Sunday, April 30, 2017

“You Cannot Multiply Wealth by Dividing it”

That's a phrase that Dr. Adrian Rogers coined (in 1984) which today takes on special meaning by the policies put forth by the former Obama Administration, the Democrat Party, and its affect on our society.

The complete passage that Dr. Rogers wrote is as follows:
  • You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
  • You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
  • The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
  • Whenever somebody receives something without working for it, somebody else has to work for it without receiving.
  • When half the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, this is the beginning of the end for any nation.

Can any of you see any of these prescient ideas coming true in our society today?

The onslaught is real and the people pushing these Marxist/Socialist tenets, are active right now in the Democratic Party (a/k/a Liberals and Progressives).

The Democrats want to legislate higher than normal taxes on the wealthy claiming that they don't give their “fair share” to the government.

The Democrats believe the Marxist idea of “redistribution of wealth”, which was proclaimed by Obama himself to “Joe the Plumber” during the 2008 campaign, and Hillary and Bernie in the 2016 election, is the path to prosperity and social justice. Total economic illiteracy, but believed by many.

The Democrats and the Progressives want to give to the poor and middle-class “goodies” that are extracted from the well-to-do and be given to the masses as payment for their expected votes in future elections (for Democrats, of course).

The Democrats think they can generate wealth by taking from the makers and giving it to the takers (the Robin Hood syndrome). It looks like they missed that class in Economics 101.

And, the Democrats and Obama think that the 10% of the population, who pay almost 70% of the income taxes, will be willing to cough up more and more to be distributed to the less wealthy among us.

This is blatant foolishness as people don't like to be taken for fools, especially intelligent, hard-working people who made a success out of their lives through their trials, tribulations, and risk taking. If they feel they are getting “screwed or the shaft” by their government, they have the means to move on or to vote with their feet by going to greener pastures, and that my friends will be the swan song for the once great country of the United States. We will then become the United States of Europe, who's failures you see unfolding right before our eyes today in the form of Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Hopefully, the election of President Donald Trump will prevent this from happening.

Once the “entitlement society” takes complete hold in a country, that country will ultimately fail because the burdens of the “entitlements” will be too great for the country to sustain. Look at what N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed for his state, free college tuition in any state run college or university, with the proviso that the student remains in the state for 4 years after graduation. It seems like the Democrat governor has to “bribe” his citizens to remain in his state by offering this “freebie”. Or maybe, he might be planning to run for president in 2020 and wants the millennial vote? Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton here we come, dija vu all over again.

Our only answer to prevent this from happening to us, is to vote out of office many of the Representatives and Senators (mostly all Democrats) that support the Marxist/Socialist policies of Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and Elizabeth (Warren) in 2018 and 2020. It won't be easy, but it can be done, if the Republicans can get their house in order. Maybe then we can “multiply wealth” for everyone who wants a piece of the pie and is willing to work for it. Remember, you can't make the poor rich by making the rich poor.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Government is the Door Keeper of Our Country

Believe it or not, not everyone wants America to be great again.
It began on President Obama's apology tour and has permeated
the minds of do-gooders who function on emotion rather than

Healing the nation after the damaging governance from the
previous administration is a long road ahead, because the ones
on the losing side won't accept the Constitutional results of the
election and the voice of the people, who have had enough of
political correctness and give away entitlements at the expense
of responsible citizenry.

Enclaves of mostly urban liberals keep voting self serving politicos
into leadership, whose main interest is holding on to their elected
positions by hook or crook, promising their constituent things they
don't have to earn or work for.

A contention left by the outgoing administration was the mess
it created, by not enforcing immigration laws already in the books.
A door in a home is opened when the identity of who is knocking on
it is known and accepted, keeping the uninvited out, protecting family
and possessions.

The government is the door keeper of our country. We found
dereliction of duty from the previous door keeper and did something
about it, by replacing him and revoking the free passes awarded to
his cronies, who haven't taken this lightly, resorting to throwing rocks
at windows of the new tenant and resorting to toilet papering any new
attempts to move the country forward (stalling cabinet and SCOTUS
appointments) creating mischief to hamper the progress and function
of the new administration. Hopefully they will write PC's obituary.

A country without borders ceases to be sovereign, but a land of chaos.

Conservative column from George Giftos

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Should Outrageous College Tuition Costs be Considered a “Crime”?

Many of the so-called millennial's who attend college today, are racking up debt that is out of proportion to what they receive when they finally get their diplomas. The total student debt is estimated to be over a trillion dollars and rising.

The question that must be asked, is it fair that colleges charge so much in tuition fees, as they have increased the tuition fees at 3 times the inflation rate over the past few years?

What is ironic is that many of these expensive (both private and public) colleges and universities have endowments in the many millions, and in the case of some, in the billions (especially the ultra-expensive “Ivy League” universities - ex: Harvard $37 billion and Yale $23 billion etc.) In addition to these enormous endowments, which by the way are tax-free, many (if not all) receive federal funds and grants in the millions each year, and still they continue to raise the tuition to the students attending their colleges and universities. To give you some idea as to what the U.S. Government gives to these schools in the form of federal money, here is an example:

1. Johns-Hopkins University - $1.9 billion in federal funds ($2.6 billion endowment).

2. University of Washington - $950 million in federal funds ($2.2 billion endowment).

3. University of Michigan - $820 million in federal funds ($7.7 billion endowment).

These were just a few examples of schools with billion dollar endowments who receive government funding while their tuition rates increase yearly, way above the inflation rate. Maybe these school endowments should have their yearly profits taxed like the rest of us are taxed?

Why are tuition's going up so fast? Some have blamed the fact that the government has made available to students, government guaranteed loan assistance, and that has emboldened the schools to raise tuition costs as the loans are guaranteed by the government, thereby minimizing default by its student recipients to the colleges they are attending. It is a win-win situation for the greedy colleges.

In 1976, tuition in private colleges and universities (in 2016 dollars) was $10,000. Now, they're $33,000. For public colleges and universities there was a fourfold increase from $2,500 to $10,000.

Many colleges and universities have students emerge ill-educated by comparison to the tuition paid by the student. They have trained too many of the students to be unemployed. In addition, the students come out of school as “debt slaves” where much of what they earn goes to payoff their debts. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, during their campaigns for president, promised to make a college education “tuition-free”, which was just campaign rhetoric to generate the college vote (totally unrealistic, and just a ploy for getting votes).

Much of these increases in tuition rates goes into a bloated administrative staff and to pay exorbitant salaries to professors and assistants. To show the “bloat” at some schools is the case of high profile professor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was paid $500,000 for teaching one law class at Harvard University, so while students suffer from burgeoning tuition costs, their professors are living on the “gravy train” of inflated faculty salaries. Shouldn't some of these “gigantic” endowments be used to make the college experience less financially burdensome to the students attending their school? We have allowed the colleges to run up the tab (with government subsidies) and populate the campus with idiotic, worthless courses (mainly with a “social agenda”) and administrative bloat, and a good dose of “political correctness” mixed in.

So, it is incumbent upon us to try to stop this “cancer” on America's higher education by bringing down this outrage of excessively high tuition costs. Yes, it would be a “crime” if nothing is done to remedy this situation.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

Compassion, Humiliation
and other Political dalliances.
Many of us recall with regret, the theme of former President George W. Bush’s first Presidential campaign – the well-intended attempt at fostering ‘Compassionate Conservatism’. No one understood what it meant and yet, good money was thrown after bad at the concept, in the hope that more Government giveaways would somehow, engender goodwill among men.  Pardon me while I try to purge my memory of how well all that turned out.  If I remember correctly, it was laughed off Capitol Hill.
The ‘First-black-face-in-the-White House’ crowd; the ‘Goody 2-Shoes Brigade’ and the ‘Something-for-Nothing’ crowd of delusional Democrats gave us Barack Hussein Obama and ‘Humiliation’ - in one fell swoop.  Obama, was steeped in Islamist ideology from the time he was shuttled from his rabid Socialist-Communist parents through a series of indoctrinations at the hands of various societal deviates and Islam-oriented mentors.  He was an apt student.  He became expert at using ‘Humiliation’ and intimidation as effective political tactics all the while he was engaged in the dubious pursuit of Community Organizing on the crime-ridden streets of Chicago.
As President, he honed his techniques in the use of these twin tactics of Middle East thuggery to gain advantages over his political opponents. Conversely, he eschewed ‘Compassion’.  There is no forensic evidence of his employing compassion in any situation or with anyone on his list of political enemies.  Obama paid lavish lip service to the nobler aspects of humanity however, his deeds never jibed with his insincere rhetoric - not by a long shot; not for an instant. And yet, despite the obvious failure of every piece of legislation and every tyrannical edict he forced through the Capitol ‘using his pen and his phone’ – he devastated the economy, compromised national security, decimated our military and scuttled our reputation in all the capitals of the world – he was re-elected to serve a second term. Thus, we endured 4 more years of his ineptitude at governing, aside from his highly successful, divisive treachery.  
And so. the result of the recent Presidential election was that Obama, the arrogant Narcissistic, pompous ass and his utterly corrupt, failed, former Secty of State, the infamous Hillary, were humiliated and cast aside like yesterday’s trash.  Who could have done such a thing to these smarter-than-everyone else icons?  Why, none other than millions of those insignificant. middle-class Americans who live in fly-over country and cling to their Bibles and guns.  Oh yes, and Donald J. Trump.      Heh, Heh, Heh!
               MORT KUFF  © 12-2-2013

MUST WATCH: The Real Housewives Of ISIS

Hat tip to Zvi in Israel.

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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Who Determines What is “Fair”?

“Fair”, that's the key word among the Democrats (a/k/a Liberals and Progressives) as they try to justify their quest of taking something of value (money) from the successful and giving it to the less successful, all under the guise of the term “fairness”.

What or who gives the Democrats the right to pick winners and losers? The Democrats rail against the “evil” oil companies, for example, who produce most of our usable energy needs, while they want to give taxpayer funds to “green energy” companies (ex: Solyndra etc.), many of whom have gone out of business after they got the government “Stimulus” money guarantees (remember the boondoggle of the Obama “Stimulus” in 2009?)

Is that fair?

They also demonize the “rich” as not paying their “fair share”, but never mention the fact that the top 10% of wage earners pay almost 70% of all the income taxes collected.

Is that fair?

They rail against the billionaires and millionaires, and they want to raise taxes on people who earn $200,000 ($250,000 for a married couple), who are a far cry away from the exalted income earners they mention constantly, the billionaires (like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet) and millionaires ( like the Clinton's and the Obama's).

Is that fair?

During the recent deep “recession” our country was in, Obama and the Democrat Party wanted to raise the taxes of our corporations, who already paid the highest rate in the world. We now have the distinction of being #1 again, but for the wrong reason.

Is that fair?

Within the Democrat Party, you have certain people who preach tax fairness, but who have underpaid their own taxes (ex: Tim Geithner, former Sec'y. of the Treasury under Obama; former Democrat Majority Leader Tom Daschle; and former Ways and Means Chairman, Rep. Charlie Rangel (to name just a few). Hypocrites all.

Is that fair?

When people, who are unemployed and receive many weeks of unemployment benefits, which are paid for by those who work full-time jobs, and who are trying to make ends meet through their taxes.

Is that fair?

According to the I.R.S., nearly 4 out of 10 American households pay no federal income taxes. Shouldn't everybody have some “skin in the game” by paying something?

Is that fair?

According to the CBO, federal employees receive salaries and benefits that are nearly 50% higher than those who work in the private sector, and whose taxes pay their salaries and benefits.

Is that fair?

The State of So. Carolina, a few years ago, which had a high unemployment rate, was denied, by the NLRB (controlled by the Democrats), the opportunity of having a plant built by the Boeing Company because So. Carolina was a “right-to-work” state, thereby depriving the state of thousands of potential jobs ( after Boeing made a deal with the union in the State of Washington, the So. Carolina plant was finally O.K'd).

Is that fair?

So as you can see, the people who pontificate about “fairness” are probably some of the most “unfair” people in the whole country, I'm referring to the Democrats, of course. Do we really want them or their cronies to determine what is “fair” or not?

Let's make the results of 2016 the end of an error by continuing to vote out of office in 2018 and 2020, those Congressmen and Senators that support the Marxist/Socialist policies of the Democrats.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Complacency Jeopardizes the Miracle called America

The degree of unrestrained hatred is approaching epidemic
proportion that is being fueled by the national media and
irresponsible government representatives who prey on their
contingency, mostly from down trodden urban communities.

Society classifies them as minorities by their ethnicity or race.
They are in the lower end of society because the upper end
has kept them there, to be used by these elitists politically.

Ignorance is the reason they are minority classified. They are
easily manipulated when they are told Conservatives are out
to get Santa Clause and all their free stuff is in jeopardy,
and they have a right to be mad with hate; but that madness has
reached a crescendo synonymous with insanity, reaching
dangerous levels where Madonna talks about blowing up the
White House and Snoopy Dogg takes a pop shot at an
effigy of President Trump. These examples create John Wilkes
Booths and Lee Harvey Oswalds.

K Street and responsible citizens cannot allow this to go on if
our country is to survive.

Complacency jeopardizes the miracle called America.

Conservative column from George Giftos

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Sunday, April 9, 2017

Win the Battle and Lose the War!

Once again Republicans showed how not to lead by failing to do what they said they would do.

They spent the last 7 years proclaiming that if the voters vote them into power, they would “repeal and replace” Obamacare. So, when given the chance by controlling the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, they failed big time.

Contrary to how the Democrats operated in passing Obamacare by voting for the bill even though they had reservations about it, the Republicans blew it. Yes, the Democrat leadership used bribery and arm-twisting, but in the end, the Democrats walked in lock step to pass the monstrosity called Obamacare. Not so with the Republicans, some being so much the ideologues, they couldn't accommodate each other to come to a consensus to pass a “repeal and replace” bill.

It is an honorable trait to have principles and to stick with them, but sometimes in order to get what you want you might have to swallow things you don't like now in order to get what you want later on.

I was a supporter of the Tea Party movement, but some of its adherents are “ideological purists” who say it's my way or the highway. No compromise, no giving up one inch of their principles for the greater good seems to be their modus operandi. It seems that the Republicans are their own worse enemies, again.

The recent failure of the bill getting rid of the disaster called Obamacare, is a perfect example. Whether or not the bill that failed was good or bad, it was a start considering that the Democrats would not go along with anything proposed by the Republicans. The rules of the Washington political establishment make proposing new legislation a difficult task to accomplish. When our leaders, in crafting legislation, have to contend with these archaic rules, it sometimes causes the instituting of reform very difficult to achieve.

President Trump tried his skill of negotiating to help pass the bill, but he couldn't overcome the rabid ideologues in his own party who wanted a bill that incorporated 100% of their ideas.

Maybe, on second thought, it might just be a blessing in disguise for the Republicans, as of now the impending implosion of Obamacare is now fully owned by the Democrats. They would have to answer to the voters (especially the the middle-class who are getting killed by enormous premiums and outrageous deductibles) that all the hoopla that they could keep their doctor, their health care plan, and that they would save $2,500 for a family of 4, were all lies and that their gloating over the Republican defeat of their proposed bill to repeal and replace, is like sticking their finger in the eye of the vast majority of the over-burdened middle-class people who are being hurt by this stupid health care bill called Obamacare.

Yes, the anti-American Health Care cadre who opposed the bill won the battle, but in the process they lost the war. You could say that the Republicans are their own worst enemy. Let's hope they can gather their thoughts and work together on getting the rest of the Trump agenda passed for the benefit of the country.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

You can tell a lot about a President from the
way he descends the stairs of Air Force One.

I am deadly serious about this.  We can all recall the way  Barack Hussein Obama held his clenched hands together in front of himself as he minced down the stairs like a Fairy Godmother. When he remembered to do it, he saluted as he passed the squared-away Marine in dress blues who stood at statue-like attention at the bottom of the stairs – Obama never, ever looked at the Marine Guard or otherwise acknowledged his presence when he saluted – and true to form, he saluted like a faggot-Fairy Godmother.  It was a pitiful and genuinely disgusting sight to witness and one that was best purged immediately from one’s memory.
Have you noticed how President Donald Trump descends the stairs of Air Force One?  He descends the stairs with confidence at a steady pace, jacket open and his long necktie flowing in the breeze.  As he takes the last two steps, he turns slightly toward his right to face the Marine Guard and executes a sharp military salute. And I’ve noticed that when he is ready to ascend the stairs, he looks directly at the Marine, snaps a salute of respect and climbs the stairs.   
Yep. You can tell a lot about a President from the way he descends the stairs of Air Force One. Thanks, Pres.Trump.

                                                                          MORT KUFF   © 2-4-2017

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Sunday, April 2, 2017

The “Marxist Brothers”!

Now that the Democrats have lost the presidential election, they have proven that the party has turned to the “far left” by choosing Thomas Perez and Rep. Keith Ellison to be Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Democrat National Committee. These two are being called the “Marxist Brothers” because of their radical leftist philosophy and actions while in public office.

The leftist tilt (whatever happened to the “Blue Dog” Democrats?) of the Democrat Party was mentioned by pundits as one of the major causes and reasons why they lost the presidential election to Donald Trump, and has left the Democrat Party in shambles, and by giving the G.O.P. the majorities in both the Senate and the House, besides 34 state governorship's and over 1,000 Republican state and local elected positions. It seems that the Democrat Party is doubling down on their leftist tilt by naming Perez and Ellison to head the DNC. The Republicans are ecstatic.

Who are these new leaders of the Democrat National Committee? Let's see:

Thomas Perez, a civil rights lawyer from the State of Maryland, and of Dominican Republic descent, has previously held positions as Deputy Assistant Attorney General in charge of civil rights, and as President Obama's Secretary of Labor. Perez, as an Assistant in the Obama Justice Department, was the one who recommended dropping the voter intimidation charges against the Black Panthers, who were charged with bringing weapons into a polling place. He, at one time, testified that he didn't think “white people” are protected

by the Voting Rights Act. In addition, ala Hillary Clinton, he used a private e-mail address to dodge accountability of communicating with organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the N.Y. Times etc. He was also an ardent supporter of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, which most economists claim is a job killer, especially among the youth and minorities.

It was a well known fact that he was endorsed by, the Democrat establishment, both Obama and Hillary whereas his opponent for chairman, Ellison, was endorsed by socialist Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Chuck Schumer. Perez was named chairman on the second ballot by a margin of 35 votes.

Upon being elected, Perez, in an attempt to gain party unity, moved to have the committee, by acclamation, name his rival Ellison as Vice-Chairman. This the delegates did do.

As for Vice-Chairman Ellison, he also has a history of left leaning tendencies. As an example, he has a 100% rating from the pro-abortion group called NARAL; he has come out against gun rights (amending the 2nd Amendment); he wants to normalize relations with that state sponsor of terrorism, Iran; he voted to bring charges of impeachment of former Vice-President Dick Cheney for his so-called “high crimes and misdemeanors”; and he also claimed that the militant leader of the Nation of Islam of which he was once a member), Louis Farrakhan, was not an anti-Semite, even after he called Judaism a “gutter religion”; he has called for “reparations” to blacks for slavery, which ended over 150 years ago; and to top off his troubling resume he has received and accepted campaign contributions from an “un-indicted” terrorist organization called CAIR (Council of American-Islamic Relations).

In case you are unaware, Ellison is black and he is a practicing Muslim, which might account for many of his past actions and statements.

To point out some more bizarre behavior, as Ellison and Wasserman-Schultz were sitting together at the State of the Union address by President Trump, both refused to clap, even as bi-partisan issues, like job creation, were mentioned, and both sat on their hands and didn't stand when the widow of a killed-in-action Navy Seal was introduced by President Trump. They looked as though it was the worst moment in their lives as almost everyone else stood up and applauded out of respect.

So, as you can see, it looks like the Democrats didn't learn their lesson after losing the last election, mainly by tilting so far left by voting in these two radical, left-leaning leaders - the title “The Marxist Brothers” seems to fit these two to a tee.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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