the governing officials of these cities always seem to blame others for their failures instead of blaming their liberal policies which they have instituted. It's always somebody else's fault, not their liberal policies (I guess they have taken a page out of the Obama playbook).
Besides the fiscal malfeasance, many of these Democrat-run cities have amnesty policies that welcome “illegal immigrants” into their cities by promising not to to turn them over to the I.N.S. for violating our immigration laws. These cities, trying to be benevolent and inclusive, have caused major problems within their cities by increasing the unemployment rate of long-time residents and by lowering the standard of living for many of its residents. But, the people still continue to elect the Democrat (liberal) politicians over and over again. They seem to validate Einstein's definition of insanity which was - “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. One ploy the Democrats (liberals) find effective in getting enough votes to get elected and re-elected is by offering the people “freebies” from the public treasury, which in turn has put many of these cities in or near bankruptcy.
So, these distressing facts about these floundering cities is only scratching the surface of the failed Democrat (liberal) policies which seem to mirror the failed economic and social policies of Marxism/Socialism.
I, therefore declare, that things will not change unless the people, in those cities revolt and throw out of office the miscreants that have engineered the demise of their cities - those miscreants are the Democrats (liberals). Case closed!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, May 3, 2015
MORT’s meanderings
Someone. Anyone. Please bring the Mayor of Baltimore up to speed.
It would be a genuine public service if someone, anyone – were to take on the task of bringing Baltimore’s Mayor, the Honorable Hyphenated-Whatzername up to speed regarding a few pesky facts about modern communications technology. It is apparently, a subject that is simply too far beneath her dignity for her to attempt to comprehend. As she so eloquently phrased it, “It’s Been a long day.”
If someone, anyone – would have the ‘legal standing’ to approach Her Royal Madame Mayor and ‘esplain to her that there is now a device known generically, as a videocam – that has the technology to accurately record a person’s image just like a regular camera, but it can also record the actual sound of one’s voice simultayshiously, as one makes extemporaneous pronouncements in front of hundreds of witnesses at a public gathering.
It is an unalterable fact Madame Mayor – that on that infamous first day of the recent, shameful riots in Baltimore, your face and your words were recorded in their entirety, captured verbatim, precisely as you appeared while uttering them.
If that video were to be played back in its entirety, without editorial alteration or diddling of any sort– it would be impossible to either misconstrue what you said and how you said it - or take anything out of context. Your image and words are cast in concrete. Like it or not, they are here for the ages.
It gives this old Baltimorean pause to ponder just how in Hell you plowed your way through the dozens of positions as a public functionary, as they are listed in your Oh-fish-U-all Biography, without being aware that what you say and how you say it in a public forum can be video-recorded and can come back to bite you.
You really can’t be that damned dumb, can you? Can you, Madame Mayor?
MORT KUFF © 4-29-2015
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