Thursday, January 29, 2015

Liberalism vis-a-vis Liberalism

Believe it or not, there are some nice and decent Liberals. Somewhat
like the pre-war, depression types who thought it shameful to depend
on the government to support them..Their pride, independence, work
ethic and integrity dictated whether to accept relief or not.

My parents and many of their friends were among them whom I describe.
Unfortunately today, too many of them are naive and their subjective
reasoning is under the influence of individuals such as the likes of
Professor Jonathan Gruber, our demagogic President and the radical
liberals of self-serving Sharptonian profiteering, rabble rouser hustlers
in their community. Backed by the very divisive Congressional black
caucus, who won't allow facts to get in the way of the truth, by taking
advantage of their ignorance.

Example of this was revealed by the demon-strations in Ferguson, Mo.
I believe in the first amendment if it's used properly for demonstrating
and free speech; but it becomes problematic when it's used to promote
lies.It is problematic when it is used by the demonstrators to destroy their
town and threaten the safety and well being of others. It is problematic
when you see many of the signs held by the demonstrators, were clearly
professionally manufactured in preparation by big money instigators, to
advance their agendas and not spontaneous, but planned chaos.

Much of the hard work and progress made since the sixties on civil rights,
has been contaminated and set back by the Obama administration as if
spike strips were laid across the road to politically maneuver Ferguson
and Staten Island into the racist column so the President's and AG's
rhetoric could throw law enforcement under a steam roller.

Their administration has been mostly responsible for causing the divide
by yelling fire when their was no fire, and the Attorney General is planning
a mock investigation, and the President will use all his resources to end
racism, commenting, "Racism will take time to fix!" I agree, When you
break something, it takes time to repair to its original state.

His solution is to alter how Police departments operate instead of addressing
the real cause.The breakup or lack of black families, disproportionate black
criminality in proportion to white/black population, teenage pregnancies in
the black community and other self induced short comings.

Police harassment usually occur because of the profiles the young thugs
build of themselves, and those profile must be used by law enforcement to
stop criminal activity.

From all we know about the President, his so called solutions are mostly
politically driven and doomed to failure.

I propose he issue a directive for a national program to be added to the
curriculum of all elementary and middle schools, that will teach students how
to avoid getting into trouble and how to behave if confronted by a policeman,
or anyone in authority. Make it mandatory for all teachers to attend seminars
to conform to the program without deviation when teaching the material in the
program. It is a start and not a cure all. In time, other programs should be
developed to show how adults should behave and the importance of a whole
family environment.

Contributed by George Giftos

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Liberal's Phony “Wars”

To listen to liberals, you'd think they are a violent people as they have declared “war” on poverty, the Republicans, who they claim are conducting a “War on Women”, the rich and successful, and the loosely organized Tea Party, who campaign for less government in our lives. In addition, just recently, during this past year, they have declared “war” on the police. Truth doesn't matter to them, it's the message that counts in their eyes and how it will benefit them politically in the ballot box.

Back in the 60's, the liberals wanted to eradicate poverty, so they declared a “War on Poverty”. Sounded good to many people, but what have been the results after we've spent over $7 trillion since 1965 to accomplish this “worthwhile” goal of eradicating poverty? Have we eliminated poverty, or have some unintended consequences made the “war” less than a success? I think we've found out that throwing money at a problem, especially when it is run by the government, is just a waste of money and, in many cases, the ruination of families who have been caught up in the programs that were supposed to help them, but the opposite has occurred, much to the chagrin of the “do-gooders”. Government “freebies” (handouts instead of handups) have had a disastrous effect on families, especially on black families and the poor in general.

During the elections in 2012 and 2014, the liberals (Democrats) brought forth the scenario that the “evil” Republicans were engaged in a “War on Women”, claiming that their policies were trying to deprive women of their right to abortion, getting contraceptives, and of paying women less than men. The fact that these claims were not supported by the facts didn't matter, it was the “phony” charge that counted, especially with a compliant liberal media carrying their water (message). Josef Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, must be smiling as he resides in hell to see how well his propaganda tactics have worked, even 70 years after his demise..

Another “war” espoused by the liberals was the claim that the conservatives (Republicans) were the party of the rich and successful, which, in fact, the “fat cats” of Wall Street (many big corporations) gave more money to the Democrats than they did to the Republicans. How many $40,000 a plate fund raising dinners did Obama attend to raise money for the Democrats? Talk about hypocrites - the Democrats were the poster children for political misinformation and deceit.

During this past year, the “war” against police were initiated by left-wing groups (sponsored by Communists, labor unions, and Muslims) to rile up the black community by blaming some rare police killings of black men as being an epidemic (out of all the killings of blacks, 1% was committed by police actions while 92% of blacks were killed by other blacks). The “racial arsonists” (Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama) “stirred the pot” of racial unrest which had a big affect on the subsequent riots, arson, and protests, and eventually in the killing of police officers by ambush and assassinations. These left-wing anarchists got their pound of flesh by causing mayhem and then blaming it on the police who's main job was protecting the very people who were accusing them of wantonly killing “unarmed” black men.

All these examples of liberal “wars” are phony and designed to undermine our society. In addition to the “racial hustlers” mentioned before, a significant number of Communists and Muslim agitators were behind these so-called “spontaneous” demonstrations around the country. To prove that charge of organized mayhem, within minutes of the “grand jury” verdict in Ferguson, Missouri, there were pre-printed, professionally produced signs held by the protestors as they gathered to protest the “war” on the police. Very spontaneous, eh?

So, yes, it is quite obvious that all these “wars” pushed by the left-wing (liberal) groups are phony and are politically motivated and should be shunned by all honest, law abiding citizens in all the various communities that make up our great country.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Conservatism Is Calling

This is a Video which was featured on The Blaze, Breitbart, National Review Online and the World News Daily.
The Youtube Video has Music by Audiomachine, the song is "Lost Generation".

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

Obama:  America’s No.1 Anti-Semantic
Elections have consequences, as evidenced by the election and re-election of one Barack Hussein Obama, for whom the English language is regarded as just so much silly putty under his total control, to re-shape, re-form and to do with as he wishes.  He has changed his name several times over the course of his career and so, changing the language is a piece of cake.
He alone, is permitted to form it into amorphous configurations according to his whim – and only he retains the omnipotent power to assign meanings and definitions.  In other words, our common, everyday usage, our Americanized-English, is no longer ours to use freely for the unambiguous expression of our thoughts and ideas.  The language has been confiscated, illegally commandeered and nationalized as the exclusive property of Dear Leader, to use in expressing his own interpretation and his own definitions of our linguistics.  His newly-minted definitions of traditional words & terms are contorted to suit his momentary PR needs.
Hence, we have the flagrant misuse use of the word ‘sequestration’ to mean that, if a set of impossible conditions were not met according to the recommendations of an Obama-appointed commission of well-meaning, former Government types, all with questionable expertise in the matters they were tasked to consider – the mandated consequence would be to cut in half, the budget for our military.   Of course, that is precisely what happened, precisely as it was engineered.
In the case of the Navy, it was nothing short of ‘Sea-Castration’.  In the case of the Army, Air Force and Coast Guard, it was nothing less than a crude but totally effective, ‘Emasculation’ of our national defense capability.   Obama won his battle of definitions, while our Armed Forces lost the basic tools without which, they were rendered helpless to carry out their assigned duty to protect and defend our sovereignty as a nation. Our first line of defense has been neutralized and we have been intentionally made vulnerable by the Commander-in-Chief.
In the tyrannical Obama Administration, words are morphed into turds.  Anti-Semanticism runs rampant in our Nation’s Capital.  And to date, no technology exists that permits even the most skilled academics, to polish a turd sufficiently that it may be acceptable in normal Society – much less the oppressive, Socialist society in which we are currently attempting to survive as a species.   May God have mercy on our Americanized-English language.

MORT KUFF     © 12-31-2014

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do Women Earn Less Than Men?

Since the 1950's and '60's, and the rise of “feminism”, we've been told that businesses discriminate against women by paying them only 77¢ of what men earn in the marketplace. Is that charge true? Let's look at the facts.

At one time, most women were not employed in the workforce, to any great degree, as most were mainly housewives (homemakers), with some gaining employment as teachers, nurses, and store clerks. Since the 1950's, women have made their mark in the business world, and even today, now make up approximately 55% of the matriculating college students. So, what about that figure of 77¢, is it still valid today? The answer is a resounding “NO”, and here are some reasons why that figure of 77¢ is grossly misused by feminist groups and by those with a decidedly liberal bent who profess that there is a “war on women” as practiced by the Republicans (this charge always seems to pop up around election time, looking to influence the woman's vote).

Economists have come up with an answer as to why you can't equate the pay of women and men without some insight as to why some women might earn less than men. One stubborn fact of the labor market argues against the idea, that women doing comparable work, make less than men. They (the economists) claim that there is a gender-hours gap, a close cousin of the gender-wage gap. The numbers showing that women make less than men don't take into account the actual number of hours worked. And it turns out that women work fewer hours, on average, than men.

The Labor Department defines full-time work as 35 hours or more, and the “or more” is far more likely to refer to male workers than to female workers. More than 55% of workers logging more than 35 hours a week, are men. In other words, the famous gender-wage gap to a considerable degree is a gender-hours gap. The main reason that women are unlikely to be the richer sex (in terms of wage income) is obvious - children. Today, childless 20 something women do earn as much or even more than their male peers. But, they are most likely to cut back their work hours after they have kids, giving men the hours and income advantage.

Another fact as to why some women don't make as much as men, is the fact that women make up 2/3 of America's part-time workforce, a fact concurred to by the Federal Reserve, which found that college educated women who were wives were opting out by mid-career, especially those with wealthy husbands.

This is not just a phenomenon by working American women, but women worldwide who make up the large majority of the part-time workforce, and surveys suggest that women, on the whole, want it that way.

Another aspect as to some wage difference between what men and women make in total income is the fact that today over 40% of American children are now being born to unmarried women (it's even over 70% for black women).

So when you hear some of the feminist groups complain that women make less than men, you must look at the whole picture and not just be misguided by emotional facts that a man's paycheck is bigger than a woman's paycheck, as there might be reasons other than wage discrimination at work here, and that women are getting the short end of the stick. In most cases, it is not true and just a ploy by militant woman's advocates to gain acceptance by “low information” women, and to stir up the political pot.

If women were just as qualified as a man to do a job and a company could be able to pay less to woman, why would they hire a man for more money? That's why the claim that women are paid less just doesn't make sense.

So the answer to the headline question is “NO”, women, in general, do not earn less than men.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Random Observations

Have you noticed, sixty-seven year old Hillary Clinton appears to show gravity beginning to set in when you see her face. She's starting to look like a Walmart shopper in some photo releases. Letting her hair grow long to look like the young chicks on TV doesn't cut it.

President Obama never apologized, nor fulfilled his promise to get to the bottom of what happened, or who was responsible for Benghazi, to the families of the men who gave their lives, unselfishly, above and beyond duty, against the negligence and politics of the White House and its immediate staff, denying them assistance and the protection they requested.

At this point, what difference does it make no other outlet aired ex-CIA deputy director Michael Morell's open hearing by the House Select Committee on Intelligence, except FOX NEWS. And, not one mention about the hearings in the unbiased (wink-wink) Sun Sentinel.

Receiving the bodies of the four at the airport, after the ceremony the President at that time, along with the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton should have tended their resignation, he having been proved unfit to be Commander in Chief, among other things.....both still MIA's on that night of 9/11.

What can I say about Debbie Wasserman Schultz? One Hillary Clinton in ones life time is enough.

Prepare to shoulder sandwich board signs which read....THE WORLD IS ENDING, if Hillary wins the presidency and Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder are not neutralized.

Contributed by George Giftos

Opening Statement on 1/10/15 from Judge Jeanine on Radical Muslim Terrorists.
In a powerful opening statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro stated that there is no negotiating with radical Muslim terrorists.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

To Lie or Not to Lie, That is the Question!

When most of us were growing up, we were told by our parents that lying was unacceptable behavior and that it wouldn't be tolerated, under penalty of punishment (that punishment included a swat or more on the behind, deprivation of being able to do something we liked to do, and on rare occasions, washing your mouth out with soap). In our “politically correct” society today, some of those basically harmless punishments would be considered abuse. (My editorial comment - HOGWASH)

Over time, it seems that that admonition has been relegated to the scrapheap of social interchange. Look what has occurred over the past few years. We were told that if we passed Obamacare we could keep our health insurance policy, keep our doctor, keep our hospital, and that a family of 4 would save $2,500 per year. Those were all LIES as admitted to by the Obamacare architect, Jonathan Gruber, the government paid economist from M.I.T. We were also told that the increases of costs were fees and not taxes, but that was also a LIE used to pass the law in the face of opposition by skeptical lawmakers.

False accusations of college campus rape at two prestigious schools, Duke and Univ. of Virginia, were proven to be LIES in support of a false narrative of an “epidemic” of campus rape by feminist organizations and other left-wing groups and the media. Yes, some rapes have taken place at colleges around the country, and should not be condoned or covered up, but is it an epidemic? NO!

Just recently, we had a series of LIES surrounding the killing of a teenager by a policeman in Ferguson, Missouri. In the aftermath of that incident, false statements (LIES) were made that were totally in opposition to subsequent facts of what happened. The false slogan of “Hands Up, Don't Shoot” was propagated in the media and by the “racial arsonists” headed up by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Congressional Black Caucus. Instead of shedding light or trying to bring calm to the situation, they were pouring fuel on the fire, thereby causing crimes of arson and assault upon innocent people and businesses. The Ferguson community might never recover from this outrageous behavior. LIES do have dire consequences.

LIES were also rampant in the federal government when agencies, set up to serve the citizens, were exposed with conducting activities like what the I.R.S. was involved in in the harassing of conservative groups in getting a 501c3 tax designation. Officials of the I.R.S., either denied any involvement or they took the 5th Amendment in refusing to testify before Congress when testimony overwhelmingly pointed to a cover up, namely LIES by government officials.

President Obama was also complicit in the propagation of LIES to further his agenda in pushing for passage of Obamacare and in usurping the dictates of the Constitution by issuing presidential decrees that he himself said many times he couldn't constitutionally do. That is a case of LYING in the face of facts to the contrary.

I don't say that lying is a new phenomenon in our society, but I do say that it has become so blatantly obvious that we seem to be defining deviancy down to the level that it is normal to LIE, and that by promoting honesty is not something that should be condemned. The people who think that being honest is a good virtue should be heralded and not condemned as being naive.

So, in answer to our headline “To Lie or Not to Lie, That is the Question”, we should strive to bring back honesty in all our dealings and not let the phrase “the Devil made me do it” be the rule and not the exception by lying to further our agenda and philosophy, all in the name of some lofty goal that may or may not be beneficial to society.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Sunday, January 4, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

Peaceful Muslims & Violent Islamists working hard to take over and to dominate America.

Dozens upon dozens of outwardly peaceful Muslim & unabashedly anti-Semitic and anti-American, violence-prone Islamist organizations, all with benign, noble sounding names are hard at work in our country - banding together to strengthen and concentrate their stated objective, their only objective – that is, to take over and achieve total domination and complete political control of our entire United States Government.  They call it a Caliphate and try to snow the clueless among us that it is genuinely a religion of peace and that they simply want everyone to follow Allah. Right. They call it a Caliphate; I call it the end of Liberty, individual freedom and the free-enterprise system that has made us Americans what and who we are.  
Take a few moments, make an investment in learning about the real and present danger that could very well take your life and the lives of your loved ones.  I am deadly serious.  Google: ‘Muslim & Islamist Organizations in America’.  Take the time to read, digest and comprehend what they’re all about – that includes reading between the lines.  Despite the glowing terms in which  all these groups try to portray their goals as merely desiring to educate we non-believers (Infidels) and get us to better understand their earnest desire to peacefully integrate into American society – it is all a sham; all one big deception.  They lie.  They lie.  They lie!
They are all, each and every one,  certifiable fanatics who hate and despise us and what we stand for.  They are committed to the total destruction of our way of life by creating chaos and encroaching inch-by-inch and at every possible opportunity, to incrementally insinuate their lunatic ideology into every aspect of our lives.  Their ultimate objective is to make the United States of America into an Islamist-ruled slave state.  They intend to go about this systematically, by destroying our nation from the inside –using gullible us as useful idiots to destroy ourselves.   
Under the Muslim-born, Muslim-indoctrinated Barack Hussein Obama, the process is already under way. Now, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.   And, puleeez don’t tell me that like Obama, you think that if we just act kindly toward these radical ideologues – it is possible that we can all live peacefully together.  You cannot be that naïve.  Well, you can but – one day you will wake up to find yourself a virtual slave to this Islamist lunacy – with all your protections gone – with no place to turn and no one to help.  Think it can’t happen?  Think it isn’t happening right here and right now?  Are you too busy?  Then don’t bother to inform yourself.   See ya!
MORT KUFF    © 1/3/2015

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Bill O'Reilly on America's Race Problem

We often see with this current regime, it reminds us of the "Emperor with no clothes", no one will dare speak the truth in public.

However this video should go viral. Thanks to Bill O' Reilly, someone finally had the nerve to say it.

Jackson and Sharpton, the career race baiters, will have to change their drawers after seeing this.

Hat tip to!

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