Thursday, November 30, 2017
Dana Loesch On Elizabeth Warren’s Race Appropriation
She’s a racist who appropriated an entire ethnicity so that she could get a job at Harvard,” Dana Loesch said about Elizabeth Warren. “And I’ll tell you this, the closest that her ancestors ever came to American Indians was rounding up my ancestors, so let’s get that straight right now if anyone wants to have a discussion on what is or is not racist.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Boss Tweed and the Democrats
The Democrats are proclaiming that the Republicans are imploding, but they never mention the raging turmoil that's going on in their own party. They champion the fallacy that all corruption is on the part of the Republicans, when if you follow the news, it is mainly the Democrats who are being charged with most of the wrongdoing. It seems they are reliving the past by emulating Boss Tweed, the infamous Democrat leader of the late 19th century.
With an occasional Republican thrown into the corruption mix, here is a list of the misdeeds of the Democrats. Starting off with that disgraced movie mogul, Harvey Weinstein, who has been shown to be a serial woman abuser and who happens to be a major Democrat Party donor; Kevin Spacey, a gay pedophile; Cong. John Conyers, another admitted woman abuser; Louis C.K., comedian; Glenn Thrush, N.Y. Times columnist and a woman groper; Sen. Al Franken, a phony champion of women who has demeaned women on a number of occasions; Septuagenarian Charlie Rose, T.V. host for over 30 years who has been fired from 3 networks for women molestation; Sen. Robert Menendez, fresh from charges of corruption in N.J. and released because of a hung jury, who has been accused of hiring under age prostitutes in the Dominican Republic; Mark Halperin, NBC pundit who has recently been fired for women sexual abuse; and then there is the “King of Them All”, former Pres. Bill Clinton, an admitted perjurer and a serial woman abuser who is now being thrown under the bus by his fellow Democrats. Then there is Judge Roy Moore, a Republican, who has also been accused by 4 women of non-consensual touching and asking them out on dates while they were teenagers almost 40 years ago, just 4 weeks before a special election for the Senate, charges which he fervently denies and claims that it is a political hit job by his opponent and some RINO Republicans. The voters of Alabama will determine his fate on election day.
The old expression, “People in Glass Houses shouldn't throw stones”, surely applies to the sanctimonious Democrats, who seem to always accuse the Republicans of doing what they have been doing in spades themselves.
You name it, if you are a Republican or Conservative, you will be charged with racism, bigotry, Nazism, Fascism, child abuse, haters of minorities, killing or starving the poor and elderly, and on and on. These epithets will generally come up every 2 and 4 years at election time, and it seems that many people fall for these descriptions because of partisan political considerations and not whether they are valid or not.
During the past couple of years, the vitriol and vile personal attacks, by the Democrats, have been directed at Pres. Donald Trump. Since the Democrats lost the last election, which they thought they would win in a walk against the political novice, Donald Trump, they have been relentless in trying to bring him and his administration down, regardless how that might affect the country. Is it worth it to be against all his policies, because they hate him personally, even though it might not be beneficial for the country? “Total Resistance” is the Democrats method of showing disapproval of him and his policies, and they are being encouraged by their leaders including Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and, as of now, the whole Democrat Party.
In referring to Boss Tweed in my headline, who, by the way, was also a Democrat and the head of Tammany Hall (Democrat headquarters) in New York City (from1858 to 1871), who was considered the “poster boy” for entrenched political corruption during that period. The modern day Democrats seem to taking a page out of Tweed's playbook as the slimy events of today are being reported on an almost daily basis (the just re-elected NYC Mayor, Bill DiBlasio seems to be emulating the actions of Boss Tweed). We don't need more Boss Tweed's, we need some honest people to run our government and to “Drain the Swamp”, and a good start would be to back our populist President Donald Trump. Let's Make America Great Again.
Conservative commentary Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 23, 2017
MORT’s meanderings
What is seriously wrong today,
Nov. 12, 2017, here in the USA?
Today and everyday, all day, no matter which of the three TVs in my home I am watching, I squirm in my seat, foam at the mouth and stamp my feet on the floor when I am subjected to the panoply of cookie-cutter, biased news shows being interrupted by one stupid, inane commercial being attached without interruption to another in a series of stupid, inane commercials. Are you catching the gist of my dilemma? Are you beginning to understand the cause of my dyspepsia?
I am pummeled with transparently insincere, cardboard actors who are flacking gold & silver that is touted to make my portfolio secure from the ravages of the upside-down, inside-out economy. I wouldn’t believe any of them on a stack of Bibles. Precisely who in Hell do the sponsors think they are fooling?
Even more morally reprehensible if that is possible, are the non-stop, insipid commercials for prescription medications with lots of Xs & Zs in their names, supposedly one presumes, to make them sound potent. They promise to cure any ailment, followed by a crushing list of possible side-effects that is delivered at warp speed by hired speakers with forked tongues. Plus, each and every one of these commercials includes the admonition to ‘tell your doctor what is wrong with you’him and to axx him how he feels about providing you with a prescription to access these poison cures.
Then, there is that ober-nox-ious pillow pusher who glibly guarantees you instant and glorious sleep by him customizing one of his pillows, simply by scientifically punching it into a configuration that magically renders it specifically shaped to precisely accommodate your individual, misshapen neck & spine.
Oh, there’s more . . . much more however, this being Sunday, I’m committed to sit before one of my TVs and switch from channel to channel in order to assure that I demonstrate my ire and justifiable outrage at each NFL game being played by the ‘Knee-taking Millionaires’ replete with dreadlocks, beards and lunatic gyrations at the end of each tackle, sack, touchdown or yellow flag being thrown. One can only imagine the out-of-this-world joy it must be to attend one of these games in person and thrill at the outlay of a thousand bucks or more for such an obvious hustle. And, to be there live, to view the game at such a distance as to not be able to follow the football but, to be able to view it on the Jumbotron at the far end of the field – what a pleasure!
But now, back to my TV viewing – I always have a pencil and paper close by to write down the names of the diverse racial, ethnic and sexually-liberated lawyers who comprise the dozen-or-so names in the masthead of the legal firms that are so ready, willing and able to fight the good fight on my behalf, if only I’ll permit them to sue somebody, anybody, for anything that might possibly have been done to me by one of this nation’s thousands of demonic, bungling surgeons.
Then, there is that utterly obernoxious Pillsbury dough-Girl dressed in white (why?) with the word, ‘PROGRESSIVE’ emblazoned in blue across her white apron (why an apron?) who has the identical effect on me that I get when I stick my finger down my throat. What is it about these ludicrous commercials that causes me to wretch, in addition to knowing that the insurance company that sponsors this eye & ear pollution, is funded by George Soros, among other Communists and assorted, unsavory leftists that you wouldn’t want to babysit your children. If for no other reason than I know the Harley Owners Group doesn’t include even one member motorcyclist who patronizes this ‘insurance company’, I would wish to see ‘PROGRESSIVE’ take a nose-dive into obscurity. I can assure you of that.
As to the many weight-loss advertisers that promise highly-unlikely miracles, they send me fleeing to the fridge, just to see what fattening foods I can find to jam into my mouth before resuming my semi-prone position in front of one of my three TV’s. Did I mention that I have three TVs in my home?
MORT KUFF © 11-12-2017Sunday, November 19, 2017
Are Cops Targeting Black Males and Killing Them?
If you listen to the “racial arsonists” like Black Lives Matter, the Congressional Black Caucus, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the “kneeling” NFL players, you'd think that the police around the country are indiscriminately targeting “innocent” blacks and killing them. Is there any substance to those charges? Let's examine the facts.
The FBI released its 2016 crime tally recently, and it is in direct conflict with the above named groups or people who are claiming police are unjustifiably killing black males for apparently no other reason other than they are black.
According to the liberal Washington Post newspaper, in 2016, the police shot 233 blacks, the vast majority who were armed and dangerous. The paper categorized only 16 black victims of police shootings as being “unarmed”. That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
According to crime reporter, Heather MacDonald of the City Journal, contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males should fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.
More facts. Black males made up 42% of all cop killers over the last decade, though they are only 6% of the population. That 18.5% ratio, of cops being killed by black males undoubtedly worsened in 2016.
Where have most of the killings of black males taken place? Here's a breakdown of murders taken place (most murders were of black males) in some of the cities of the United States that are mostly all run by Democrat politicians and inhabited by a large percentage, if not a majority, of mostly black residents. Out of the 5,100 murders related to gun violence, 9.4% were in Chicago (480 homicides – this year (2017) the murder total has already gone over 500); 6.7% in Baltimore (344 homicides); 6.5% in Detroit (333 homicides); 2.3% in Washington D.C (119 homicides which is over a 54% increase from prior years). So, 25% of all gun homicides happens in just 4 cities, and all these cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of gun laws that is the root cause. Most people attribute this increase in violent crime to the breakdown in the family and the absence of a father figure in the home environment, and the increase in drug trafficking. Other cities with high violent crime rates are St. Louis, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Miami etc., all liberal Democrat-run cities. Do you think there a correlation in that fact?
In Chicago, most all of the 500 plus homicides committed against blacks are by other blacks, not the police.
That phony chant by the Black Lives Matter organization, “Hands up, Don't Shoot”, has been proven to be a lie. This was a carryover from the incident in Ferguson, Missouri whereby a “white” police officer was acquitted by a jury of the murder of a black youth (which decision was subsequently approved by the Obama Justice Dep't) and from which violent riots ensued . This same “racist” group BLM, are the same one's who have gone around the country chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon” (referring to police officers), and “What do we want, DEAD COPS, When do we want it, NOW”. This racial agitation has been supported by former President Barack Obama, who had invited them to the White House, and by most of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus who have openly supported them. Never have we seen such a racial divide, at least since the Civil War, as we have now. It seems that everything revolves around the term “racism”, real or imagined, and many in the black community blame their plight on white “racism”, when, in fact, they should look in the mirror and see who are the real racists?
In conclusion, there is no concerted effort on the part of the police to target and kill innocent black males, in fact, it is the police who should fear the violence against them. When a policeman violates his oath of office, he should face the consequences of his wrongful actions, but this blanket condemnation of the police in targeting the killing of blacks is a total sham and is unwarranted and should be condemned.
Conservative commentary of Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 16, 2017
We now have the chance to turn America on again
I am suffering BS fatigue listening to the rhetoric coming
from phony liberal black supremacists who depict them-
selves holier than thou, by keeping racism alive and milking
it for everything they can get out of it, accusing conservatives
of being the racists.
On behalf of minorities and people of color, liberal media is
depicting civil rights as exclusive to them.
Political correctness, affirmative action, anti 2nd Amendment
and 1st Amendment rights for conservatives are designed to
deprive conservatives of their civil rights.
It isn't whites who are responsible for the black illegitimate
births that create teenage mothers and fatherless families,
that in some inner cities are as much as 80%.
It isn't whites who murder blacks in Chicago and in other black
neighborhoods. It is by other blacks.
It is an attitude of victimization that deters them from progress
into a productive society.
It is idolizing the wrong role models who set bad examples to
follow. There are many none whites who broke out of the
victimization mold and called Uncle Toms that are setting
examples to follow and be proud of.
Eight years of the Obama era turned the real America off. We
now have the chance to turn America on again.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Is Free Speech in Trouble?
Never in the history of the United States has the right of “freedom of speech” been so challenged as in the last decade or so. If you have an opinion that does not comply with a certain group or groups, you might become subject of abuse, censorship, and even threats of physical harm. The sector of the population most susceptible to this denial of free speech are the conservatives and people of religious faith, who have been targeted for repression of their views, thoughts, and ideas. A perfect example is the recently admitted IRS (Internal Revenue Service) attacks against conservative groups prior to the 2012 election. After repeated lawsuits, the IRS finally has agreed that they “illegally” targeted these groups and have now agreed to reimburse these conservative groups for the IRS harassment of denying or delaying their petitions for tax exempt status. But, there have been no meaningful penalties against the perpetrators of this prejudicial action, including the past IRS supervisor, Lois Lerner, who got away “scot free” and was allowed to retire with a very nice government pension.
Over the past decade or so, persons espousing conservative views have been denied the opportunity or chance to speak at various colleges and public events by people mainly representing the left, who disagree with their views and, sometimes, to their personal animosity ttoward the speaker. The so-called “free speech universities” have been some of the more egregious venues where the suppression has taken place. The University of California at Berkeley is a prime example of the stifling of free speech. This was the school back in the 60's and 70's that was home to the “free speech movement” (of course, even back then the speech that was “free”, was liberal speech).
Very seldom, if any, do you read about conservatives (or Republicans) shutting down a liberal speaker, it is always the other way around ( ex: Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Dinesh D'Souza, Alan Derschowitz (a Democrat and supporter of Israel), Pamela Geller, and certain authors of controversial books that the left has deemed unacceptable).
Today, “political correctness” has taken hold in many areas of our society. These “unelected” protectors of what should or not be allowed to be expressed in public (the P.C Police), have taken over many college campuses across the country, led by radical professors and brain-washed students. If you don't comply with what they deem a proper position of the issues, they will disrupt you and try shut you down from speaking. The trend today, is that if you espouse a conservative or religious viewpoint, you will be called a “racist” or a “bigot”, only because you challenge the viewpoints of the “P.C. Police”.
The word “racist” is being used constantly by the “liberal left” as a catchphrase for anybody whose views are deviating from the accepted liberal playbook. Two of the greatest practitioners of using the word “racist” are the two liberal “race-baiters”, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, both Democrats, who are masters of the “racial shakedown”. These phony “civil rights” leaders are nothing but con artists and shakedown specialists. Their glory days were during the 8 years of the Obama Administration, as they both had unlimited access to the White House. Now, with Pres. Trump, residing in the White House, they don't have that access or platform to further their “race hustling”.
So, in conclusion, our 1st Amendment rights are under attack, but with Pres. Trump in charge and in the White House, you have someone who isn't afraid to take on these “free speech” suppressors. The biggest obstacles to these anarchists being able to continue on their attacks on free speech, are the media, who should be in the forefront of preserving free speech, but are noticeably absent because most of the members of the 4th Estate” are politically left-leaning liberals, therefore they generally turn a blind eye to the plight of conservatives and people of faith.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 9, 2017
MORT’s meanderings
It is my assessment that ‘DIVERSITY’ per se, is as contra-indicated in a nation’s make-up as would be a cook’s recipe for a dish that contains one-each of every vegetable, fruit, fish, fowl & meat available on Earth. It is a totally useless burden to impose upon a nation, when it represents nothing more than the pursuit of the lunacy that is ‘Political Correctness’. To bet the store on collecting a diverse ‘representative’ number of unvetted foreign immigrants of all political persuasions and indoctrinations of un-American zealotry, simply to foster the pipe-dream of a nation of some 300+ million people all sitting around a camp-fire and singing, ‘Kumbaya’, makes no sense to me.
Further, it is my observation that an astonishingly large portion of the people who reside in the United States of America are committed to blindly chasing the illusion of ‘EQUIVALENCE’. In the ‘Declaration of Independence’, the initial document conceived and produced by the Founding Fathers of this nation, the first sentence in the second paragraph states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal - -”. Nowhere in this or any of the Founding documents to follow, is there any mention implied or otherwise that guarantees equal outcome of fame or fortune for all citizens. To infer that such ‘equivalence’ is somehow a right, is to add more pie-in-the-sky verses to, ‘Kumbaya’.
It seems to me that the impossible leap from stark reality to the pursuit of the lunacy of Government-imposed equivalence, is never a problem for Democrats. These rigidly-inflexible Americans are seen to embrace the concept of equivalence that includes white supremacists, the biased media, Holocaust deniers, race hustlers, devotees of Islam, ISIS, Palestinian separatists, haters of Israel, President Trump and all Republicans & Conservatives, and the entire litany of Obama’s divisive policies. I hear the echo of that hoary chant of past decades, “Can’t we all get along?” It is not impossible. Just, terribly unlikely.
MORT KUFF © 11-7-2017Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hillary and Bill: The Bonnie and Clyde of Politics!
Although the Clinton's have not robbed a bank (as yet!), their greedy tentacles have tainted many other areas of life. Let's try to go through a short litany of shady deals that they have been involved in (other than Bill's sexual peccadilloes) in their public life in politics.
At the end of his presidency, the Clinton's claimed that they were flat “broke” (her words) and upon departing the White House, they walked off with approximately $200,000 of furnishings and fixtures of the White House. They had to return 75% of the “loot” they took as they left the White House. That was just the beginning of the shady deals that these “grifters” engaged in over the next 17 years.
Both wrote books about their experiences and, as a result, they became millionaires. Nobody begrudges their right to make money like capitalists, but they were constantly railing about the 1% of rich people that they just became part of.
Immediately upon becoming private citizens, Hillary decided to run for a vacant U.S. Senate seat from the State of New York, and her husband (commonly referred to as “Slick Willie”), started up a “charitable” organization called the Clinton Foundation (and an off-shoot, the Clinton Global Initiative). Even though she won the senate seat in New York, everyone knew that her ultimate goal was to become president.
Bill was very busy in his retirement also by going around the United States and around the world giving speeches to both private companies and foreign countries who wanted access to the “benefits” that the U.S. had to offer. Since it was a foregone conclusion that Hillary would become president in the future, a donation to the Clinton Foundation would be a good move to get a foot in the door.
Unfortunately for the Clinton's, Hillary lost the nomination to Barack Obama in 2008, but as a consolation prize for her loss and for her support of Obama during the general campaign, she was appointed Secretary of State. In that position, she was able to make favorable decisions for varied groups of people and countries who wanted to do “business” with the United States. During her tenure at the State Department, Bill's speaking fees went up precipitously and donations to the Clinton Foundation also increased tremendously. A good example, that is presently being exposed as I write this, is the “Uranium One” deal with the Russians, whereby the Russians gained access to 20% of our uranium reserves, which Hillary had to sign off on, along with other agencies of the government, in order for the deal to go through. Coincidentally, Bill got a $500,000 speaking fee from a Russian bank with ties to Russian President Putin, and the Clinton Foundation got a cash donation of over $100 million. Do you think these transactions have the appearance of a “quid pro quo” or a pay-to-play arrangement? We'll soon find out.
The shenanigans of these shady deals were in addition to Hillary's less than honorable activities as Secretary of State, which included the Benghazi debacle where 4 Americans lost their lives for lack of adequate security which the State Department was responsible for, and for which she blamed a nondescript video that caused the deaths of these Americans (a lie). Add on her use of an “illegal server” in conducting her duties as Secretary of State, and you have a cornucopia of slimy activities perpetrated by Hillary in her job, and by Bill's activities in generating large speaking fees and donations to the Clinton Foundation as a result of Hillary's job as Secretary of State.
Since Hillary lost the election in 2016, the Clinton's closed down the “Clinton Global Initiative”, most likely because the donees stopped donating because they could not get any benefits from a losing candidate for president. Does that make sense? I'm sure many of those individuals and countries were disappointed in the fact that Hillary didn't become president. Well, don't feel sorry for the Clinton's, they now have access to hundreds of millions of dollars which is still sitting in the Clinton Foundation and available for use by them and their cronies.
With all these shady activities by these two self-serving politicians, it would be appropriate and proper to call Hillary and Bill the “Bonnie and Clyde” of politics.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Vulnerability in the Hands of a Political Hacks
When people in uniform opt to join a special forces unit
like the Rangers, Green Berets or Seals, they know what
they are getting into, involving the risk they will be taking
to serve their country above and beyond.
This makes them heroes, and to interpret it in any other way,
knowing what they were getting into in any other way is
ignorance. The grieving widow of Sgt. La Davis Johnson
was open to vulnerability from Congresswoman, Frederica
Wilson, who eavesdropped on the condolence call from the
Presidentand turn it into political antagonism against him to
fuel the feud she created.
It's ironic that in the past she has voted mostly against
legislation to help veterans and their families.
Conservative column from George Giftos
Michelle Obama & Her BIG MOUTH Do NOT Speak for Me | Michelle Malkin
Former first lady Michelle Obama opened her big mouth recently and
stuck her Jimmy Choo-heeled foot in it. “As far as I'm concerned, any
woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own
voice,” MOOCH Elle carped. “Well, to me that just says you don’t
like your voice. You like the thing we’re told to like.” Hold up, sister.
Corruptocrat Nanny State hack Hillary Clinton is NOT Michelle Malkin's
voice. And neither are you.
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