Sunday, October 4, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

Rocks & Shoals.   
I was introduced to ‘Rocks & Shoals’ during my U.S. Navy Boot Camp training in Memphis, TN in 1944. That was the informal name for the, ‘Articles for the Government of the U. S. Navy’.  Portions were to be  read to ‘all hands’, once a month in order that every sailor should become acutely aware that there was, ‘The Navy way – and no other way’. That specific education in addition to The Blue Jackets Manual combined to be ‘The Book’ a sailor lived by.  If you unfailingly ‘Went by the Book’, chances were pretty good that you could get through the day without becoming entangled in any serious trouble.
When I was in training as an Aviation Ordnanceman  / Combat Aircrewman (top- turret gunner), we were required to ‘Volunteer’ at the beginning of each new phase of that specialized training.  That meant, reciting and swearing to an Oath of Allegiance specifically relating to the nature of the information and training we would be receiving in order to carry out all future orders to fight our nations’ enemies and to protect & defend our citizens and our homeland.  We were never in doubt as to the seriousness of the charge we were given and had accepted as members of the U.S. Military in service to the United States of America.
It seems to me that many Members of the U. S. Congress, The Supreme Court, the President and his entire Administration - and even some elected officials elsewhere in the Federal Government complex throughout this country and all across the Globe, need to remind themselves periodically (like at least, once a month) of the Oath they swore to, that of ‘Protecting & Defending’ the Constitution of the United States, precisely as we did during WWII.  Surely, these busy people, these loyal servants of the people, can spare a few moments each month from their busy, busy schedules – to reiterate swearing of their ‘Oath’ to that sacred document gifted to all future citizens of this nation by the genius of our Founding Fathers.    Couldn’t hurt; might help!
                                                                                                 MORT KUFF    © 9-26-2015

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You freakin nailed it with the cartoons!