Sunday, February 7, 2016

MORT’s meanderings

Hillary Robbem Clinton
No more unfit misfit has ever run for the Office of the President of the United States, than Hillary Robbem Clinton.
We’ve had a few more than our share of unfit misfits that have actually been seated in the Oval Office, thanks to a majority of misguided voters.  Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama jump to mind, immediately.     (*Pause to recover*)
I see that Madelyn NotSo Bright and Dick Durbin are supporting Hag Hillary’s ill-conceived run for the candidacy of the Delusional Dumbshit Democraps.  That’s sufficient information for me to prove my point.
Any one of the stage-full of Republican candidates who are currently trying to tear themselves to shreds, would be quantum leaps better than Hillary.  Try and try again as they might, to portray ‘Hag Hill’ as  possessing a rich record of accomplishment in public service, her loyal slugs have been unable to unearth and document even one genuine, positive, legitimate accomplishment,  Pretty sad, huh?
What manner of fools who proudly tag themselves as ‘Progessives’, does it take to rally ‘round a proven, untrustworthy liar who hasn’t a clue how to conduct herself in an interview, much less in public office? The only box she can check is that she thinks she is deserving because she’s been around Washington, D.C. for so long.  If that’s a legitimate qualifier, then the Old Post Office building on Pennsylvania Avenue is equally, if not more deserving as a presidential candidate.
         MORT KUFF   © 2-7-2016

MORT’s meanderings.

Pardon my bragging a bit, however . . . .
. . . it isn’t every day that I can point to the cover of a national publication and say, “Hey, look at my stuff.”
“ALLEGRO” is the monthly publication for members of AFM Local 802 NYC Musicians Union.  The Feb1016 edition is dedicated to African-American History Month and my drawing of Duke Ellington graces the cover.  Inside, there is a 2-page spread of several more of my drawings and my article recounting my recollections of seeing & listening to the ‘Duke’, in person.  
To access this on the internet, here’s the website address:   Click on ALLEGRO and then, Click on:  
Mort Kuff’s Tribute to the Masters.
You could say that I’m excited about this.  And, I am looking forward to the possibility of further show & tell of my pen portraits of favorite big band leaders and other musical heroes in future editions of this in-tune publication.

MORT KUFF   Feb 5, 2016

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