That supposedly incongruous fact is heresy to liberal Democrats, as it is ingrained in their psyche that we always need more government revenue and imposing or raising taxes is the way to accomplish that end. I hate to burst their bubble, but, as usual, they are economically wrong and history bears that out.
John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush all lowered the marginal income tax rates and government revenue increased as a result. Despite that fact, liberal Democrats have put on their blinders and have been using as their battle cry, throughout the decades, that we must increase the tax rates to get more revenue, especially against the high income earners whom they despise and demonize in order to try to appeal to the larger base of voters who are considered the so-called middle-class and poor. They never mention the fact that the top 10% of all taxpayers (people making more than $114,000) pay approximately 70% of all income taxes. There's a limit as to how much taxes they are willing to pay.
Because of the lowered Bush tax rates, put into effect in 2001 and 2003, the amount of revenue collected by the government increased by over a half a trillion dollars over the collections of 2000 to 2007. So how come when we lowered tax rates, the revenue went up? Doesn't that go against the prevailing opinion of the liberal Democrats that the tax rates caused the tremendous deficits that we are experiencing today? Not really. We don't have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem, and President Obama and the Democrats have been acting like “drunken sailors” (I apologize to drunken sailors as they are pikers as compared to them) in spending the taxpayers money and borrowed money. In fact, the spending is absurdly above historical levels right now and is unsustainable. It is driven by payments for individuals (64% of federal outlays) and entitlements, especially health care spending. ObamaCare did not bend the health care curve down, either, it bent it up.
Another fallacy brought up constantly by the liberal Democrats, is that the deficit is due to military spending. That is a myth. If military spending had been eliminated in its entirety in 2009, the deficit would still have been $776 billion. An historical high. Defense spending is 1/5 of the federal budget and less than 5% of GDP. In fact, President Bush presided over smaller defense budgets (as a fraction of GDP) than all the presidents from 1941 through 1993.
What the liberals don't understand about economics is the principle of the “point of diminishing returns”. When you raise taxes over and above the point where the people being taxed feel that it is unfair, they will use loopholes in the law (because they can hire professionals such as accountants and tax lawyers), and they are able to adjust their spending patterns so that they will wind up paying less at the higher rates than they would have paid under the lower rates. They also may vote with their “feet” and move to a more hospitable tax environment, like overseas.
Because many liberals are brainwashed into thinking that successful people (ex. high income earners) must've gotten those monetary gains by way of cheating or by exploiting others, they want to punish them by raising their income taxes (the class warfare ploy). Envy seems to be the major, staple sin that infects most liberals. If I can't achieve what you have achieved, than I want to “even out” the playing field and redistribute your money to the less successful, is their battle cry. That's right out of the Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky playbooks.
So if the government wants to get more revenue, don't raise the marginal tax rates because lower (reasonable) tax rates equal increased revenue. That's a fact, look it up!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
My name is Jack Kasden. I am a resident of Century Village of West Palm Beach (that bastion of FDR idolatry). I am 75 years old. I was one of the founders of the first Century Village Republican Club in 2003, with the help of Sid Dinerstein and Alan Bergstein. I'd like to share some of my thoughts and concerns about our great country with you.
You know, we senior citizens are very knowledgeable about the past because we have seen so much, and therefore have an advantage over our children and grandchildren, and we can offer a plethora of advice regarding many things.
We should all be thankful that we were born when we were because our lives have been relatively peaceful. When we grew up we had very little to worry about. The depression was over and WW 2 was coming to an end. For the next 50 years, every once in a while, we gave thought about our touchy situation with the Soviets who also had nuclear weapons and may one day launch them. But, that was it. That was our biggest problem. Boy, were we lucky.
Today, our children and grandchildren are not so blessed. They have much to worry about. I feel that our nation is heading in the wrong direction. Us seniors, for the last year, have not had a cost of living adjustment added to our Social Security, and will not have one next year either (meanwhile, our Congressman have given themselves raises). For a lot of us that is not a problem, but think about the elderly nan or woman that just have their social security to fall back on and are having a difficult time meeting their expenses. How devastating that must be to them?
We are headed toward a socialist future whose consequences that we face are yet to be determined. But, I can tell you that it does not look good. ObamaCare, if not stopped, will be disastrous for seniors, especially in Florida. If that isn't enough, they also have the Muslim threat to worry about in 20 to 30 years. They are already making tremendous strides in many European countries and it is a preview of what is coming here. Just think how different things will be for our country when the Muslim population reaches close to a majority in the population?
The difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a liberal likes what is happening in Washington and will defend the present government and the choices that they made on election day two years ago. They live in the past and feel that everything will be fine as it always has been and let us not create any waves by opposing them.
The conservatives are able to determine where we are headed and see that the future is very bleak for our children and grandchildren and we worry for them. Before the election in 2008, Ed Koch came to Century Village to speak to the Democratic Club. He praised Obama and said he would make a good President and would be good for the Jewish people. Last year, he proclaimed his error in judgment and was very disappointed in him and he was very sorry that he misled so many people. The conservatives also see that health care reform will lead to panels that will determine whether people will live or die based on their age along with other factors. The government will force all health care companies to go out of business by taxing or regulating them to death. We are headed for a disastrous single-payer health care system just like Canada and Great Britain.
We are supposed to learn from history, but sometimes we are also headed on a similar erroneous path because we refuse to realize the danger that lies ahead. I digress for a moment and take you back 80 years. A young man came to power in Germany promising a revived and flourishing future for Germany and the people bought into it. He changed things for 8 years culminating in the 2nd World War and attempted the extermination of all Jewish people and others who opposed him. The people of Germany were lulled into a false sense of Utopia, and in the early 30's and after, they finally realized what was happening, but it was too late to do anything, Become part of the system or be put to death.
So do we want to become another Germany in 1930 or do we want to continue the Republic that was given to us in 1776. People must wake up or all is lost. We must be united and stand tall and work together to fight the constant daily deluge we are faced with from people trying to destroy our great nation. We must wake up just like the people in Ron Klein's Democratic stronghold did and said enough is enough and voted into office a true American hero, Allen West. I hope that is just the beginning of the real change that we need so badly.
Thanks to “Chuck on the Right Side” for giving me the opportunity to vent my feelings. I wish you all a very Happy New Year to one and all and let us all pray for our great country.
Conservative commentary by Jack Kasden
You know, we senior citizens are very knowledgeable about the past because we have seen so much, and therefore have an advantage over our children and grandchildren, and we can offer a plethora of advice regarding many things.
We should all be thankful that we were born when we were because our lives have been relatively peaceful. When we grew up we had very little to worry about. The depression was over and WW 2 was coming to an end. For the next 50 years, every once in a while, we gave thought about our touchy situation with the Soviets who also had nuclear weapons and may one day launch them. But, that was it. That was our biggest problem. Boy, were we lucky.
Today, our children and grandchildren are not so blessed. They have much to worry about. I feel that our nation is heading in the wrong direction. Us seniors, for the last year, have not had a cost of living adjustment added to our Social Security, and will not have one next year either (meanwhile, our Congressman have given themselves raises). For a lot of us that is not a problem, but think about the elderly nan or woman that just have their social security to fall back on and are having a difficult time meeting their expenses. How devastating that must be to them?
We are headed toward a socialist future whose consequences that we face are yet to be determined. But, I can tell you that it does not look good. ObamaCare, if not stopped, will be disastrous for seniors, especially in Florida. If that isn't enough, they also have the Muslim threat to worry about in 20 to 30 years. They are already making tremendous strides in many European countries and it is a preview of what is coming here. Just think how different things will be for our country when the Muslim population reaches close to a majority in the population?
The difference between a liberal and a conservative is that a liberal likes what is happening in Washington and will defend the present government and the choices that they made on election day two years ago. They live in the past and feel that everything will be fine as it always has been and let us not create any waves by opposing them.
The conservatives are able to determine where we are headed and see that the future is very bleak for our children and grandchildren and we worry for them. Before the election in 2008, Ed Koch came to Century Village to speak to the Democratic Club. He praised Obama and said he would make a good President and would be good for the Jewish people. Last year, he proclaimed his error in judgment and was very disappointed in him and he was very sorry that he misled so many people. The conservatives also see that health care reform will lead to panels that will determine whether people will live or die based on their age along with other factors. The government will force all health care companies to go out of business by taxing or regulating them to death. We are headed for a disastrous single-payer health care system just like Canada and Great Britain.
We are supposed to learn from history, but sometimes we are also headed on a similar erroneous path because we refuse to realize the danger that lies ahead. I digress for a moment and take you back 80 years. A young man came to power in Germany promising a revived and flourishing future for Germany and the people bought into it. He changed things for 8 years culminating in the 2nd World War and attempted the extermination of all Jewish people and others who opposed him. The people of Germany were lulled into a false sense of Utopia, and in the early 30's and after, they finally realized what was happening, but it was too late to do anything, Become part of the system or be put to death.
So do we want to become another Germany in 1930 or do we want to continue the Republic that was given to us in 1776. People must wake up or all is lost. We must be united and stand tall and work together to fight the constant daily deluge we are faced with from people trying to destroy our great nation. We must wake up just like the people in Ron Klein's Democratic stronghold did and said enough is enough and voted into office a true American hero, Allen West. I hope that is just the beginning of the real change that we need so badly.
Thanks to “Chuck on the Right Side” for giving me the opportunity to vent my feelings. I wish you all a very Happy New Year to one and all and let us all pray for our great country.
Conservative commentary by Jack Kasden
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Let's be a serial offender and stand the “Politically Correct” police on their dumb heads. Remember, just a few short years ago, your friends, family, comedians, and yes, “real bigots”, said things about others and other groups that today would be considered offensive to a highly, overly sensitive public? Back then, people laughed at the “diss” and many times came back with their own “diss”, meanwhile laughing at the exaggerations that the racial, ethnic, gender and religious jokes poked fun at. Very few took offense at these jokes.
Today, it is a different story. Real or imagined outrage is expressed when anybody crosses the “P.C. Police” line of what is right and what is wrong, and what can and what cannot be said or expressed in public. Who gave these self-appointed guardians of proper speech and action the right to tell others how to act and what to say?
Here are a few “politically incorrect” statements, jokes, and comments that should raise the hairs on the back of the necks of the self-righteous, indignant, overly sensitive people who are looking for any slur or pseudo-slur that might be said in jest or just in kidding around.
Let's see how many people we can offend (all in good-natured fun, of course).
*What is a Jewish nymphomaniac? Ans.- She's a Jewish girl who'll go to bed with a guy after she's just had he hair and nails done.
*What is smaller than the Swiss Navy? Ans.- The Italian Air Force.
How can you tell a Mexican girl is having her period? Ans.- She's only wearing one sock.
*Why does a Pollack keep his fly open? Ans.- Just in case he has to count to eleven.
*Did you hear about the new German microwave oven? It seats 45.
*What's an Irish 7 course meal? Ans.- A six-pack and a boiled potato.
*How was the “limbo” invented? Ans.- A Puerto Rican was sneaking under a pay toilet.
*What's the most confusing day in the black ghetto? Ans.- Father's Day.
*What word beginning in “A” means prince in Jewish? Ans.- “A” doctor.
*Did you hear about the Pollack who thought that Peter Pan was a wash basin in a whore house?
*How do you sink an Italian submarine? Ans.- You put it in the water.
*Why do Mexican women wear long skirts? Ans.- To hide their No-Pest Strips.
*What's the difference between an ex-wife and a barracuda? Ans.- Nail Polish.
*What's the plural of “yenta”? Ans.- Hadassah.
*What do you get when you cross a midget with an Italian? Ans.- A short garbageman. (this applies mainly to N.Y. And N.J.)
*How do you solve the Puerto Rican problem? Ans.- You tell blacks they taste like fried chicken.
*Germans are so dull I can't think of any funny lines.
*How can you tell when an Irish patient is recovering? Ans.- When he tries to blow the head off his medicine.
*How can you tell you're in a gay church? Ans.- Only half the congregation is standing.
*My ex-wife was an expert housekeeper. When we got divorced, she kept the house.
*Did you hear about the Pollack who thought that a Penal Colony was an all-male nudist camp?
These were the kind of jokes and comments that were made before “political correctness” came to play such a important part of our lives. Most of us laughed at the absurdity because that is what makes a joke or a comment funny. A certain amount of truth coupled with a gross exaggeration. And most of us laughed and were not offended. Ah, for the good old days, when men were men and not girlie-men!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Today, it is a different story. Real or imagined outrage is expressed when anybody crosses the “P.C. Police” line of what is right and what is wrong, and what can and what cannot be said or expressed in public. Who gave these self-appointed guardians of proper speech and action the right to tell others how to act and what to say?
Here are a few “politically incorrect” statements, jokes, and comments that should raise the hairs on the back of the necks of the self-righteous, indignant, overly sensitive people who are looking for any slur or pseudo-slur that might be said in jest or just in kidding around.
Let's see how many people we can offend (all in good-natured fun, of course).
*What is a Jewish nymphomaniac? Ans.- She's a Jewish girl who'll go to bed with a guy after she's just had he hair and nails done.
*What is smaller than the Swiss Navy? Ans.- The Italian Air Force.
How can you tell a Mexican girl is having her period? Ans.- She's only wearing one sock.
*Why does a Pollack keep his fly open? Ans.- Just in case he has to count to eleven.
*Did you hear about the new German microwave oven? It seats 45.
*What's an Irish 7 course meal? Ans.- A six-pack and a boiled potato.
*How was the “limbo” invented? Ans.- A Puerto Rican was sneaking under a pay toilet.
*What's the most confusing day in the black ghetto? Ans.- Father's Day.
*What word beginning in “A” means prince in Jewish? Ans.- “A” doctor.
*Did you hear about the Pollack who thought that Peter Pan was a wash basin in a whore house?
*How do you sink an Italian submarine? Ans.- You put it in the water.
*Why do Mexican women wear long skirts? Ans.- To hide their No-Pest Strips.
*What's the difference between an ex-wife and a barracuda? Ans.- Nail Polish.
*What's the plural of “yenta”? Ans.- Hadassah.
*What do you get when you cross a midget with an Italian? Ans.- A short garbageman. (this applies mainly to N.Y. And N.J.)
*How do you solve the Puerto Rican problem? Ans.- You tell blacks they taste like fried chicken.
*Germans are so dull I can't think of any funny lines.
*How can you tell when an Irish patient is recovering? Ans.- When he tries to blow the head off his medicine.
*How can you tell you're in a gay church? Ans.- Only half the congregation is standing.
*My ex-wife was an expert housekeeper. When we got divorced, she kept the house.
*Did you hear about the Pollack who thought that a Penal Colony was an all-male nudist camp?
These were the kind of jokes and comments that were made before “political correctness” came to play such a important part of our lives. Most of us laughed at the absurdity because that is what makes a joke or a comment funny. A certain amount of truth coupled with a gross exaggeration. And most of us laughed and were not offended. Ah, for the good old days, when men were men and not girlie-men!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Monday, December 20, 2010
Don't Believe Everything You Read
Not all that long ago, when one read news accounts in big-city newspapers, one could be reasonably assured that quotes were verified by the obligatory, 'two sources'.
Creditable news editors insisted on it. A newspaper's reputation depended upon it. Ha! Not any longer.
In today's news environment, reporters and their editors seem satisfied with their initial source of information and apparently because of the press of deadlines and competitive media, seldom bother to verify all their facts and quotes. This is a general observation and undoubtedly, there are exceptions - at least we hope there are writers who still double-check their sources.
Bloggers on the other hand, are not inclined to seek a confirming source for their 'facts'. Blogging is generally, 'opinion'. And 'opinion' is more often than not, just that - as opposed to 'assessment', which would hold out the promise at least, that the writer has made an attempt to fathom the facts and draw a conclusion based upon all the facts that had been gathered. Additionally, bloggers including this writer, will likely form their opinions and make their assessments from material they've gleaned from the various sources that comprise the mass media. Checking 'facts' extracted from Tribune newspapers for example, or from programming on CNN, or from talking heads on local channels whose pronouncements do not include how their facts where verified, if they were - is next to impossible. So, to rely upon the superabundance of written chatter on blog sites as a sole source of information that is unfailingly accurate, just isn't a good idea.
All of which goes to prove that nothing worthwhile is accomplished without effort; that includes the process of becoming well-informed.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
Creditable news editors insisted on it. A newspaper's reputation depended upon it. Ha! Not any longer.
In today's news environment, reporters and their editors seem satisfied with their initial source of information and apparently because of the press of deadlines and competitive media, seldom bother to verify all their facts and quotes. This is a general observation and undoubtedly, there are exceptions - at least we hope there are writers who still double-check their sources.
Bloggers on the other hand, are not inclined to seek a confirming source for their 'facts'. Blogging is generally, 'opinion'. And 'opinion' is more often than not, just that - as opposed to 'assessment', which would hold out the promise at least, that the writer has made an attempt to fathom the facts and draw a conclusion based upon all the facts that had been gathered. Additionally, bloggers including this writer, will likely form their opinions and make their assessments from material they've gleaned from the various sources that comprise the mass media. Checking 'facts' extracted from Tribune newspapers for example, or from programming on CNN, or from talking heads on local channels whose pronouncements do not include how their facts where verified, if they were - is next to impossible. So, to rely upon the superabundance of written chatter on blog sites as a sole source of information that is unfailingly accurate, just isn't a good idea.
All of which goes to prove that nothing worthwhile is accomplished without effort; that includes the process of becoming well-informed.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Estate Tax: A True Story
This is a true story. It may be long – but it has an important message.
In 1939 Enzo came to the United States from Italy. He settled in New York City. He married a lady who also came from Italy and they had three sons and one daughter. He worked very hard as a mason in the construction field and his wife worked as a hostess in a restaurant. Enzo and his wife saved every penny that they could with the hope that someday they could open a restaurant. Enzo’s family in Italy had been in the restaurant business as chefs and waiters and Enzo and his wife were excellent cooks.
Eventually, after saving as much as he could, he opened his first restaurant – a small pizzeria. Enzo bought the land and helped build the pizzeria himself. Enzo and his entire family worked in the pizzeria putting in many hours of labor. Eventually, they expanded the pizzeria into a restaurant that had 20 tables in it. The entire family worked very hard and they prospered. To Enzo the American dream became a reality. Hard work paid dividends. In time Enzo expanded the first restaurant and then opened a second restaurant. The family worked in both. Enzo was the chef in one restaurant and his oldest son was the chef in the second. The rest of the family worked as wait staff, greeters, cleaners, etc. in both places. Everything was wonderful for Enzo and his family until 1980 when Enzo and his wife died in an automobile accident. Needless to say, the family was devastated. But what would come later also was devastating.
Enzo poured every penny they had into the restaurant. He never had a lavish life style. The only luxury he had was a Cadillac – that was three years old when he died. He lived in a modest house in Queens, New York. He did not have stocks or bonds, just some CDs and savings. The two restaurants through hard work supported Enzo and his children and families. He never thought of himself as wealthy or a millionaire because, as he said, how many millionaires make pizza or pasta every day?
Enzo’s estate was split between his sons and daughter and they continued to run the restaurant. In a few months they learned for the first time that they were considered “rich” and what that meant. Back in 1980 the top bracket for the Estate Tax was 70%. In other words, even though you paid income taxes on what you earned, what you left behind for your heirs would be “shared” with the federal government: up to 70% to Uncle Sam and at least 30% to the heirs. On top of that New York State had crippling taxes, too. In the end they found out that the two restaurants were appraised at a total of $6 million. Since Enzo and his family never had any intention of selling the “business” as they called it, they did not realize how much it was worth. And the bad news was that they had to come up with more than $4.5 million to pay the estate and inheritance taxes. Needless to say, they did not have the cash on hand to pay the taxes. The only real asset they inherited was the two restaurants. Enzo’s family had to sell both restaurants to come up with the cash to pay the estate and inheritance taxes. If Enzo were alive he would not believe that his “American dream” would become a nightmare. Enzo worked hard, saved everything he could, and paid taxes all his life with the expectation he would leave “the business” to his family. After all, wasn’t that the “American Dream?” Well, the family had to sell the restaurants, the land, and the buildings to raise enough money to pay the taxes. In the end, the family split $1.5 million amongst four of them – or $320,000 after taxes and costs. If you totaled up all of the hours that Enzo, his wife, and the children put into the restaurant this “vast sum” amounted to less than $.60 an hour.
There are many Enzos in the U.S. – men and women who worked hard and built up a business, be it a restaurant, a farm, or any other business. And these are the bulk of the people who will be impacted by reinstating the estate tax as many liberals want to do. The wealthy families such as the Kennedys and Rockefellers will not have to pay any estate taxes because everything was set up years ago in trusts, etc. and when there were no estate taxes. So keep Enzo and his family in mind when the New York Times, NPR, and other liberal media call out to soak the rich and re-impose the estate tax.
Conservative Commentary by Jim Pirretti
In 1939 Enzo came to the United States from Italy. He settled in New York City. He married a lady who also came from Italy and they had three sons and one daughter. He worked very hard as a mason in the construction field and his wife worked as a hostess in a restaurant. Enzo and his wife saved every penny that they could with the hope that someday they could open a restaurant. Enzo’s family in Italy had been in the restaurant business as chefs and waiters and Enzo and his wife were excellent cooks.
Eventually, after saving as much as he could, he opened his first restaurant – a small pizzeria. Enzo bought the land and helped build the pizzeria himself. Enzo and his entire family worked in the pizzeria putting in many hours of labor. Eventually, they expanded the pizzeria into a restaurant that had 20 tables in it. The entire family worked very hard and they prospered. To Enzo the American dream became a reality. Hard work paid dividends. In time Enzo expanded the first restaurant and then opened a second restaurant. The family worked in both. Enzo was the chef in one restaurant and his oldest son was the chef in the second. The rest of the family worked as wait staff, greeters, cleaners, etc. in both places. Everything was wonderful for Enzo and his family until 1980 when Enzo and his wife died in an automobile accident. Needless to say, the family was devastated. But what would come later also was devastating.
Enzo poured every penny they had into the restaurant. He never had a lavish life style. The only luxury he had was a Cadillac – that was three years old when he died. He lived in a modest house in Queens, New York. He did not have stocks or bonds, just some CDs and savings. The two restaurants through hard work supported Enzo and his children and families. He never thought of himself as wealthy or a millionaire because, as he said, how many millionaires make pizza or pasta every day?
Enzo’s estate was split between his sons and daughter and they continued to run the restaurant. In a few months they learned for the first time that they were considered “rich” and what that meant. Back in 1980 the top bracket for the Estate Tax was 70%. In other words, even though you paid income taxes on what you earned, what you left behind for your heirs would be “shared” with the federal government: up to 70% to Uncle Sam and at least 30% to the heirs. On top of that New York State had crippling taxes, too. In the end they found out that the two restaurants were appraised at a total of $6 million. Since Enzo and his family never had any intention of selling the “business” as they called it, they did not realize how much it was worth. And the bad news was that they had to come up with more than $4.5 million to pay the estate and inheritance taxes. Needless to say, they did not have the cash on hand to pay the taxes. The only real asset they inherited was the two restaurants. Enzo’s family had to sell both restaurants to come up with the cash to pay the estate and inheritance taxes. If Enzo were alive he would not believe that his “American dream” would become a nightmare. Enzo worked hard, saved everything he could, and paid taxes all his life with the expectation he would leave “the business” to his family. After all, wasn’t that the “American Dream?” Well, the family had to sell the restaurants, the land, and the buildings to raise enough money to pay the taxes. In the end, the family split $1.5 million amongst four of them – or $320,000 after taxes and costs. If you totaled up all of the hours that Enzo, his wife, and the children put into the restaurant this “vast sum” amounted to less than $.60 an hour.
There are many Enzos in the U.S. – men and women who worked hard and built up a business, be it a restaurant, a farm, or any other business. And these are the bulk of the people who will be impacted by reinstating the estate tax as many liberals want to do. The wealthy families such as the Kennedys and Rockefellers will not have to pay any estate taxes because everything was set up years ago in trusts, etc. and when there were no estate taxes. So keep Enzo and his family in mind when the New York Times, NPR, and other liberal media call out to soak the rich and re-impose the estate tax.
Conservative Commentary by Jim Pirretti
Monday, December 13, 2010
I've been wracking my brain to come up with a term that best describes the policies put forth by President Obama and his Administration. After much thought and introspection, I came up with the term - “Terminal Irrelevance”. “Terminal” means the end of phrase “the end justifies the means (as espoused by by the late Saul Alinsky), and “Irrelevance” to describe the policies that are just not applicable (irrelevant) to our economic and political system.
President Obama stated, in his campaign to become president on numerous occasions, that he was going to “transform” our country, after first stating that we are the best country in the world. If that was the case, why did he need to “transform” the best? It seems that his “transformation” was for the worst, not the best as things have turned out so far.
Look at what he has done in his two years in office. He pushed the House to pass the Cap and Trade (Tax) bill, it has, so far, died in the Senate, but he is determined to bring it up again. He took almost one year to steer a trillion dollar heath care bill through Congress, which wasn't read by most members in the Congress and even Obama himself, even though the polls showed that 60% of the people didn't want it. He had his Attorney-General sue the State of Arizona to stop them from enforcing an illegal immigrant law modeled after the federal law. 80% of the people support Arizona and not Obama on this one. In the wings is another goody for his union supporters, it is called Card Check (EFCA- Employee Free Choice Act), which will do away with “secret ballot” elections for the workers in union representation elections. And finally (as the list is too long), he had passed, through the Democrat controlled Congress, by bribes and arm-twisting, a $800 billion “Stimulus bill” that has not created the jobs that it was supposed to create as a means of selling it during its markup in Congress. The “shovel ready” jobs that Obama promised seem to be figment of his imagination. All it has done is to create more debt that our grandchildren will have to confront down the road.
The Kool-Aid drinking supporters of Obama will claim that I am against him because he is black (a weasel term if ever there was one).
No, my Obama “idol worshipers”, race has nothing to do with it. I was against his two “lily white” predecessors, Al Gore, and John Kerry for the same reasons I am against Obama. Their policies and Obama's policies “suck” (to use the street vernacular), the color of his skin had nothing to do with it.
I am against the introduction of Fabian Socialism into our society. The “transformation” espoused by Obama (and Pelosi and Reid) are bad for America and must be stopped before they make us into a second-rate nation. I'll say again, Obama's policies are “terminally irrelevant”.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
President Obama stated, in his campaign to become president on numerous occasions, that he was going to “transform” our country, after first stating that we are the best country in the world. If that was the case, why did he need to “transform” the best? It seems that his “transformation” was for the worst, not the best as things have turned out so far.
Look at what he has done in his two years in office. He pushed the House to pass the Cap and Trade (Tax) bill, it has, so far, died in the Senate, but he is determined to bring it up again. He took almost one year to steer a trillion dollar heath care bill through Congress, which wasn't read by most members in the Congress and even Obama himself, even though the polls showed that 60% of the people didn't want it. He had his Attorney-General sue the State of Arizona to stop them from enforcing an illegal immigrant law modeled after the federal law. 80% of the people support Arizona and not Obama on this one. In the wings is another goody for his union supporters, it is called Card Check (EFCA- Employee Free Choice Act), which will do away with “secret ballot” elections for the workers in union representation elections. And finally (as the list is too long), he had passed, through the Democrat controlled Congress, by bribes and arm-twisting, a $800 billion “Stimulus bill” that has not created the jobs that it was supposed to create as a means of selling it during its markup in Congress. The “shovel ready” jobs that Obama promised seem to be figment of his imagination. All it has done is to create more debt that our grandchildren will have to confront down the road.
The Kool-Aid drinking supporters of Obama will claim that I am against him because he is black (a weasel term if ever there was one).
No, my Obama “idol worshipers”, race has nothing to do with it. I was against his two “lily white” predecessors, Al Gore, and John Kerry for the same reasons I am against Obama. Their policies and Obama's policies “suck” (to use the street vernacular), the color of his skin had nothing to do with it.
I am against the introduction of Fabian Socialism into our society. The “transformation” espoused by Obama (and Pelosi and Reid) are bad for America and must be stopped before they make us into a second-rate nation. I'll say again, Obama's policies are “terminally irrelevant”.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How many times have you heard a liberal (Democrat) make that silly comment, “Soak the Rich”? They say that anyone making over a certain amount ($250,000 for example) should be able to afford an increase in his/her marginal rate to help reduce the deficit. Are they kidding? If everything remained the same (a zero sum) the increase in revenue would be a fraction of what is needed to reduce the debt. From past experience, every time you “punish” successful people by “soaking the rich”, you wind up with much less revenue than what you had projected. Rich people (by the way, what is the definition of rich?) have the means to avoid, through loopholes, the extra taxes they are assessed, or by moving to a better tax environment, either a no-income tax state or to a foreign country. In other words they will vote with their feet. Only a fool, which the liberals seem to be so designated, will think that it is a good idea to take all that money out of circulation in the private sector and give it to the government by increasing the taxes on the “rich”. Is $250,000 really considered “rich”?
The typical liberal says that an increase in the present top income tax rate of 35% to 39.6% is insignificant, only 4.6%. Is it? Let's take a single person with a taxable income of $300,000. It would cost him $4,600 extra in taxes (4.6% of 100,000 over the threshold of $200,000). That means that $4,600 will not be spent in the private sector of our economy thereby helping other businesses who might have otherwise gotten part of that money, money that was paid instead to the government by the taxpayer in the form of higher taxes. Multiply that over the many thousands of taxpayers expected to fall into that category and you'll wind up with quite a few billions of dollars taken out of circulation. A married couple with a taxable income of $300,000 would pay an additional tax of $2,300, (4.6% of $50,000 over the threshold of $250,000). Is that “fair” ( that's the word liberals love to throw around to justify their faulty economic thinking and to tug on the heart strings by demonizing the so-called “rich”) to “punish” a successful person or entrepreneur by raising his/her taxes arbitrarily? Who is better able to spend his/her own money, the taxpayer or the government? The liberal always seems to choose the government.
Let's take a look at who pays income taxes in our country. The top 1% of earners (making over $380,000) pay 40% of all income taxes. The top 5% (making over $160,000) pay 60% of all income taxes. The top 10% (making over $113,800) pay 70% of all income taxes. The top 25% (making over $67,000) pay 86% of all income taxes. The top 50% (making over $33,000) pay 97% of all income taxes. The bottom 50% (making under $33,000) pay approximately 3% of all income taxes. That means that approximately 47% of income earners don't pay any income taxes ( of course they pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes etc.) That is totally out of whack, and it means that America is now about evenly split between those who pay income taxes and those who consume them.
Even socialist, George Bernard Shaw, demonstrated good sense when he said, “The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul”. So as Shaw suggested, people who pay no tax will not hesitate to vote for politicians who promise big spending. Why not? They will get stuff without having to pay for it. Another prescient view was stated by Frederic Bastiat, the great 19th century French economist, who defined that state of affairs as “that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else”. That's the situation we find ourselves today in the U.S.A., where one half of the population is living off the other half.
So when the Democrats play their “class warfare” game, they are really undermining our free enterprise system and leading us toward a Socialist society like what's in play in Europe, which shows the fallacy of “soaking the rich” as a viable economic policy. That's exactly what Obama and his Administration are trying to do. He is a president who would rather re-distribute income than create wealth. We must rise up and give him an emphatic NO to his destructive “class warfare” re-distributionist policies by using the failed Karl Marx playbook!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
The typical liberal says that an increase in the present top income tax rate of 35% to 39.6% is insignificant, only 4.6%. Is it? Let's take a single person with a taxable income of $300,000. It would cost him $4,600 extra in taxes (4.6% of 100,000 over the threshold of $200,000). That means that $4,600 will not be spent in the private sector of our economy thereby helping other businesses who might have otherwise gotten part of that money, money that was paid instead to the government by the taxpayer in the form of higher taxes. Multiply that over the many thousands of taxpayers expected to fall into that category and you'll wind up with quite a few billions of dollars taken out of circulation. A married couple with a taxable income of $300,000 would pay an additional tax of $2,300, (4.6% of $50,000 over the threshold of $250,000). Is that “fair” ( that's the word liberals love to throw around to justify their faulty economic thinking and to tug on the heart strings by demonizing the so-called “rich”) to “punish” a successful person or entrepreneur by raising his/her taxes arbitrarily? Who is better able to spend his/her own money, the taxpayer or the government? The liberal always seems to choose the government.
Let's take a look at who pays income taxes in our country. The top 1% of earners (making over $380,000) pay 40% of all income taxes. The top 5% (making over $160,000) pay 60% of all income taxes. The top 10% (making over $113,800) pay 70% of all income taxes. The top 25% (making over $67,000) pay 86% of all income taxes. The top 50% (making over $33,000) pay 97% of all income taxes. The bottom 50% (making under $33,000) pay approximately 3% of all income taxes. That means that approximately 47% of income earners don't pay any income taxes ( of course they pay payroll taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes etc.) That is totally out of whack, and it means that America is now about evenly split between those who pay income taxes and those who consume them.
Even socialist, George Bernard Shaw, demonstrated good sense when he said, “The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul”. So as Shaw suggested, people who pay no tax will not hesitate to vote for politicians who promise big spending. Why not? They will get stuff without having to pay for it. Another prescient view was stated by Frederic Bastiat, the great 19th century French economist, who defined that state of affairs as “that great fiction by which everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else”. That's the situation we find ourselves today in the U.S.A., where one half of the population is living off the other half.
So when the Democrats play their “class warfare” game, they are really undermining our free enterprise system and leading us toward a Socialist society like what's in play in Europe, which shows the fallacy of “soaking the rich” as a viable economic policy. That's exactly what Obama and his Administration are trying to do. He is a president who would rather re-distribute income than create wealth. We must rise up and give him an emphatic NO to his destructive “class warfare” re-distributionist policies by using the failed Karl Marx playbook!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, December 5, 2010
"Marxism in America"
In this video entitled "Marxism in America" General (Ret.) W.G. Boykin discusses his background and training in understanding Marxist insurgencies and how the current government actions parallel Marxist tactics.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Open letter to Ron Klein
This is a fervent plea for you to 'do the right thing' on behalf of your unfortunate family but mostly, for the misrepresented, abused residents of Florida's Congressional District 22. Henceforth, I shall refer to both groups as, 'the injured parties'. Now, I'm willing to bet the farm that you've already stopped reading this letter.
"The right thing" for you to do is, to perform a permanent 'fade'. Don't just stand there waiting to be told what to do next by the Democrap leadership. Disappear! Like, now and like, forever. Quoting that line from the famous Bar scene in "Star Wars", "We don't need your kind around here."
Your political demise was predictable and long, long overdue. Whatever you were cut out to do in life Ronnie old chap, it sure as hell isn't to represent the decent citizens of Florida. Your two terms in the Congress produced an abysmal record of hot-air rhetoric and an appalling lack of any real accomplishment. You were and are, an extreme embarrassment. And as well, extremely dangerous in or near any position of power.
Now, regarding the despicable, classless and viciously foul campaign you waged against Allen West - it was plain & simple - a glaring testament to your abject fear of that honorable gentleman. In your panic-driven attempt to cast ugly aspersions at your political opponent, you bared the ugliness that is at your core. And, from the litany of lies, prevarications, false allegations and slanderous innuendos that formed the totality of your campaign (and, it was your campaign, condoned by you - every word of it), you proved beyond question, that there are no redeeming features to be found within the amalgam of nastiness that is your character.
Might I suggest that for your safety, comfort, convenience and personal enjoyment - and for the good of 'the injured parties' referred to earlier - you hie yourself off to Venezuela or Cuba where you would find much in common with the means and methods of the leadership of either of these two extreme-left, pseudo Valhalla's.
Bon voyage and good riddance, Ronnie Baby. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
"The right thing" for you to do is, to perform a permanent 'fade'. Don't just stand there waiting to be told what to do next by the Democrap leadership. Disappear! Like, now and like, forever. Quoting that line from the famous Bar scene in "Star Wars", "We don't need your kind around here."
Your political demise was predictable and long, long overdue. Whatever you were cut out to do in life Ronnie old chap, it sure as hell isn't to represent the decent citizens of Florida. Your two terms in the Congress produced an abysmal record of hot-air rhetoric and an appalling lack of any real accomplishment. You were and are, an extreme embarrassment. And as well, extremely dangerous in or near any position of power.
Now, regarding the despicable, classless and viciously foul campaign you waged against Allen West - it was plain & simple - a glaring testament to your abject fear of that honorable gentleman. In your panic-driven attempt to cast ugly aspersions at your political opponent, you bared the ugliness that is at your core. And, from the litany of lies, prevarications, false allegations and slanderous innuendos that formed the totality of your campaign (and, it was your campaign, condoned by you - every word of it), you proved beyond question, that there are no redeeming features to be found within the amalgam of nastiness that is your character.
Might I suggest that for your safety, comfort, convenience and personal enjoyment - and for the good of 'the injured parties' referred to earlier - you hie yourself off to Venezuela or Cuba where you would find much in common with the means and methods of the leadership of either of these two extreme-left, pseudo Valhalla's.
Bon voyage and good riddance, Ronnie Baby. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Have you ever had a program or idea announced by someone in authority that you know
was a “sham” or unworkable, but you were told it was in your best interest, in other
words, it was “Doomed to Succeed”, no matter what you thought of the merits of that
proposal or idea?
As a classroom teacher for over 30 years, I witnessed many of these proposals or ideas that were “Doomed to Succeed” by overly optimistic and sometimes totally naïve school administrators.
For example, back in the 1970’s, some genius in authority decided that a structured
classroom was too stifling for students which hindered their self-expression and inhibited their self-esteem. These “experts” thought the “open classroom” (the name given to this type of teaching environment) was the answer to making “learning” fun again, but, as a result, it had a negative effect on the school atmosphere as discipline deteriorated, students learning suffered, and many teachers were found to be ill-equipped and some even lost control of their classrooms. The “tail was wagging the dog”.
I don’t think this type of thinking has left the psyche of today’s educational establishment and it has had a sub-conscious effect on the “dumbing down” of American education. Whenever the learning atmosphere in a school deteriorates, it has a detrimental effect on all aspects of the school. The curriculum gets watered down, and the grades get inflated to make up for the lack of meaningful education taking place.
In the political world, we see today, the politicians, in power, pushing programs that are not beneficial to us or our society, but due to political considerations, they are pushing these proposals and proposed laws down the throats of the citizenry – in other words, these proposals and proposed laws are “Doomed to Succeed” and the public be damned as they, the politicians, know what’s better for us than we do ourselves.
We have a great health care system, the best in the world, but it can be very expensive to access by the average family. Everyone knows that some reform is needed, but the question is, which reform should be implemented to solve the problem. Just because you call something reform doesn’t make it reform. In a simplistic definition, the liberals want to throw out the present system and to institute a government- run system (to lead into a single-payer system, ala Canada), whereas the conservatives want to fix the affordability problem and keep the means of providing health care into the private sector, with doctor and patient in charge, with minimal interference from the government.
The liberals using heart tugging anecdotal medical hardships claim that the government is the only entity that can bring health insurance to the 5% of our citizens who want or need health insurance, but who cannot afford it. A complete “transformation” is their goal. The conservatives say that is like “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”, and in the process will bankrupt our economy, foster health care rationing, creating long lines waiting to get health care, and raise our taxes, which might just keep us in a stifling recession that might just lead us into becoming like a third-world nation.
My position is that I don’t want the liberals to succeed in their destructive endeavor. I hope that their naive health care proposals will not be “Doomed to succeed”. It’ll be interesting to see how this will play out in the future, and whether the voice of the people will finally be heard by our elected representatives.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
was a “sham” or unworkable, but you were told it was in your best interest, in other
words, it was “Doomed to Succeed”, no matter what you thought of the merits of that
proposal or idea?
As a classroom teacher for over 30 years, I witnessed many of these proposals or ideas that were “Doomed to Succeed” by overly optimistic and sometimes totally naïve school administrators.
For example, back in the 1970’s, some genius in authority decided that a structured
classroom was too stifling for students which hindered their self-expression and inhibited their self-esteem. These “experts” thought the “open classroom” (the name given to this type of teaching environment) was the answer to making “learning” fun again, but, as a result, it had a negative effect on the school atmosphere as discipline deteriorated, students learning suffered, and many teachers were found to be ill-equipped and some even lost control of their classrooms. The “tail was wagging the dog”.
I don’t think this type of thinking has left the psyche of today’s educational establishment and it has had a sub-conscious effect on the “dumbing down” of American education. Whenever the learning atmosphere in a school deteriorates, it has a detrimental effect on all aspects of the school. The curriculum gets watered down, and the grades get inflated to make up for the lack of meaningful education taking place.
In the political world, we see today, the politicians, in power, pushing programs that are not beneficial to us or our society, but due to political considerations, they are pushing these proposals and proposed laws down the throats of the citizenry – in other words, these proposals and proposed laws are “Doomed to Succeed” and the public be damned as they, the politicians, know what’s better for us than we do ourselves.
We have a great health care system, the best in the world, but it can be very expensive to access by the average family. Everyone knows that some reform is needed, but the question is, which reform should be implemented to solve the problem. Just because you call something reform doesn’t make it reform. In a simplistic definition, the liberals want to throw out the present system and to institute a government- run system (to lead into a single-payer system, ala Canada), whereas the conservatives want to fix the affordability problem and keep the means of providing health care into the private sector, with doctor and patient in charge, with minimal interference from the government.
The liberals using heart tugging anecdotal medical hardships claim that the government is the only entity that can bring health insurance to the 5% of our citizens who want or need health insurance, but who cannot afford it. A complete “transformation” is their goal. The conservatives say that is like “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”, and in the process will bankrupt our economy, foster health care rationing, creating long lines waiting to get health care, and raise our taxes, which might just keep us in a stifling recession that might just lead us into becoming like a third-world nation.
My position is that I don’t want the liberals to succeed in their destructive endeavor. I hope that their naive health care proposals will not be “Doomed to succeed”. It’ll be interesting to see how this will play out in the future, and whether the voice of the people will finally be heard by our elected representatives.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 25, 2010
“Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave.....”
The complete quote by Sir Walter Scott (an Eighteenth Century Scottish author) is, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”.
Doesn't that quote sort of describe the present-day politicians who are now running our country? No matter what party you are affiliated with or support, you'll have to admit that deception (and obfuscation) are endemic as to how they operate in the pursuit of their political goals.
It seems that all politicians are not in favor of excess government spending, but how come we have excess government spending? It seems that all politicians are against poverty and for the poor people, but we have more poor today than in the past? It seems that all politicians are against excess taxation, but why do they continue to raise our taxes, especially against the the job-producing entrepreneur class? Most all the politicians seem to be against all the excesses of government, but we seem to have more excesses than ever before. Is that the “tangled web” Sir Walter Scott was referring to?
In this the worst recession since the “Great Depression”, we keep hearing from this Administration that we have turned the corner and that our economic situation is improving. Is that a form of deception when national unemployment is at 9.7% (in real terms 17%), when our national debt is over $13 trillion (which represents 90% of our GDP), when home foreclosures are at an all time-high, when real wages had declined 3.1% in 2009, when home prices have dropped by more than 15% nationwide (but higher here in Florida)? To any impartial observer, the answer is a resounding “YES”, it is a form of deception to give these rosy scenarios when the facts tell a different story.
During the run-up to the passage of the ObamaCare bill, earlier this year, we were told of the many glorious things that were contained therein. Some of these claims were made by politicians, who hadn't even read the bill, which were outright deceptions (lies). They claimed that costs would be lowered (not true), that workers could keep their present insurance coverage (many companies are now dropping coverage, ex. 3M Co.). They also claimed that coverage would be voluntary, but the person refusing coverage would be fined, and on and on.
Do we really need anymore verification of what Sir Walter Scott opined in the Eighteenth Century when he said, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”? I think that many of today's elected politicians will find out that the electorate has finally figured out that they have been deceived by the people they elected to represent them. Many were voted out this past November. The next step will be to clean out the rest of the House the Senate and the Presidency in 2012. Thank God for little miracles now and for bigger miracles later!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Doesn't that quote sort of describe the present-day politicians who are now running our country? No matter what party you are affiliated with or support, you'll have to admit that deception (and obfuscation) are endemic as to how they operate in the pursuit of their political goals.
It seems that all politicians are not in favor of excess government spending, but how come we have excess government spending? It seems that all politicians are against poverty and for the poor people, but we have more poor today than in the past? It seems that all politicians are against excess taxation, but why do they continue to raise our taxes, especially against the the job-producing entrepreneur class? Most all the politicians seem to be against all the excesses of government, but we seem to have more excesses than ever before. Is that the “tangled web” Sir Walter Scott was referring to?
In this the worst recession since the “Great Depression”, we keep hearing from this Administration that we have turned the corner and that our economic situation is improving. Is that a form of deception when national unemployment is at 9.7% (in real terms 17%), when our national debt is over $13 trillion (which represents 90% of our GDP), when home foreclosures are at an all time-high, when real wages had declined 3.1% in 2009, when home prices have dropped by more than 15% nationwide (but higher here in Florida)? To any impartial observer, the answer is a resounding “YES”, it is a form of deception to give these rosy scenarios when the facts tell a different story.
During the run-up to the passage of the ObamaCare bill, earlier this year, we were told of the many glorious things that were contained therein. Some of these claims were made by politicians, who hadn't even read the bill, which were outright deceptions (lies). They claimed that costs would be lowered (not true), that workers could keep their present insurance coverage (many companies are now dropping coverage, ex. 3M Co.). They also claimed that coverage would be voluntary, but the person refusing coverage would be fined, and on and on.
Do we really need anymore verification of what Sir Walter Scott opined in the Eighteenth Century when he said, “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”? I think that many of today's elected politicians will find out that the electorate has finally figured out that they have been deceived by the people they elected to represent them. Many were voted out this past November. The next step will be to clean out the rest of the House the Senate and the Presidency in 2012. Thank God for little miracles now and for bigger miracles later!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mort's Meanderings
Obama has an army of sicko-phants who make him appear smart by comparison. None however, illustrate that comparison quite as vividly as Joe Biden. Biden was the most stupidly arrogant Senator from Delaware who for years, was occupied on almost a full-time basis with projecting his own self-image as, 'just a regular guy'. The only way in which this sobriquet might possibly be construed as an accurate characterization, would be to monitor the regularity of his productive visits to the bathroom.
When he was selected by Obama (or whomever did Obama's selecting) as the hayseed white guy who could 'even out' the Pres/VP team, he was elevated to a super-stage light years beyond any real value he could contribute as part of a new administration. So in reality, when the election was handed to Obama by 53% of the most-unenlightened voting population since Hitler became Chancellor in Germany, Biden became the most stupidly arrogant Vice President in this nation's history. Throughout his tarnished career, Biden has not so much suffered as enjoyed, his acute case of foot-in-mouth disease. He revels in the distinction.
Biden as a buffoon, has no peer. He stands alone as this nation's "Blithering-Chatty-Cathy-Doll-at-Large", in service to Obama, this nation's "Embarrassment-in-Chief".
Forgive us World, for we know not what we do.
Cheers, anyhow.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
When he was selected by Obama (or whomever did Obama's selecting) as the hayseed white guy who could 'even out' the Pres/VP team, he was elevated to a super-stage light years beyond any real value he could contribute as part of a new administration. So in reality, when the election was handed to Obama by 53% of the most-unenlightened voting population since Hitler became Chancellor in Germany, Biden became the most stupidly arrogant Vice President in this nation's history. Throughout his tarnished career, Biden has not so much suffered as enjoyed, his acute case of foot-in-mouth disease. He revels in the distinction.
Biden as a buffoon, has no peer. He stands alone as this nation's "Blithering-Chatty-Cathy-Doll-at-Large", in service to Obama, this nation's "Embarrassment-in-Chief".
Forgive us World, for we know not what we do.
Cheers, anyhow.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF (c) 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Democrat's Nightmare: Allen West
Michael Savage interviews Allen West immediately after he won as U.S. Representative for Florida's 22nd congressional district.
It should be interesting to see Colonel Allen West with the Congressional Black Caucus. As Allen West who refuses to play the victim and who lives by the words "let us judge men not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
Chuck On The Right Side
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
To me it is a black mark when it is proposed by some self-serving Democrat or Republican legislator to try to ensure their re-election to office, or to make “brownie” points with their constituents back home. No matter if the “earmark” is needed or not, they want “to bring home the pork” because they want to show the hometown or home state folks that he/she is doing for them as only he/she can do in representing them – or so they rationalize.
Granted, it only makes up a very small portion of the budget, but it is in what it conveys, the symbolism, that makes this process so invidious. Some members in both parties have railed against this practice over the past two election cycles, but with the election of a great number of Tea Party endorsed candidates, the issue has now come to the forefront, and rightly so. It is the “career” politicians who seem to be fighting against the ending of the “earmark” practice, as they have been the biggest abusers over the years.
President Obama condemned this practice during his campaign for president, but upon signing the last proposed budget he forgot his promise and agreed to over a thousand earmarks that was contained in the budget proposal. He succumbed to the pressure of the powerful legislators of both parties. These earmarks included all kinds of projects with dubious benefits for the greatest good for the greatest number of U.S. Citizens. Some of these “earmarks” were of such a questionable nature, that even the bureaucrats, who would supposedly benefit from it, didn't even request it. But, that doesn't matter to the power-hungry politician who wants to be re-elected over and over again. And in their quest, damn the taxpayers.
Over the years we've heard of a “Bridge to Nowhere”, studies of the sex lives of bees, buildings bought or constructed with taxpayer money to honor the politicians by naming the building after themselves or to one one of their contributing cronies. The late senator, Robert Byrd (D) of West Virginia, was known as the “King of Pork”. During his almost 50 years of service in the senate, he had hundreds of buildings, parks, roads and schools named after him at a taxpayer cost of many, many millions of dollars. Two other “porkers” of note, who also have passed on, Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska, and John Murtha (D) of Pennsylvania, were both notorious for “bringing home the bacon” for their state and/or congressional district. Rep. Murtha was responsible for getting the the “Airport for No One” through the “earmark” process. This boondoggle project cost over $200 million and it now serves a small area of Pennsylvania with just 3 flights per day only between Johnstown (the John Murtha airport) and Wash. D.C.
Why do we, the taxpayers, allow this rape of the U.S. Treasury to take place? Diffidence or ignorance are some of the words that can be used to explain why these career politicians can get away with this fraud. It must be working because, up until this past election, the incumbent was re-elected approximately 95% of the time.
When a politician, who uses “earmarks” to direct funds to a particular project in his/her district or state, he/she in turn expects that the beneficiary of that earmark, a person, company, or organization, would be expected to contribute (some may call it a kickback) to that politicians campaign fund as a gesture of thanks. I'm sure the politician, contrary what he/she would say in public, takes careful note of the largesse of the contributor's contribution to his/her campaign fund.
Is this an outright bribe? Probably not, but it stinks to high heaven anyway you slice it. The perception of corruption is just as bad as actual overt corruption, and as a result the voter becomes more and more cynical and jaded to the ethics of our elected representatives. And rightly so!
I think all “earmarks” should be exposed to the light of day and each elected representative should have to justify the reasons behind his/her request. If it is a worthwhile project, let the legislators vote on its viability with a yea or nay vote. It's time to make the surreptitious “earmark” a thing of the past so that we can erase the “black mark” that surrounds it.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Granted, it only makes up a very small portion of the budget, but it is in what it conveys, the symbolism, that makes this process so invidious. Some members in both parties have railed against this practice over the past two election cycles, but with the election of a great number of Tea Party endorsed candidates, the issue has now come to the forefront, and rightly so. It is the “career” politicians who seem to be fighting against the ending of the “earmark” practice, as they have been the biggest abusers over the years.
President Obama condemned this practice during his campaign for president, but upon signing the last proposed budget he forgot his promise and agreed to over a thousand earmarks that was contained in the budget proposal. He succumbed to the pressure of the powerful legislators of both parties. These earmarks included all kinds of projects with dubious benefits for the greatest good for the greatest number of U.S. Citizens. Some of these “earmarks” were of such a questionable nature, that even the bureaucrats, who would supposedly benefit from it, didn't even request it. But, that doesn't matter to the power-hungry politician who wants to be re-elected over and over again. And in their quest, damn the taxpayers.
Over the years we've heard of a “Bridge to Nowhere”, studies of the sex lives of bees, buildings bought or constructed with taxpayer money to honor the politicians by naming the building after themselves or to one one of their contributing cronies. The late senator, Robert Byrd (D) of West Virginia, was known as the “King of Pork”. During his almost 50 years of service in the senate, he had hundreds of buildings, parks, roads and schools named after him at a taxpayer cost of many, many millions of dollars. Two other “porkers” of note, who also have passed on, Ted Stevens (R) of Alaska, and John Murtha (D) of Pennsylvania, were both notorious for “bringing home the bacon” for their state and/or congressional district. Rep. Murtha was responsible for getting the the “Airport for No One” through the “earmark” process. This boondoggle project cost over $200 million and it now serves a small area of Pennsylvania with just 3 flights per day only between Johnstown (the John Murtha airport) and Wash. D.C.
Why do we, the taxpayers, allow this rape of the U.S. Treasury to take place? Diffidence or ignorance are some of the words that can be used to explain why these career politicians can get away with this fraud. It must be working because, up until this past election, the incumbent was re-elected approximately 95% of the time.
When a politician, who uses “earmarks” to direct funds to a particular project in his/her district or state, he/she in turn expects that the beneficiary of that earmark, a person, company, or organization, would be expected to contribute (some may call it a kickback) to that politicians campaign fund as a gesture of thanks. I'm sure the politician, contrary what he/she would say in public, takes careful note of the largesse of the contributor's contribution to his/her campaign fund.
Is this an outright bribe? Probably not, but it stinks to high heaven anyway you slice it. The perception of corruption is just as bad as actual overt corruption, and as a result the voter becomes more and more cynical and jaded to the ethics of our elected representatives. And rightly so!
I think all “earmarks” should be exposed to the light of day and each elected representative should have to justify the reasons behind his/her request. If it is a worthwhile project, let the legislators vote on its viability with a yea or nay vote. It's time to make the surreptitious “earmark” a thing of the past so that we can erase the “black mark” that surrounds it.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A Portrait of Arrogance
It is a short trip from the penthouse to the outhouse. From Michael Vick and Eliot Spitzer to Tiger Woods and Mel Gibson, we are still amazed when people self-implode. Maybe because of our American spirit of optimism and can do attitude, we appreciate a success story. We sometimes become emotionally invested and more times than not, we bet long, when knowing human nature, we should sell short. We all love the 'feel good' movie with the Disney ending. Barack Obama was supposed to be the feel good political story of our lifetime. He was a young, smart, cool, black man. His hope and change promised to be the salve for a weary and needy nation. While he did not feel our pain, he inspired hope in many and promised change to all. Well, he was certainly half-right. Now his most ardent supporters have turned on him like a tiger tired of taking orders from a guy named Roy . The way the wheels have come off this 'Big Wheel', you would think he wandered on to the set of COPS and drove over a spike strip.
Like George Bush before him, he gave Robert Woodward white house access for his eventual book, 'Obama's Wars'. At first, I thought he was having an LBJ moment. When Johnson was asked why he kept J. Edgar Hoover in power he replied, 'I would rather have him in the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in'. (Perhaps a precursor to a famous Godfather line?) Obama knew Woodward's history. However, Obama felt and still feels supreme in his charm offensive. It never occurred to anyone in the administration, that he would not be viewed in a positive light. His maniacal ego makes it impossible for him to be wrong. Don't believe me? As a senator, Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. When he walked off the stage he said, 'I am LeBron, I can play at this level'. When Arkansas Congressman Marion Berry complained that ObamaCare was HillaryCare reincarnate, Obama replied, 'Yeah, but this time you have me'. He told Richard Wolfe for an upcoming book, 'I actually believe my own bulls**t.
Once Woodward gave an account of an administration, and a president in particular, that was distant and indecisive; the journalistic gloves came off. The way the mainstream media took their cue from Woodward would embarrass real journalists. The pope of Washington 's investigative reporting would easily serve as their cover, protecting their precious access. The day the book hit the stands even MSNBC had some untoward remarks. Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Howard Fineman spoke ill of the president for the first time. From what I understand, the three people who were watching, told another three people, and those people told another three'.well, you get the idea how this could spread like the jaws of life. Time Magazine now calls the president, 'insular, incompetent, and clueless' as if it were common knowledge. Pat Caddell, a Democratic operative for the last 40 years, said this about the administration: 'These are naive idiots who've come out of academia and have never done anything real in their lives, and they are actually in power. These are the people we never let in the room when we had serious business to do. Now they're running the country.' That's going to leave a mark!
Desperation has set in like epoxy. There are boogiemen and straw men to fight. After 21 months of blaming Bush, he is now picking fights that truly diminish the office. His constant harangue on people and businesses shows his utter lack of respect for the office we hold so dear. He blamed Minority Leader Boehner, by name, for his failed policies. He blamed Fox News by name. He then blamed Karl Rove, again, by name. He blamed the United States Chamber of Commerce because they accept foreign money. The man is crazed and confused. Imagine George Bush blaming CBS or James Carville? The foreign money that the chamber accepts is legal and is in the form of dues. It is about $100,000. The chamber's advertising budget is north of 200 million dollars. Has Obama forgotten about 'The Center for American Progress', one of many such organizations funded by everybody's favorite currency trader, Hungarian George Soros? The man who has visited the white house the most times is Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union, SEIU. I should probably mention that he stepped down from his position, now that he is under investigation by the FBI. Obama talks about the right trying to 'steal democracy'. Given the chance, he will steal America. With unemployment in double digits, does he not know that this might not be the best time to pick a fight with the Chamber of Commerce? People might see that as dysfunctional government with Obama putting party ahead of country. The country's economy is in the toilet and he is openly vilifying the Chamber of Commerce. I am glad the media is available to keep reminding me how smart he is.
Bill Clinton, with a Republican congress knew enough to move to the center and let the Republicans save his presidency. The Republican congress gave him the political cover to govern as a moderate. Obama may very well be in the exact same situation. However, for as brilliant as everyone says he is, he will be 100% clueless. As the quarterback, he knows only one play, 'student body left'. He is convinced that if he keeps lecturing us, that sooner or later, sometime down the road, in a galaxy far, far away, even we will understand.
The country has a severe case of buyer's remorse. Unfortunately, we cannot return the source of our remorse for two more years. Yes, I understand we have a receipt, but no refund will be forthcoming. This is not a test drive and we are way beyond kicking the tires. We are in the middle of a four-year lease and the best we can hope for is better mechanics to make the ride tolerable. As Jerry Seinfeld said to Kramer, 'I don't return fruit. To me, fruit is a gamble.' Well, call it sour grapes if you like, but we will have to pucker up for two more years before we can return this lemon. Hopefully, we will use our collective melons, to cherry pick a top banana, who is as American as apple pie. How sublime.
Written By Donald R. Schuman, Jr
Hat Tip to Fred Page
Like George Bush before him, he gave Robert Woodward white house access for his eventual book, 'Obama's Wars'. At first, I thought he was having an LBJ moment. When Johnson was asked why he kept J. Edgar Hoover in power he replied, 'I would rather have him in the tent pissing out, than outside pissing in'. (Perhaps a precursor to a famous Godfather line?) Obama knew Woodward's history. However, Obama felt and still feels supreme in his charm offensive. It never occurred to anyone in the administration, that he would not be viewed in a positive light. His maniacal ego makes it impossible for him to be wrong. Don't believe me? As a senator, Obama gave the keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention. When he walked off the stage he said, 'I am LeBron, I can play at this level'. When Arkansas Congressman Marion Berry complained that ObamaCare was HillaryCare reincarnate, Obama replied, 'Yeah, but this time you have me'. He told Richard Wolfe for an upcoming book, 'I actually believe my own bulls**t.
Once Woodward gave an account of an administration, and a president in particular, that was distant and indecisive; the journalistic gloves came off. The way the mainstream media took their cue from Woodward would embarrass real journalists. The pope of Washington 's investigative reporting would easily serve as their cover, protecting their precious access. The day the book hit the stands even MSNBC had some untoward remarks. Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, and Howard Fineman spoke ill of the president for the first time. From what I understand, the three people who were watching, told another three people, and those people told another three'.well, you get the idea how this could spread like the jaws of life. Time Magazine now calls the president, 'insular, incompetent, and clueless' as if it were common knowledge. Pat Caddell, a Democratic operative for the last 40 years, said this about the administration: 'These are naive idiots who've come out of academia and have never done anything real in their lives, and they are actually in power. These are the people we never let in the room when we had serious business to do. Now they're running the country.' That's going to leave a mark!
Desperation has set in like epoxy. There are boogiemen and straw men to fight. After 21 months of blaming Bush, he is now picking fights that truly diminish the office. His constant harangue on people and businesses shows his utter lack of respect for the office we hold so dear. He blamed Minority Leader Boehner, by name, for his failed policies. He blamed Fox News by name. He then blamed Karl Rove, again, by name. He blamed the United States Chamber of Commerce because they accept foreign money. The man is crazed and confused. Imagine George Bush blaming CBS or James Carville? The foreign money that the chamber accepts is legal and is in the form of dues. It is about $100,000. The chamber's advertising budget is north of 200 million dollars. Has Obama forgotten about 'The Center for American Progress', one of many such organizations funded by everybody's favorite currency trader, Hungarian George Soros? The man who has visited the white house the most times is Andy Stern, former president of the Service Employees International Union, SEIU. I should probably mention that he stepped down from his position, now that he is under investigation by the FBI. Obama talks about the right trying to 'steal democracy'. Given the chance, he will steal America. With unemployment in double digits, does he not know that this might not be the best time to pick a fight with the Chamber of Commerce? People might see that as dysfunctional government with Obama putting party ahead of country. The country's economy is in the toilet and he is openly vilifying the Chamber of Commerce. I am glad the media is available to keep reminding me how smart he is.
Bill Clinton, with a Republican congress knew enough to move to the center and let the Republicans save his presidency. The Republican congress gave him the political cover to govern as a moderate. Obama may very well be in the exact same situation. However, for as brilliant as everyone says he is, he will be 100% clueless. As the quarterback, he knows only one play, 'student body left'. He is convinced that if he keeps lecturing us, that sooner or later, sometime down the road, in a galaxy far, far away, even we will understand.
The country has a severe case of buyer's remorse. Unfortunately, we cannot return the source of our remorse for two more years. Yes, I understand we have a receipt, but no refund will be forthcoming. This is not a test drive and we are way beyond kicking the tires. We are in the middle of a four-year lease and the best we can hope for is better mechanics to make the ride tolerable. As Jerry Seinfeld said to Kramer, 'I don't return fruit. To me, fruit is a gamble.' Well, call it sour grapes if you like, but we will have to pucker up for two more years before we can return this lemon. Hopefully, we will use our collective melons, to cherry pick a top banana, who is as American as apple pie. How sublime.
Written By Donald R. Schuman, Jr
Hat Tip to Fred Page
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ron Klein: Too dangerous? Too extreme?
Since the mid-term election on November 2nd, I've been trying to figure out why so many Jewish voters in Dist. 22 threw Ron Klein under the bus and voted for, Allen West (LTC. U.S. Army, Retired). After all, Ronnie was a loyal soldier, too. (so to speak) He served faithfully in Gen. Nancy's Army. He followed orders and did what he was told.
Was he too dangerous? Was he too extreme? Was it that he hung out with a rowdy bunch of gays and lesbians who ride tri-cycles (with training wheels)? Was it because he is such a potty-mouth and tells such lies? Was it because he voted for every tyrannical tax and salacious spending bill proposed by Obama and Pelosi? Was it because he is such a coward that he had to rely on Rat-'PACs' to put out that series of vicious personal attacks on his opponent and his opponent's family?
I find it astonishing that considering the many monumental legislative bills conceived and authored by Klein, bills that he so skillfully guided through the House to successful passage (I'm certain that such a list exists), there will be such a teensy-tiny void left to fill upon his exit from the Congress. How could that be?
How could this patriotic paragon who gave away so many flags that were flown over the Capitol, be so callously ejected from the halls of Congress by the voters of Florida's Dist. 22? Could it be due to the glowing endorsement of his candidacy by the Sun-Sentinel, despite his abysmal performance in the debate against Allen West at Lynn University? The same Sun-Sentinel just published a litany of 'pat-ourselves-on-the back' awards and kudos received by staffers for outstanding journalistic fetes. I scanned that list but somehow, missed the Pulitzer Prize that surely was awarded to political writer Anthony Man for his tireless, pandering coverage of Ron Klein's thunderously dull two terms in the House. Give credit to Tony; he is a skilled writer. He has mastered the art of writing volumes about Allen West with scant mention of his name.
In my rush to get through that exciting list of 'atta-boys', I guess that I missed the award given to the paper's Editorial Board, for its numerous courageous stands and unbiased treatment of LTC. Allen West throughout his two runs against Ron Klein. How those chaps and chappettes managed to be so scrupulously, unerringly fair & balanced (almost FOX News-like) is a signal accomplishment in this era of mawkish journalism.
Well, never mind all that. It must be obvious to anyone who reads and believes everything contained in the Jewish Journal, that the reason Klein lost this election is because Obama failed to fully explain the incumbent's many attributes to the 'tens of thousands' of dutiful Democrats here in S.E. Florida. The unfortunate result was, that these 'tens of thousands' of FDR Democrat voters who never got the word, were out-voted by those 16 Viet Nam vets riding their motorcycles and waving the American Flag.
Question? Will Klein abandon the Democrat Party ala Cholly Crist and run for the U.S. Senate as an Independent? Will the Sun-Sentinel try again? Next time, will Klein take a page from 'Pastrami Irv Slosberg's' book and give away deli sandwiches to garner support from the hungry masses in Century Village and King's Point? What will he do in a desperate effort to get back into the good graces of Debbie-Whatever Schmutz's gaggle of brave protesters?
Stay tuned folks. This guy Klein might appear slightly effeminate but, he's a tough and wily fighter with all the fire, brimstone and class of a Barney Frank.
Oh, by the way, Ronnie-baby - "How's your family?
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF
P.S. Ron's Social Security number is available upon request. (only kidding, only kidding)
Was he too dangerous? Was he too extreme? Was it that he hung out with a rowdy bunch of gays and lesbians who ride tri-cycles (with training wheels)? Was it because he is such a potty-mouth and tells such lies? Was it because he voted for every tyrannical tax and salacious spending bill proposed by Obama and Pelosi? Was it because he is such a coward that he had to rely on Rat-'PACs' to put out that series of vicious personal attacks on his opponent and his opponent's family?
I find it astonishing that considering the many monumental legislative bills conceived and authored by Klein, bills that he so skillfully guided through the House to successful passage (I'm certain that such a list exists), there will be such a teensy-tiny void left to fill upon his exit from the Congress. How could that be?
How could this patriotic paragon who gave away so many flags that were flown over the Capitol, be so callously ejected from the halls of Congress by the voters of Florida's Dist. 22? Could it be due to the glowing endorsement of his candidacy by the Sun-Sentinel, despite his abysmal performance in the debate against Allen West at Lynn University? The same Sun-Sentinel just published a litany of 'pat-ourselves-on-the back' awards and kudos received by staffers for outstanding journalistic fetes. I scanned that list but somehow, missed the Pulitzer Prize that surely was awarded to political writer Anthony Man for his tireless, pandering coverage of Ron Klein's thunderously dull two terms in the House. Give credit to Tony; he is a skilled writer. He has mastered the art of writing volumes about Allen West with scant mention of his name.
In my rush to get through that exciting list of 'atta-boys', I guess that I missed the award given to the paper's Editorial Board, for its numerous courageous stands and unbiased treatment of LTC. Allen West throughout his two runs against Ron Klein. How those chaps and chappettes managed to be so scrupulously, unerringly fair & balanced (almost FOX News-like) is a signal accomplishment in this era of mawkish journalism.
Well, never mind all that. It must be obvious to anyone who reads and believes everything contained in the Jewish Journal, that the reason Klein lost this election is because Obama failed to fully explain the incumbent's many attributes to the 'tens of thousands' of dutiful Democrats here in S.E. Florida. The unfortunate result was, that these 'tens of thousands' of FDR Democrat voters who never got the word, were out-voted by those 16 Viet Nam vets riding their motorcycles and waving the American Flag.
Question? Will Klein abandon the Democrat Party ala Cholly Crist and run for the U.S. Senate as an Independent? Will the Sun-Sentinel try again? Next time, will Klein take a page from 'Pastrami Irv Slosberg's' book and give away deli sandwiches to garner support from the hungry masses in Century Village and King's Point? What will he do in a desperate effort to get back into the good graces of Debbie-Whatever Schmutz's gaggle of brave protesters?
Stay tuned folks. This guy Klein might appear slightly effeminate but, he's a tough and wily fighter with all the fire, brimstone and class of a Barney Frank.
Oh, by the way, Ronnie-baby - "How's your family?
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF
P.S. Ron's Social Security number is available upon request. (only kidding, only kidding)
Monday, November 8, 2010
Loyalty is defined as a feeling of faithfulness (dependability and fidelity) or allegiance to a person, place, or thing. I bring this topic up upon hearing, this past spring, that 5 players, on one of the top-ranked basketball teams in the country, are jumping ship and applying to the N.B.A. draft and, therefore, are abandoning their school scholarships. In fact, one player, All-American John Wall, is leaving after only one year at Kentucky.
What a joke! Here we are giving a valuable scholarship to an individual(s) to get an education in addition to have him (them) play the sport of basketball for the University. Did these players really desire to get an education or did they use that scholarship as a stepping stone to playing in the N.B.A. and becoming a millionaire? I’m sure we all know the answer to that question. I have no quarrel with anyone using his athletic ability and skills to better himself financially, but why go through this charade of giving the school’s scholarship money to “non-scholars” when that money could’ve been used by a deserving, financially needy “student scholar” who will actually add something positive to our society other than a three-point field goal?
I heard, during the Final Four of the NCAA basketball tournament, the two finalists – Duke and Butler – that those teams graduated more than 80% of their basketball players. Great news! Conversely, other teams like the Univ. of Maryland had a graduation rate of 0% and now the Univ. of Kentucky has had 5 starters leave for the N.B.A. without them getting a degree. These are, by no means, isolated schools that have horrendous graduation rates. Those players who “used” these duplicitous schools to further their careers are just one injury or one criminal conviction or incident away from becoming a burden on our society by not having that valuable “sheepskin” to fall back upon when their athletic talent fades away and they are no longer needed or wanted by the sport. The N.B.A. teams don’t really need a General Manager, they need a probation officer. What a disgrace to listen to these “school dropouts”, who were representing schools of higher learning, in trying to articulate a sentence in understandable English.
Most of these dropouts happen to be minority students who are recruited by these schools, not for their brains but for their brawn. So we not only have the athletes (I don’t use the word student-athlete because in most cases they aren’t even students) exploiting the University, but then you have the University exploiting the athlete – all for athletic glory and the dollars that will follow this inglorious arrangement. The old adage of, “Follow the money” really applies here. Money is king and academics take a back seat.
What a shame and what a waste of time and money.
Loyalty seems to be a forgotten virtue in the lives of many of our citizens today. On the one hand, loyalty can also be abused by some (mainly politicians) to go along with policies that they know to be false or destructive, but, on the other hand, because of the “blind” loyalty that they have for a particular political party, organization, or group, they would sell their “soul” to go along with devious leaders who were advocating those ideas rather than voting their conscience or voting with the prevailing opinions of the electorate.
The recent health care debate and passage is a perfect example of the abuse of the virtue of loyalty being used in a destructive manner. Under the table deals, bribes, and coercion were rampant in order to get the “loyalty” of some members to cast their “vote” the right way.
Will we ever regain the need to be loyal to our country, our faith (if you have one), our employer, our spouse etc.? I don’t know that answer, but I will always look favorably upon someone who shows loyalty when it is shown to be needed and shun those whose loyalty can be bought for nefarious reasons.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
What a joke! Here we are giving a valuable scholarship to an individual(s) to get an education in addition to have him (them) play the sport of basketball for the University. Did these players really desire to get an education or did they use that scholarship as a stepping stone to playing in the N.B.A. and becoming a millionaire? I’m sure we all know the answer to that question. I have no quarrel with anyone using his athletic ability and skills to better himself financially, but why go through this charade of giving the school’s scholarship money to “non-scholars” when that money could’ve been used by a deserving, financially needy “student scholar” who will actually add something positive to our society other than a three-point field goal?
I heard, during the Final Four of the NCAA basketball tournament, the two finalists – Duke and Butler – that those teams graduated more than 80% of their basketball players. Great news! Conversely, other teams like the Univ. of Maryland had a graduation rate of 0% and now the Univ. of Kentucky has had 5 starters leave for the N.B.A. without them getting a degree. These are, by no means, isolated schools that have horrendous graduation rates. Those players who “used” these duplicitous schools to further their careers are just one injury or one criminal conviction or incident away from becoming a burden on our society by not having that valuable “sheepskin” to fall back upon when their athletic talent fades away and they are no longer needed or wanted by the sport. The N.B.A. teams don’t really need a General Manager, they need a probation officer. What a disgrace to listen to these “school dropouts”, who were representing schools of higher learning, in trying to articulate a sentence in understandable English.
Most of these dropouts happen to be minority students who are recruited by these schools, not for their brains but for their brawn. So we not only have the athletes (I don’t use the word student-athlete because in most cases they aren’t even students) exploiting the University, but then you have the University exploiting the athlete – all for athletic glory and the dollars that will follow this inglorious arrangement. The old adage of, “Follow the money” really applies here. Money is king and academics take a back seat.
What a shame and what a waste of time and money.
Loyalty seems to be a forgotten virtue in the lives of many of our citizens today. On the one hand, loyalty can also be abused by some (mainly politicians) to go along with policies that they know to be false or destructive, but, on the other hand, because of the “blind” loyalty that they have for a particular political party, organization, or group, they would sell their “soul” to go along with devious leaders who were advocating those ideas rather than voting their conscience or voting with the prevailing opinions of the electorate.
The recent health care debate and passage is a perfect example of the abuse of the virtue of loyalty being used in a destructive manner. Under the table deals, bribes, and coercion were rampant in order to get the “loyalty” of some members to cast their “vote” the right way.
Will we ever regain the need to be loyal to our country, our faith (if you have one), our employer, our spouse etc.? I don’t know that answer, but I will always look favorably upon someone who shows loyalty when it is shown to be needed and shun those whose loyalty can be bought for nefarious reasons.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Friday, November 5, 2010
Honor and Integrity Prevailed
To my local friends and friends all over the country:
It was great victory all around the country. "We The People" have spoken. This is just the beginning. We shall continue to ensure our voices are heard.
With that being said, I am so proud to have been a part of the Allen West campaign. Unlike his opponent, Ron Klein, Allen West ran the most honorable campaign I have ever been a part of. Klein kept trying to take Allen down with the most despicable,evil character assassinations I have ever seen. The more Klein tried to take Allen down, the stronger and taller Allen stood. I, along with others, feared Allen may lose if he did not respond in kind. Trust me, we all sent information to the campaign that they could use against Ron Klein. Allen would have nothing to do with politics as usual smear tactics. He chose to run his campaign on "high moral ground". I trusted him, believed in him and spread the good word about my most honorable candidate. Allen West continued to stand tall and he set the example for me to stand tall as well.
This great man, LTC Allen West once said to me "When you stand upon the truth and principle, the evil does not matter. They are frustrated because I take their shots and stand. Matter of fact, we just keep moving forward regardless of their insidious actions. I am an American warrior, they ain't seen nothing yet."
I will never forget those words.... He was right....The evil did not matter.... Allen West, a man of honor and integrity prevailed!! A win for Allen West is a win for all Americans. The support for him from all over the country was astounding. The prayers and wishes sent his way were abundant. I know personally because I volunteered in his office and received these phone calls. His volunteers were relentless in their support and the support grew daily. He touched all our hearts and united everyone.
November 2, 2010 was a victorious night for Florida Congressional District 22 and America! This man of character will watch our backs, represent the will of the people and respect our Constitution. He will be "steadfast and loyal".
Congressional District 22 and America can rest knowing that Congressman Allen West will go to Washington for "We The People" and govern for, of and by the people.
Go West !!
God Bless Congressman-Elect Allen West.
God Bless his wonderful family (his wife, Angela, and daughters Aubrey & Austin) for lending him to America.
God Bless the USA !
Written by Tarina Rasmussen

It was great victory all around the country. "We The People" have spoken. This is just the beginning. We shall continue to ensure our voices are heard.
With that being said, I am so proud to have been a part of the Allen West campaign. Unlike his opponent, Ron Klein, Allen West ran the most honorable campaign I have ever been a part of. Klein kept trying to take Allen down with the most despicable,evil character assassinations I have ever seen. The more Klein tried to take Allen down, the stronger and taller Allen stood. I, along with others, feared Allen may lose if he did not respond in kind. Trust me, we all sent information to the campaign that they could use against Ron Klein. Allen would have nothing to do with politics as usual smear tactics. He chose to run his campaign on "high moral ground". I trusted him, believed in him and spread the good word about my most honorable candidate. Allen West continued to stand tall and he set the example for me to stand tall as well.
This great man, LTC Allen West once said to me "When you stand upon the truth and principle, the evil does not matter. They are frustrated because I take their shots and stand. Matter of fact, we just keep moving forward regardless of their insidious actions. I am an American warrior, they ain't seen nothing yet."
I will never forget those words.... He was right....The evil did not matter.... Allen West, a man of honor and integrity prevailed!! A win for Allen West is a win for all Americans. The support for him from all over the country was astounding. The prayers and wishes sent his way were abundant. I know personally because I volunteered in his office and received these phone calls. His volunteers were relentless in their support and the support grew daily. He touched all our hearts and united everyone.
November 2, 2010 was a victorious night for Florida Congressional District 22 and America! This man of character will watch our backs, represent the will of the people and respect our Constitution. He will be "steadfast and loyal".
Congressional District 22 and America can rest knowing that Congressman Allen West will go to Washington for "We The People" and govern for, of and by the people.
Go West !!
God Bless Congressman-Elect Allen West.
God Bless his wonderful family (his wife, Angela, and daughters Aubrey & Austin) for lending him to America.
God Bless the USA !
Written by Tarina Rasmussen

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
For a person who is considered a genius by his “Idol Worshiper” fans and fellow Kool-Aid drinkers, he has made some downright stupid mistakes that shows how inexperienced he is or just how devious he is. His liberal friends had a field day for eight years mocking and marginalizing George W. Bush, sometimes over minor slip-ups of the tongue, but you never heard of President Bush saying or doing disrespectful things about certain sacred things that are held in high esteem by the public. Obama doesn't seem to have a problem making himself seem foolish or disrespectful.
Here is a list of some of his stupid mistakes while President.
1) On one occasion at a press conference he did not display the flag of the U.S.A. behind the podium.
2) He did not salute the flag at the Ft. Hood funeral service.
3) He has not worn an American flag pin on his lapel.
4) He had the cross on the stage behind him covered up when he visited Georgetown University for a speech.
5) He did not attend the Memorial Day service at Arlington Cemetery. Instead he attended an obscure military cemetery ceremony near his hometown of Chicago.
6) He made no mention of the men/women who gave their lives on the 66th anniversary of D-Day.
7) He canceled the National Day of Prayer at the White House.
8) He hosted a group of Muslims in the White House during the holy Muslim day of Ramadan.
9) He didn't attend or issue a congratulatory proclamation to the Boy Scouts at the occasion of their 100th Anniversary celebration.
10) Obama left out the phrase “By their creator” in quoting from the Declaration of Independence at a recent Hispanic Caucus speech.
Some might say that these incidents are just nit-picking and minor happenings or oversights that could befall anyone, but he is not just anyone, he is the President of the United States and he and his staff should know better, but it seems that they just don't give a damn about the facts or protocol.
Shame on them!
Conservative Commentary by by Chuck Lehmann
Here is a list of some of his stupid mistakes while President.
1) On one occasion at a press conference he did not display the flag of the U.S.A. behind the podium.
2) He did not salute the flag at the Ft. Hood funeral service.
3) He has not worn an American flag pin on his lapel.
4) He had the cross on the stage behind him covered up when he visited Georgetown University for a speech.
5) He did not attend the Memorial Day service at Arlington Cemetery. Instead he attended an obscure military cemetery ceremony near his hometown of Chicago.
6) He made no mention of the men/women who gave their lives on the 66th anniversary of D-Day.
7) He canceled the National Day of Prayer at the White House.
8) He hosted a group of Muslims in the White House during the holy Muslim day of Ramadan.
9) He didn't attend or issue a congratulatory proclamation to the Boy Scouts at the occasion of their 100th Anniversary celebration.
10) Obama left out the phrase “By their creator” in quoting from the Declaration of Independence at a recent Hispanic Caucus speech.
Some might say that these incidents are just nit-picking and minor happenings or oversights that could befall anyone, but he is not just anyone, he is the President of the United States and he and his staff should know better, but it seems that they just don't give a damn about the facts or protocol.
Shame on them!
Conservative Commentary by by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, October 31, 2010
RON KLEIN - The embarrassment of Florida's District 22
I find that one of Ron Klein's most disturbing characteristics, aside from his put-offish physical appearance (I refer to his insipid, smarmy, slightly-effeminate facial expression atop his uniform of choice, that faded, rumpled once-blue suit), is his ability to espouse positions that are 180 degrees the opposite of his true viewpoints and beliefs.
Now, who am I to make such a statement? I am an Honorably Discharged veteran of the U.S. Navy who served during WWII (1944-1946). I am a full-time resident (12 years) of the State of Florida; a home owner in Palm Beach County; a registered Republican voter in PB County; a retired industrial designer who headed a successful business for 38 years;
and an active participant who works in support of local Conservative candidates for elected office, who are determined to achieve a smaller, smarter Federal government and most importantly, who are sworn to uphold the original intent of The Constitution of the United States of America.
And, how can I have the temerity to make such a judgement without supporting evidence of either a professional psychiatric evaluation or a documented confession? In the first place, it is quite obvious that neither of these 'proofs of purchase exist, nor are they ever likely to. So, taking my case to court seeking either satisfaction or redress against Klein's woeful misrepresentation on behalf of the citizens of Congressional District 22, is not an option. Beside that, I reside in District 19.
My qualifications for making these judgements are as follows:
1) As a native-born citizen of the United States, I am granted the precious right of free speech by that lovely First Amendment of The Constitution. While that freedom still exists, I'll continue to say what I mean and mean what I say.
2) I am familiar with the Klein's public utterances and his activities including his committee associations, activities and his history of go-along-to-get-along voting, from published accounts in the local papers and in The Congressional Record and from personal observation of his appearances at public functions.
3) My vision, hearing and sense of smell are all still functioning acutely, thank you. So, I can still see, hear and smell a phoney from a mile away.
Klein's 'deaf-ear' response to legitimate questions regarding the suitability of the selection and latent vetting of Keith Ellison to serve on the committee charged with the oversight of anti-Semitic activities, is typical of his weasel-like avoidance of important issues. This cowardly response typifies Klein's behavior, despite his frequent spewing of self-serving rhetoric to the contrary.
Klein is corrupt and cowardly. And as such, it is quite understandable that he has neither the moral or the physical courage to stand up to the pressures put upon him by the operatives of the nefarious radical Islamist cohorts of his fellow-committee-man, the radical Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Ellison you will recall, took the oath to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States' while his hand rested on a copy of the Quoran.
There can be no more diverse documents than our straight-forward Constitution and the Quoran. The latter being a mixed bag of quasi-religious precepts and a 'How-to' manual of 'death-to-the-infidels' instruction for the blood-thirsty element of its followers. How duplicitous and hypocritical is that?
Ellison has yet to speak a word of denial or repudiation of any of the overtly anti-American, openly anti-Semitic, anti-USA, and blatantly anti-Israel utterances and actions of CAIR and the dozens of other pseudo-independent groups that operate under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood.
These groups by whatever name they've given themselves, are all about the insinuation of their ideology by hook or crook, into every aspect of our free society for the ultimate purpose of controlling our population via the institution of Sharia 'law'. Their two primary tactics for bringing about compliance on the part of their target-victims are quite simple:
1) BRIBERY - this can take the form of outright gifts of cash or political payoff or,
2) PHYSICAL THREAT - this can take the form of real threats against the life and limbs of the target-victim himself or members of his family.
One or the other of these intimidating tactics is pretty much guaranteed to work against a corrupt and cowardly 'elected official such as Ron Klein. As I see it - Klein, a no-longer practicing ambulance-chasing attorney clings to his public office because that is all he has. He has no track record of genuine accomplishment in terms of public service, beyond his own carefully crafted, self-aggrandizing statements of minor or at best, questionable 'service to veterans or aged constituents.
Klein's only reason for being is to bask in the reflected glory of visible public office and to wield such power and glean such benefits as he can from that office. I have no doubt that he steals rubber bands and paper clips in addition to his government salary, franking privileges and after he is bounced from office, a lifetime pension.
Hence, the title of this rant against the runt: RON KLEIN - The embarrassment of Florida's District 22.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF
Now, who am I to make such a statement? I am an Honorably Discharged veteran of the U.S. Navy who served during WWII (1944-1946). I am a full-time resident (12 years) of the State of Florida; a home owner in Palm Beach County; a registered Republican voter in PB County; a retired industrial designer who headed a successful business for 38 years;
and an active participant who works in support of local Conservative candidates for elected office, who are determined to achieve a smaller, smarter Federal government and most importantly, who are sworn to uphold the original intent of The Constitution of the United States of America.
And, how can I have the temerity to make such a judgement without supporting evidence of either a professional psychiatric evaluation or a documented confession? In the first place, it is quite obvious that neither of these 'proofs of purchase exist, nor are they ever likely to. So, taking my case to court seeking either satisfaction or redress against Klein's woeful misrepresentation on behalf of the citizens of Congressional District 22, is not an option. Beside that, I reside in District 19.
My qualifications for making these judgements are as follows:
1) As a native-born citizen of the United States, I am granted the precious right of free speech by that lovely First Amendment of The Constitution. While that freedom still exists, I'll continue to say what I mean and mean what I say.
2) I am familiar with the Klein's public utterances and his activities including his committee associations, activities and his history of go-along-to-get-along voting, from published accounts in the local papers and in The Congressional Record and from personal observation of his appearances at public functions.
3) My vision, hearing and sense of smell are all still functioning acutely, thank you. So, I can still see, hear and smell a phoney from a mile away.
Klein's 'deaf-ear' response to legitimate questions regarding the suitability of the selection and latent vetting of Keith Ellison to serve on the committee charged with the oversight of anti-Semitic activities, is typical of his weasel-like avoidance of important issues. This cowardly response typifies Klein's behavior, despite his frequent spewing of self-serving rhetoric to the contrary.
Klein is corrupt and cowardly. And as such, it is quite understandable that he has neither the moral or the physical courage to stand up to the pressures put upon him by the operatives of the nefarious radical Islamist cohorts of his fellow-committee-man, the radical Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Ellison you will recall, took the oath to 'preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States' while his hand rested on a copy of the Quoran.
There can be no more diverse documents than our straight-forward Constitution and the Quoran. The latter being a mixed bag of quasi-religious precepts and a 'How-to' manual of 'death-to-the-infidels' instruction for the blood-thirsty element of its followers. How duplicitous and hypocritical is that?
Ellison has yet to speak a word of denial or repudiation of any of the overtly anti-American, openly anti-Semitic, anti-USA, and blatantly anti-Israel utterances and actions of CAIR and the dozens of other pseudo-independent groups that operate under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood.
These groups by whatever name they've given themselves, are all about the insinuation of their ideology by hook or crook, into every aspect of our free society for the ultimate purpose of controlling our population via the institution of Sharia 'law'. Their two primary tactics for bringing about compliance on the part of their target-victims are quite simple:
1) BRIBERY - this can take the form of outright gifts of cash or political payoff or,
2) PHYSICAL THREAT - this can take the form of real threats against the life and limbs of the target-victim himself or members of his family.
One or the other of these intimidating tactics is pretty much guaranteed to work against a corrupt and cowardly 'elected official such as Ron Klein. As I see it - Klein, a no-longer practicing ambulance-chasing attorney clings to his public office because that is all he has. He has no track record of genuine accomplishment in terms of public service, beyond his own carefully crafted, self-aggrandizing statements of minor or at best, questionable 'service to veterans or aged constituents.
Klein's only reason for being is to bask in the reflected glory of visible public office and to wield such power and glean such benefits as he can from that office. I have no doubt that he steals rubber bands and paper clips in addition to his government salary, franking privileges and after he is bounced from office, a lifetime pension.
Hence, the title of this rant against the runt: RON KLEIN - The embarrassment of Florida's District 22.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF
Thursday, October 28, 2010
[Ed. note on the Ed. note: this is from a former Chicago lawyer now practicing law in Tyler, TX]
[Ed. note: This is legit. I checked it out myself at Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. Its the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois ; and they are very strict and mean as hell. (Talk about irony!) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.]
Big surprise!!!
Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and US President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.
Consider this:
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a lawyer. He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application.
A Voluntary Surrender is not something where you decide Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it? and forget to renew your license. No, a Voluntary Surrender is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you voluntarily surrender you license five seconds before the state suspends you.
2. Michelle Obama voluntarily surrendered her law license in 1993.
3. So, we have the President and First Lady who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing... A fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago .
5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama(D-Ill.) served as a professor in the law school but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.
6. He did not hold the title of professor of law, said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law .
Source: ;
7. The former Constitutional senior lecturer cited the US Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution.
8. The B-Cast posted the video:
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.
10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech???
When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.
Submitted by Bill Schwartz
[Ed. note: This is legit. I checked it out myself at Stands for Illinois Attorney Registration And Disciplinary Committee. Its the official arm of lawyer discipline in Illinois ; and they are very strict and mean as hell. (Talk about irony!) Even I, at the advanced age of almost 65, maintain (at the cost of approximately $600/year) my law license that I worked so hard and long to earn.]
Big surprise!!!
Former Constitutional Law Lecturer and US President Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.
Consider this:
1. President Barack Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a lawyer. He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application.
A Voluntary Surrender is not something where you decide Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it? and forget to renew your license. No, a Voluntary Surrender is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you voluntarily surrender you license five seconds before the state suspends you.
2. Michelle Obama voluntarily surrendered her law license in 1993.
3. So, we have the President and First Lady who don't actually have licenses to practice law. Facts.
4. A senior lecturer is one thing... A fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago .
5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama(D-Ill.) served as a professor in the law school but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.
6. He did not hold the title of professor of law, said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law .
Source: ;
7. The former Constitutional senior lecturer cited the US Constitution the other night during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence not the Constitution.
8. The B-Cast posted the video:
9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.
10. Um, wrong citing, wrong founding document there Champ, I mean Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them unalienable rights. The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
11. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech???
When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.
Submitted by Bill Schwartz
Monday, October 25, 2010
Most likely you've heard that term before, but probably didn't know the definition – just like me, until I looked it up.
It is defined as: “Anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or incompatible attitudes, beliefs or the like, in other words, seeing one thing and believing another”
Politicians (but mostly Democrat politicians) usually fall victim to this aberration. To listen to today's politicians, they all seem to be in favor of “balanced budgets”, but we still have unbalanced budgets year after year. They all seem to see the light and the righteousness of balancing the budget, but do just the opposite in practice.
President Obama keeps saying that in these dire down economic times, we should all make sacrifices, but then goes out and plays over 52 rounds of golf during these dire down economic times. Is that what you call sacrificing? Of course, even the President should enjoy some recreation/vacation time, but isn't it a bit much when you can do all that golf and also go on 4 family vacations at posh resorts over the summer when many others don't even have a job or an income? He should've set an example for the rest of us to follow.
Our foreign policy towards Israel is another case in point where “cognitive dissonance” is in play. Our leaders see and say that Israel should stop building settlements because it might rile up the “Palestinians”, but never mention the rocket attacks upon innocent Israeli citizens as the reason why the Israeli's are reluctant to negotiate with the terrorists. Seeing one thing but believing another seems to be the “modus operandi” of the Obama Administration.
To further illustrate my point, the movers and shakers in our government, realize that our education system is in dire straits, even with a record amount of money being spent to make education better, but then they ask for more money on top of the money they have already wasted by their failed educational policies. It's like throwing more good money (which we have very little of) down the proverbial rat hole. A perfect example is the Wash. D.C. Schools. About 5 years ago, Wash. D.C. Instituted a “school voucher” program, on a pilot basis, to give some kids (approx. 1,500 kids) the opportunity to attend a private or parochial school. From all indications, the parents (and the kids) loved it and the students attending these private schools were thriving in that environment. So what happens, the teachers union, the major benefactor of the Democrats, objected and convinced the Congress to pull the plug, with the acquiescence of Obama, thereby putting those 1,500 students back into the failing Wash. D.C. public schools. If that isn't “cognitive dissonance” than I don't know what it is?
The stupidity of the Congress and the stupidity of the residents of Wash. D.C., by voting out the Mayor and having the innovative school superintendent resign, shows that, in some cases, people deserve what they get. They “cut off their noses to spite their faces” is a saying that certainly describes the actions of these stupid people who are the poster children for the term “cognitive dissonance”. Agree?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
It is defined as: “Anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or incompatible attitudes, beliefs or the like, in other words, seeing one thing and believing another”
Politicians (but mostly Democrat politicians) usually fall victim to this aberration. To listen to today's politicians, they all seem to be in favor of “balanced budgets”, but we still have unbalanced budgets year after year. They all seem to see the light and the righteousness of balancing the budget, but do just the opposite in practice.
President Obama keeps saying that in these dire down economic times, we should all make sacrifices, but then goes out and plays over 52 rounds of golf during these dire down economic times. Is that what you call sacrificing? Of course, even the President should enjoy some recreation/vacation time, but isn't it a bit much when you can do all that golf and also go on 4 family vacations at posh resorts over the summer when many others don't even have a job or an income? He should've set an example for the rest of us to follow.
Our foreign policy towards Israel is another case in point where “cognitive dissonance” is in play. Our leaders see and say that Israel should stop building settlements because it might rile up the “Palestinians”, but never mention the rocket attacks upon innocent Israeli citizens as the reason why the Israeli's are reluctant to negotiate with the terrorists. Seeing one thing but believing another seems to be the “modus operandi” of the Obama Administration.
To further illustrate my point, the movers and shakers in our government, realize that our education system is in dire straits, even with a record amount of money being spent to make education better, but then they ask for more money on top of the money they have already wasted by their failed educational policies. It's like throwing more good money (which we have very little of) down the proverbial rat hole. A perfect example is the Wash. D.C. Schools. About 5 years ago, Wash. D.C. Instituted a “school voucher” program, on a pilot basis, to give some kids (approx. 1,500 kids) the opportunity to attend a private or parochial school. From all indications, the parents (and the kids) loved it and the students attending these private schools were thriving in that environment. So what happens, the teachers union, the major benefactor of the Democrats, objected and convinced the Congress to pull the plug, with the acquiescence of Obama, thereby putting those 1,500 students back into the failing Wash. D.C. public schools. If that isn't “cognitive dissonance” than I don't know what it is?
The stupidity of the Congress and the stupidity of the residents of Wash. D.C., by voting out the Mayor and having the innovative school superintendent resign, shows that, in some cases, people deserve what they get. They “cut off their noses to spite their faces” is a saying that certainly describes the actions of these stupid people who are the poster children for the term “cognitive dissonance”. Agree?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Klein Signs Of The Times
Greetings my fellow Americans:
I've just returned from early voting at the Library on Hagen Ranch Road in Delray Beach and then, running an errand that took me into the northern reaches of Boca Raton.
As a result of passing hundreds of political signs planted one after another in the median strips, printed in every color in the rainbow - I'm practically blinded from that blur of color and I'm mildly myopic from all the clever, pithy-punchy printed messages.
Okay, okay. I get it. Each candidate wants to call attention to himself or herself by using any and all the graphic gimmicks they and their creative sign makers could conceive. Bold type predominates and Stars and Stripes abound, No problem with that.
However, standing out in that blur, were one candidate's signs that are peculiarly unique. The reason? Because right smack in the middle of his name (KLEIN), there appears a large red star. Excuse me? A large RED STAR!

Now, if the stars in our beautiful American flag, originally designed back in George Washington's day, are depicted in pure white and displayed on a field of true blue, it seems to me that's the proper way for American stars to appear.
From my study of world history and my own observation over the years, I've been aware that 'Red stars' have always been pretty much, the graphic symbol of choice for the Communists, Marxists, Socialists and other of their ilk. Stalin loved it. Chairman Mao adopted it. The USSR practically ran out of red stencil ink plastering the red star onto everything from the army's tanks to the butts of political prisoners.
So, what in hell - and what kind of twisted logic may I ask, would impel Ron Klein to plaster a large red star right in the middle of his name on his campaign signs? Could it be that he and his Campaign-of-Corruption cronies are that clueless about the significance of the red star - or, do they actively embrace the principles of the current president and his army of Saul Alinsky disciples who slavishly embrace the tenants of Communism, Marxism, Socialism and every other 'ism' that has met with dismal failure throughout modern history, every time it has been resurrected?
Which is it Herr Klein? Your blind obedience and whole-hearted support of Obama Socialism - or your unforgivable, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat arrogance born of decades of ingrained hypocrisy and colossal stupidity?
A RED STAR, indeed. What else do you need to know about Ron Klein? - - - except, that there is a most viable and superbly qualified candidate who is running against him for the seat he now occupies from Florida's District 22 in the U. S. House of Representatives.
His opponent's name is, ALLEN WEST. He is an American - through and through. When he looks up toward the Heavens as he does every day, he sees a sky full of bright, white stars.
And oh yes by the way - LTC. ALLEN WEST (U.S.Army, Retired) holds a Bronze Star awarded to him for Valor, earned by his courageous actions under fire, in combating the enemies of the United States, in the Middle East.
And as a public servant, his star continues to rise.
Would you care to do your part in bringing this nation back to the principles on which it was founded?
Conservative Commentary by by MORT KUFF (c)
I've just returned from early voting at the Library on Hagen Ranch Road in Delray Beach and then, running an errand that took me into the northern reaches of Boca Raton.
As a result of passing hundreds of political signs planted one after another in the median strips, printed in every color in the rainbow - I'm practically blinded from that blur of color and I'm mildly myopic from all the clever, pithy-punchy printed messages.
Okay, okay. I get it. Each candidate wants to call attention to himself or herself by using any and all the graphic gimmicks they and their creative sign makers could conceive. Bold type predominates and Stars and Stripes abound, No problem with that.
However, standing out in that blur, were one candidate's signs that are peculiarly unique. The reason? Because right smack in the middle of his name (KLEIN), there appears a large red star. Excuse me? A large RED STAR!
Now, if the stars in our beautiful American flag, originally designed back in George Washington's day, are depicted in pure white and displayed on a field of true blue, it seems to me that's the proper way for American stars to appear.
From my study of world history and my own observation over the years, I've been aware that 'Red stars' have always been pretty much, the graphic symbol of choice for the Communists, Marxists, Socialists and other of their ilk. Stalin loved it. Chairman Mao adopted it. The USSR practically ran out of red stencil ink plastering the red star onto everything from the army's tanks to the butts of political prisoners.
So, what in hell - and what kind of twisted logic may I ask, would impel Ron Klein to plaster a large red star right in the middle of his name on his campaign signs? Could it be that he and his Campaign-of-Corruption cronies are that clueless about the significance of the red star - or, do they actively embrace the principles of the current president and his army of Saul Alinsky disciples who slavishly embrace the tenants of Communism, Marxism, Socialism and every other 'ism' that has met with dismal failure throughout modern history, every time it has been resurrected?
Which is it Herr Klein? Your blind obedience and whole-hearted support of Obama Socialism - or your unforgivable, dyed-in-the-wool Democrat arrogance born of decades of ingrained hypocrisy and colossal stupidity?
A RED STAR, indeed. What else do you need to know about Ron Klein? - - - except, that there is a most viable and superbly qualified candidate who is running against him for the seat he now occupies from Florida's District 22 in the U. S. House of Representatives.
His opponent's name is, ALLEN WEST. He is an American - through and through. When he looks up toward the Heavens as he does every day, he sees a sky full of bright, white stars.
And oh yes by the way - LTC. ALLEN WEST (U.S.Army, Retired) holds a Bronze Star awarded to him for Valor, earned by his courageous actions under fire, in combating the enemies of the United States, in the Middle East.
And as a public servant, his star continues to rise.
Would you care to do your part in bringing this nation back to the principles on which it was founded?
Conservative Commentary by by MORT KUFF (c)
Monday, October 18, 2010
If it Quacks Like a Duck.......
The old expression which went like this, “If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck”, could easily be applied to our “Appeaser in Chief”, Barack Hussein Obama, when he is labeled as a Socialist/Marxist (according to a recent poll over 50% of those polled labeled him a Socialist). He scoffs at the connotation, but when he says that we should “redistribute the wealth”, he quacks like a Marxist duck, when he goes around the world apologizing for the past actions of the U.S.A., he walks like a self-hating American duck, and when he goes on vacation to plush resorts and plays many rounds of golf during national emergencies, he looks and acts like an elitist duck. To some of his Kool-Aid drinking supporters, those depictions are unfair and to some, are racist (What else is new? That's the label they use for anyone who criticizes him).
Some say you can judge a person by the company he keeps or the friends he hangs around with. Let's look at that for a moment as so much is unknown about his life (most of which he has deliberately kept under wraps). Here's what we do know, when Obama was growing up in Hawaii, he had a family friend, Frank Marshall Davis, as a confidant and a mentor. It is commonly known that Davis was a card carrying Communist who was under surveillance by the F.B.I. In his book, Obama referred to Davis as his mentor during his teenage years, Do you think the Socialist/Marxist philosophy was bandied about by Obama and his mentor during this time of his life? Dollars to donuts says that would most likely be the case. Teenagers are very impressionable during that time of their lives.
When he left Hawaii to attend college on the mainland, he stated, in his book, that he hung around and clung to leftist friends and leftist-oriented professors whom he felt comfortable with. I'm sure the usual Socialist/Marxist theories, prevalent in college, abounded around him during these years of self-awakening.
When he arrived in Chicago at the end of the 80's and showed a leaning toward starting a career in politics, he became a Community Organizer, and worked with the Socialist organization ACORN. During this time, who did he attach himself to for guidance and support? You guessed it, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, a virulent anti-Semite, anti-American, “Black Liberation” preacher who has identified himself as a Socialist. His friends in Chicago, during his preparation for a political career, included the self-proclaimed domestic terrorists, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, who have proclaimed that they are Marxists besides being part of the former terrorist group, the “Weather Underground”. In addition, while he was a law instructor at the University of Chicago, he became close friends with Rashid Khalidi, a professor at the school and a supporter of militant Muslim causes.
As President, he has surrounded himself with a preponderance of leftist-oriented people including known Communists Van Jones (since departed from the Administration) and Gary Samore, and admitted Socialists such as Mark Lloyd, Donald Berwick, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner, Rahm Emanuel, Ron Bloom, John Holdren, Ashton Carter etc., etc.
So when people call Obama a Socialist/Marxist they are making an honest evaluation as to what his political philosophy is. You could say that if he quacks like a Socialist, walks like a Socialist, and looks and acts like a Socialist, he must be a Socialist. Does anybody disagree with that conclusion?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Some say you can judge a person by the company he keeps or the friends he hangs around with. Let's look at that for a moment as so much is unknown about his life (most of which he has deliberately kept under wraps). Here's what we do know, when Obama was growing up in Hawaii, he had a family friend, Frank Marshall Davis, as a confidant and a mentor. It is commonly known that Davis was a card carrying Communist who was under surveillance by the F.B.I. In his book, Obama referred to Davis as his mentor during his teenage years, Do you think the Socialist/Marxist philosophy was bandied about by Obama and his mentor during this time of his life? Dollars to donuts says that would most likely be the case. Teenagers are very impressionable during that time of their lives.
When he left Hawaii to attend college on the mainland, he stated, in his book, that he hung around and clung to leftist friends and leftist-oriented professors whom he felt comfortable with. I'm sure the usual Socialist/Marxist theories, prevalent in college, abounded around him during these years of self-awakening.
When he arrived in Chicago at the end of the 80's and showed a leaning toward starting a career in politics, he became a Community Organizer, and worked with the Socialist organization ACORN. During this time, who did he attach himself to for guidance and support? You guessed it, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ, a virulent anti-Semite, anti-American, “Black Liberation” preacher who has identified himself as a Socialist. His friends in Chicago, during his preparation for a political career, included the self-proclaimed domestic terrorists, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn, who have proclaimed that they are Marxists besides being part of the former terrorist group, the “Weather Underground”. In addition, while he was a law instructor at the University of Chicago, he became close friends with Rashid Khalidi, a professor at the school and a supporter of militant Muslim causes.
As President, he has surrounded himself with a preponderance of leftist-oriented people including known Communists Van Jones (since departed from the Administration) and Gary Samore, and admitted Socialists such as Mark Lloyd, Donald Berwick, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner, Rahm Emanuel, Ron Bloom, John Holdren, Ashton Carter etc., etc.
So when people call Obama a Socialist/Marxist they are making an honest evaluation as to what his political philosophy is. You could say that if he quacks like a Socialist, walks like a Socialist, and looks and acts like a Socialist, he must be a Socialist. Does anybody disagree with that conclusion?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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