When buying a food product, it's always good to see the word 100% pure on the label as that conveys the message that the product is safe to eat.
But in politics, that same desire for a candidate to be a 100% “pure”ideological candidate, is almost impossible to achieve. If that's what a voter is looking for, he is not going to find it. So what is a “purist” voter to do? Well, Ronald Reagan had what he called the 80% solution, which meant that if a voter could agree with 80% of the policies of a candidate for office, he should be able to support that candidate with a clear conscience as long as his opponent has a lower or non-existent favorability rating on the issues. This is the case now with the present slate of Republican candidates (with the exception of Ron Paul). All of the candidates have flaws, made flip-flops, and held opposite or differing opinions on a variety of issues - but, they mainly agree on the major issues as opposed to the views and policies of President Obama. Some voters in the present and past, have based their support of a candidate on one issue to the exclusion of all others (ex. Abortion, same sex marriage, immigration etc.). To me, that is a wrongheaded position to take as life is more than just one issue.
The candidates for the Republican nomination have mostly run the gauntlet of diverse positions on certain topics or policies and have been accused of flip-flops on some issues. Does a candidate have to toe-the-line by never changing or altering his mind on specific issues he might have held in the past? Let's hope not.
The two current front runners for the Republican nomination, Romney and Gingrich, have been accused of flip-flopping on a few issues. I think most all politicians have changed (or evolved) their positions over the years, either out of convictions or for political considerations. Even somebody like President Obama has flip-flopped on the issues more than a short order cook at IHOP over the past few years, which he will have to confront and answer for during the regular presidential campaign of 2012.
Many of our previous presidents have changed their minds on a whole host of topics including the a fore mentioned items such as abortion, gay rights, immigration and now government run healthcare. It is politically expedient to accuse your opponent of changing his mind, but in reality, it is a weak excuse to withhold your support or vote for a candidate just because of the flip-flop. That ploy is going to be used by both Democrats and Republicans in the upcoming election, as it is a means of personally attacking their opponent for doing what most all politicians do anyway, that is, change their mind.
So, my advice to all voters who hold disdain for any candidate or politician who has changed his mind on a particular issue, is to remember that most all have done the same thing on one or more occasions in the past. It's what that candidate believes in now, in the present, that should be taken into consideration more so than what he believed in years ago. Politicians would be foolish to stick to a position that they no longer believe in just for the sake of not being called a flip-flopper or to be “politically correct”.
So, in my opinion, Reagan's 80% solution should be viewed as a sensible means of evaluating a candidate for public office.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
My Favorite ‘UNfavorites’.
Being the picky sort, I enjoy being upset by things that never seem to faze my good wife or others in my immediate circle of those who tolerate me and my pickiness.
Example: I take huge umbrage at a TV spokesman who appears in ‘gold’ commercials, who always begins by saying, “People are always asking me - - - -“. That’s B.S. He would have to prove to me that people are always asking him anything except, to get the hell off the air.
Example: I am harshly irritated when people close their e-mails with, ‘lol’. I never know whether that means, ‘lots of luck’; ‘lots of love’; ‘lots of laughs’; ‘loads of laundry’; or what? I do believe this is a by-product of ‘texting’ and that we’re stuck with unintelligible abbreviations until something comes along to replace this current practice of people avoiding spelling-out what it is they want to express.
Example: I become agitated instantly when an elderly neighbor-lady, with a quivering rat-like dog on a leash, picks up her puppy’s recently-deposited poop from my lawn - albeit in a plastic bag, smiles sweetly and says, “Good morning”. I respond with an contemptuously-cool, “Good morning”, as I thank her for picking up the poo and gently but firmly, request that if it is within her power to do so, she refrain in the future, from allowing her pooch to poop on my private property. I don’t wish to engage in further conversation with this woman and so, after delivering my carefully crafted request, I turn heel and retire to the confines of my domain.
I love dogs as much as the next guy who objects to them shitting on his property but, I have no patience whatsoever with the owners of pooches who think their dog’s poo doesn’t stink. I have spake upon this subject and don’t not wish to smell it, again.
Example: I become eggs-aspirated with Florida’s ‘middle-of-the-roaders’. Whether they are occupying the middle of a street in my development that is replete with perfectly good sidewalks on both sides or, they are sashaying at a snail’s pace, pushing shopping carts full of groceries while occupying the precise center of the aisle between parked cars in super market parking lots.
In each case, I find myself day-dreaming about those lovely twin Cal.50 machine guns that accompanied me as I occupied the top turret of a twin-engined, land-based U. S. Navy patrol bomber during WWII. While I am now a couple of generations removed from that young man who sat between those guns, I still have reveries about using them in certain kinds of situations all these years later. Situations as just described or quite often, events taking place on I-95.
With regard to Interstate 95, there is a brigand who regularly travels that thoroughfare and makes no attempt to hide the fact that he is out to kill me. But, true to his cowardly nature, he uses a different vehicle every day to avoid detection and identification. Sooner or later, he’ll appear within my sights – and when he does . . . . he’ll ‘get his’.
Example: I couldn’t end this short litany of my Favorite ‘UNfavorites’ without a not-so-friendly jab at my all-time UNfavorite, my ‘UNfavorite-in-Chief BarackHusseinObama. I experience an overabundance of harsh irritation at each mention of his name, vision of his arrogant, sourpuss countenance or audio of his all-too-frequent lies and lunatic utterings into every microphone within a 6,000 mile radius. When he speaks, I reach for the closest barf-bag.
I remember clearly, wanting to strangle His Ineptness-in-Chief, Jimmy Carter. I have many indelible recollections of being annoyed to the max with the degenerate carryings-on by the Scumbag-in-Chief, Bill Clinton. However, all that pales beside the non-stop, 24/7 reminders about the most anti-American reprobate ever to occupy the Oval Office of our White House, Mr. Destruction himself, Barry the bamboozler.
There’s more of course but right now, it is time to clean my guns and check my ammo.
Conservative commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
I Just Don't Understand!
It amazes me, as a “goy” (a gentile), that some of the most vociferous detractors of Israel are Jews themselves. Most of these detractors, although claiming all out support for Israel, seem to be part of the far-left, liberal, secular progressive branch of Judaism, and most seem to be Democrats. They are hell-bent on apologizing for the Muslim terrorists and their actions against Israel and the western democracies, most notably the United States.
They constantly bring up the canard of “moral equivalency” to the response that Israel takes the wrong approach in defending itself from people who are trying to kill them. Just recently, Obama's Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, (a Jew) saw fit to proclaim that anti-Semitism in the Arab world is different from the old European hatreds - because it can be justified by Israel's actions. These same “apologists” are also in the forefront of giving aid and comfort to our enemies or detractors around the world. These “self-hating” Americans are dedicated to blaming America first for anything negative that happens in the world. President Obama went on a world tour apologizing for our actions over the past years. That was unprecedented in the annals of the presidency for a president to “bad mouth” his own country on foreign shores. The blame America first crowd champion the oppressive regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, and blame the U.S. for all the ills in those countries.
These same apologists, who all seem to be afflicted with that liberal malady called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion), are constantly claiming we are the one's responsible for the terrible violations of their “rights”. They are against all means that we initiated since 9/11 to protect us from future 9/11's or worse. Profiling, wire tapping of suspected terrorists, forceful interrogation of captured terrorists (which they call torture), all seem to be “excessive” and depriving the terrorists of “their rights”. When you ask them how they have been personally affected, they have no answer, but give vague generalities about non-existent violations.
These same “Woodstock Wusses” are the same people who say that Israel and the West should negotiate with these terrorists who want to kill and behead them. Obama even said that Israel should sit down with the Palestinians and negotiate a peace settlement using the 1967 borders as a starting point. Does he really think Israel is that stupid to agree with that self-defeating proposal? They erroneously think that you can sit down and reason with these butchers and appeal to their good hearts and good intentions. They don't seem to realize that we have been trying that for over 30 years with no positive results. All they got for those efforts were more killings, more rockets, more kidnappings, more suicide bombers and endless vitriol eagerly propagated by a pliant main stream media around the world and in our own country.
Because I strongly support the State of Israel, doesn't mean I'm prohibited from criticizing Israel and its policies, but when it comes to its national survival and standing up for their right to defend themselves, I take a back seat to no one or no group.
This hate America and hate Israel crowd not only makes apologies for the Muslim terrorists, but they also support the oppressive regimes and tin-horn dictators right here in Central and South America. These same misguided misguided people support and apologize for the likes of Castro in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela, Correa of Ecuador, Morales of Bolivia, and Ortega of Nicaragua, all the time mostly blaming the U.S. For all the wrong in those countries. Now you can see why I don't understand why “educated” (with no common sense) people will act and do such misguided things and think they are compassionate.
Maybe someday they will understand.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
They constantly bring up the canard of “moral equivalency” to the response that Israel takes the wrong approach in defending itself from people who are trying to kill them. Just recently, Obama's Ambassador to Belgium, Howard Gutman, (a Jew) saw fit to proclaim that anti-Semitism in the Arab world is different from the old European hatreds - because it can be justified by Israel's actions. These same “apologists” are also in the forefront of giving aid and comfort to our enemies or detractors around the world. These “self-hating” Americans are dedicated to blaming America first for anything negative that happens in the world. President Obama went on a world tour apologizing for our actions over the past years. That was unprecedented in the annals of the presidency for a president to “bad mouth” his own country on foreign shores. The blame America first crowd champion the oppressive regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Nicaragua, and blame the U.S. for all the ills in those countries.
These same apologists, who all seem to be afflicted with that liberal malady called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion), are constantly claiming we are the one's responsible for the terrible violations of their “rights”. They are against all means that we initiated since 9/11 to protect us from future 9/11's or worse. Profiling, wire tapping of suspected terrorists, forceful interrogation of captured terrorists (which they call torture), all seem to be “excessive” and depriving the terrorists of “their rights”. When you ask them how they have been personally affected, they have no answer, but give vague generalities about non-existent violations.
These same “Woodstock Wusses” are the same people who say that Israel and the West should negotiate with these terrorists who want to kill and behead them. Obama even said that Israel should sit down with the Palestinians and negotiate a peace settlement using the 1967 borders as a starting point. Does he really think Israel is that stupid to agree with that self-defeating proposal? They erroneously think that you can sit down and reason with these butchers and appeal to their good hearts and good intentions. They don't seem to realize that we have been trying that for over 30 years with no positive results. All they got for those efforts were more killings, more rockets, more kidnappings, more suicide bombers and endless vitriol eagerly propagated by a pliant main stream media around the world and in our own country.
Because I strongly support the State of Israel, doesn't mean I'm prohibited from criticizing Israel and its policies, but when it comes to its national survival and standing up for their right to defend themselves, I take a back seat to no one or no group.
This hate America and hate Israel crowd not only makes apologies for the Muslim terrorists, but they also support the oppressive regimes and tin-horn dictators right here in Central and South America. These same misguided misguided people support and apologize for the likes of Castro in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela, Correa of Ecuador, Morales of Bolivia, and Ortega of Nicaragua, all the time mostly blaming the U.S. For all the wrong in those countries. Now you can see why I don't understand why “educated” (with no common sense) people will act and do such misguided things and think they are compassionate.
Maybe someday they will understand.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Selective Outrage
The Sun-Sentinel and reporter Anthony Man did what they normally do on
Saturday, Dec. 17, they published a "hit piece" on Rep. Allen West.
Bill O'Reilly popularized the phrase, "The Spin Stops Here", but their
spin never lets up, especially on sliming Rep. Allen West on a regular
To selectively take the words of Rep. West when he said in an
interview; "If Josef Goebbels was around, he'd be very proud of the
Democrat Party because they have an incredible propaganda machine.
Let's be honest, you know, some of the people in the media are
complicit in this, in enabling them to get that type of message out",
and to try to turn those words into a slur against Jews or the
Holocaust survivors, is outrageous. In a way, the Sun-Sentinel and
Anthony Man proved West's contention that the propaganda machine of the
Democrats and their surrogates in the news media, was working as well
as the Nazi smear machine run by that evil propaganda minister, Josef
Goebbel's, during WWII. Nowhere is his remarks did he denigrate Jews
or the Holocaust, only in the warped minds of the partisan Democrats
and the liberal news media does this "selective outrage" exist.
This is just the beginning of the upcoming vile campaign to get Obama
and the Democrat legislators elected in 2012. They can't run on their
pitiful record, so they'll have to resort to engaging in the "politics
of personal destruction" to cover up their ineptitude and their
Marxist/Socialist policies. Being a black Conservative Republican,
makes Rep West a prime target, because he's not part of the
"plantation" mentality alive and well in Wash. D.C.
Shame on them, but then again, they have no shame.
God bless Rep. Allen West.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

Artwork by MORT KUFF
Click on the Cartoon for another cartoon by MORT KUFF
Saturday, Dec. 17, they published a "hit piece" on Rep. Allen West.
Bill O'Reilly popularized the phrase, "The Spin Stops Here", but their
spin never lets up, especially on sliming Rep. Allen West on a regular
To selectively take the words of Rep. West when he said in an
interview; "If Josef Goebbels was around, he'd be very proud of the
Democrat Party because they have an incredible propaganda machine.
Let's be honest, you know, some of the people in the media are
complicit in this, in enabling them to get that type of message out",
and to try to turn those words into a slur against Jews or the
Holocaust survivors, is outrageous. In a way, the Sun-Sentinel and
Anthony Man proved West's contention that the propaganda machine of the
Democrats and their surrogates in the news media, was working as well
as the Nazi smear machine run by that evil propaganda minister, Josef
Goebbel's, during WWII. Nowhere is his remarks did he denigrate Jews
or the Holocaust, only in the warped minds of the partisan Democrats
and the liberal news media does this "selective outrage" exist.
This is just the beginning of the upcoming vile campaign to get Obama
and the Democrat legislators elected in 2012. They can't run on their
pitiful record, so they'll have to resort to engaging in the "politics
of personal destruction" to cover up their ineptitude and their
Marxist/Socialist policies. Being a black Conservative Republican,
makes Rep West a prime target, because he's not part of the
"plantation" mentality alive and well in Wash. D.C.
Shame on them, but then again, they have no shame.
God bless Rep. Allen West.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

Artwork by MORT KUFF
Click on the Cartoon for another cartoon by MORT KUFF
Thursday, December 15, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
White House will not do Christmas!
Actually, the White House itself, has never ‘done’ Christmas. It has always been of course, the occupants who have gotten into the spirit of this Christian holiday and have led the nation in celebration by decorating the People’s House and hosting public ceremonies that are appropriate to the occasion.
Since the White House was first occupied by President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, there has been an unbroken stream of Presidents and their families who have celebrated Christmas in that mansion, during times of peace as well as during those periods when we were engaged in war. Since this nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles, it has been taken as a matter of course that the two most significant observances of the life of Jesus Christ representing his birth and his death - Christmas and Easter - would and properly should be celebrated in the People’s House.
That is, until the ‘weird one’ President Barack Hussein Obama, initiated his crude & rude deviation from this long-established practice. He has blatantly ignored the Christmas tradition and absented himself and his family from The White House at Christmas time, leaving the gaily-decorated mansion without the presence of a President or a First Family. This is outrageous behavior on the part of a sitting President however, in light of what we have learned about Obama since his immaculate conception (un vetted election) the emerging pattern is becoming more evident. His hypocritical stance, vis a vis his observance of the tenets of the Muslim faith and his embracing of the ideology of Islam as opposed to his professed belief as a Christian, poses an ugly conundrum. What is at the core of this man whom more than half this nation’s voters elected?
The only thing I can imagine that would be worse than the President of these United States avoiding the celebration of Christmas in the White House, would be Obama the Muslim-in-Chief doing a shuck & jive ‘Taqiyya’ number by hypocritically pretending to celebrate this Christian holiday. The man is a lying S.O.B. He is a treacherous deviate in every sense of the word. He hates the freedoms that are the hallmark of our way of life. And, he has become so arrogantly reckless as to express that un-American viewpoint unambiguously, in his ever more frequent Karl Marx-like speeches.
I have no doubt that if the unthinkable happens, meaning he is re-elected for another four years - Christmas at the White House will become a thing of the past while even the most obscure Muslim celebrations will be the only quasi-religious events permitted and ‘officially’ observed in the ‘People’s House’.
Christians should be afraid. Jews should be afraid. Mormons should be afraid.
Believers in Confucius should be afraid. Atheists should be afraid. All sane people should be afraid. And, every American should definitely be afraid.
Do elections have consequences? This Jew says, “Yes, they do”.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Who's Responsible?
It seems that if you listen to the T.V. News and read the local newspapers, that nobody in authority in government wants to take responsibility for anything, especially things that have gone wrong on their watch.
Just the other day, President Obama blamed the Republicans for the breakdown of the Super-Committee, but never mentioned the fact that he was A.W.O.L. the whole time this question arose about how to reduce the “non-existent” budget and subsequent debt that we had and are accumulating. He also forgot to mention that he has not had a budget passed in almost 3 years and the one time he did submit one, it was voted down by a 97-0 vote in the Senate. It seems it is always someone else's fault, mainly George W. Bush. That's how a narcissist reacts when things go wrong. It is beneath a narcissist to admit he did something wrong. Our “Campaigner in Chief” always seems to let others do the dirty work and make the tough decisions, so that if it doesn't turn out right, he has the means to deny that it is his fault. Another example was the health care debate. He let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid carry the water on that one - and look how that turned out - 60% of the people want that law to be repealed.
Another one of the incompetents in his administration, Attorney-General Eric Holder, is another “pass the buck” player. The scandal involving “Fast and Furious”, that operation that sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels, is a prime example of how misguided policies instituted by his (Obama's) incompetent administration can cause harm to our country and to individuals employed to protect us, like a Border Patrol agent that was killed by one of those guns that was sold to the drug cartel. Even though Eric Holder is the head man in the Justice Dep't., he claims ignorance as to what went on. That answer is not credible because an operation of this magnitude had to be approved by his office and e-mails seem to back that conclusion up. He says he was unaware of this operation until only a few weeks before he was called upon, this past summer, before the House Oversight Committee. Is he a Pinocchio or what?
In addition, the office of the Attorney-General refused to prosecute the voter intimidation case brought against the “New Black Panther Party”. Career people in the Justice Dep't. wanted to go forth with the prosecution, but Holder pulled the plug. Who's responsible? Not me, said Holder!
Another of Obama's cronies, Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize physicist, was the person in charge of signing off on the Sloyndra loan guarantee debacle. He claims that the proper procedures were in place to evaluate that the loan guarantee was vetted properly, even thought the previous Bush administration had turned down the request as being too risky of an investment. Sec'y. Chu reluctantly admitted his agency made a mistake, but he played ignorant as to why it was approved in the first place. It looks like he wimped out.
Both Holder and Chu should man-up and hand in their resignations because it would be the right and proper thing to do - but, maybe they're waiting for their boss - Barack Hussein Obama, to make the first move? Lots of luck that the “Narcissist in Chief” will do that. He doesn't have the “cajones” to take responsibility for his failures - the same with both Holder and Chu. They just don't want to take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Just the other day, President Obama blamed the Republicans for the breakdown of the Super-Committee, but never mentioned the fact that he was A.W.O.L. the whole time this question arose about how to reduce the “non-existent” budget and subsequent debt that we had and are accumulating. He also forgot to mention that he has not had a budget passed in almost 3 years and the one time he did submit one, it was voted down by a 97-0 vote in the Senate. It seems it is always someone else's fault, mainly George W. Bush. That's how a narcissist reacts when things go wrong. It is beneath a narcissist to admit he did something wrong. Our “Campaigner in Chief” always seems to let others do the dirty work and make the tough decisions, so that if it doesn't turn out right, he has the means to deny that it is his fault. Another example was the health care debate. He let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid carry the water on that one - and look how that turned out - 60% of the people want that law to be repealed.
Another one of the incompetents in his administration, Attorney-General Eric Holder, is another “pass the buck” player. The scandal involving “Fast and Furious”, that operation that sold guns to the Mexican drug cartels, is a prime example of how misguided policies instituted by his (Obama's) incompetent administration can cause harm to our country and to individuals employed to protect us, like a Border Patrol agent that was killed by one of those guns that was sold to the drug cartel. Even though Eric Holder is the head man in the Justice Dep't., he claims ignorance as to what went on. That answer is not credible because an operation of this magnitude had to be approved by his office and e-mails seem to back that conclusion up. He says he was unaware of this operation until only a few weeks before he was called upon, this past summer, before the House Oversight Committee. Is he a Pinocchio or what?
In addition, the office of the Attorney-General refused to prosecute the voter intimidation case brought against the “New Black Panther Party”. Career people in the Justice Dep't. wanted to go forth with the prosecution, but Holder pulled the plug. Who's responsible? Not me, said Holder!
Another of Obama's cronies, Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize physicist, was the person in charge of signing off on the Sloyndra loan guarantee debacle. He claims that the proper procedures were in place to evaluate that the loan guarantee was vetted properly, even thought the previous Bush administration had turned down the request as being too risky of an investment. Sec'y. Chu reluctantly admitted his agency made a mistake, but he played ignorant as to why it was approved in the first place. It looks like he wimped out.
Both Holder and Chu should man-up and hand in their resignations because it would be the right and proper thing to do - but, maybe they're waiting for their boss - Barack Hussein Obama, to make the first move? Lots of luck that the “Narcissist in Chief” will do that. He doesn't have the “cajones” to take responsibility for his failures - the same with both Holder and Chu. They just don't want to take responsibility for their actions or lack thereof.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, December 8, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings.
EXTREME? Oh, golly gee.
This word ‘Extreme has been bandied about and used ‘willy-nilly’ by blabbering
Democraps since the 1980 presidential campaign. Probably, it was used prior to that
but, when it came into popular usage in the ugly world of politics really isn’t important.
What bugs me now, is the extreme mis-use and constant over-use of that term by the
extremist Democrap blabbers, on an almost daily basis. Shades of Al Gore and his
extremely monotonous droning on and on with his use of ‘lock-box’ and ‘extremist’
terminology. He was annoying and today’s Democrap purveyors of ‘extremist’
terminology are annoying.
To listen to a Nancy Pelosi, a Harry Reid or any of the other extremely uncouth,
extremely harsh irritants in the Congress using that term when describing Republicans
or Conservatives, is the ultimate in extreme annoyance. These blabbering Democraps
and each and every one of the toadies who blindly follow their inane ramblings, are
annoying to the extreme max.
I’ll be glad when they all disappear and the screen fades to black. Or, could that be
considered a racist remark? If I’ve offended anyone for any reason, I’ll be extremely
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
You've Got to be Kidding.....Part 2
• How can you make a scapegoat out of a famous coach, the all-time leader in college football victories, 84 year old Joe Paterno, by hanging him out to dry over disgusting sexual incidents by a former coach who no longer worked for him?
• How can many of the Obamamaniacs continue to praise the job Obama is doing when most of the country feels that our country is on the wrong track and about to get worse?
• How can the MSM (Main Street Media) continue to hold Republicans and Conservatives to a higher standard of conduct than they have held liberals and Democrats? (ex. Herman Cain as compared to Slick Willie Clinton and John Edwards)?
• How can our government justify giving loan guarantees to the so-called “green companies” that were on the verge of bankruptcy before they got the guarantee? Do you think politics had anything to do with it?
• How come even if you taxed millionaires and billionaires at 100%, it would still not cover the trillions of dollars the government is spending?
• How come millionaires are painted as “handed down rich” people, when roughly 80% of millionaires in America are the 1st generation of their family to be rich? They didn't inherit it, they earned it.
• How can we remain solvent as a country when we take in $2.3 trillion while spending $3.6 trillion, mostly with borrowed money?
• How come Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is being vilified by liberals and unions when his policy of limiting the power of public unions has caused school districts in Wisconsin to be in surplus rather than deficit as a result of his policies?
• How come people who rail against Capitalism believe that “equality of opportunity” is the same as “equality of outcome”, and that successful people don't deserve to be compensated more than unsuccessful people?
• How come, if everything is improving under Obama's policies, why do we have 49 million people (as calculated by the Congressional Budget Office) living below the poverty line?
• How can you negotiate with a group of people (the Muslims) who want to see you dead because you are considered to be an infidel and not worthy of life?
• How can liberals continue to further the canard that George W. Bush was “selected” by the Supreme Court, and not elected by the electoral process? The Supreme court voted 7 – 2 to declare the recount in Florida as unconstitutional (included were 2 members of the liberal minority).
• How much of that Obama $787 billion “Stimulus” money found its way back to Obama campaign contributors instead of using the money in a fair and equitable manner?
• How can Attorney General Eric Holder not know the particulars of that Mexican gun sale (Fast & Furious) to drug cartels, when memos went to his office, addressed to him, about a year before the scandal broke? Shouldn't that be called gross incompetence?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
• How can many of the Obamamaniacs continue to praise the job Obama is doing when most of the country feels that our country is on the wrong track and about to get worse?
• How can the MSM (Main Street Media) continue to hold Republicans and Conservatives to a higher standard of conduct than they have held liberals and Democrats? (ex. Herman Cain as compared to Slick Willie Clinton and John Edwards)?
• How can our government justify giving loan guarantees to the so-called “green companies” that were on the verge of bankruptcy before they got the guarantee? Do you think politics had anything to do with it?
• How come even if you taxed millionaires and billionaires at 100%, it would still not cover the trillions of dollars the government is spending?
• How come millionaires are painted as “handed down rich” people, when roughly 80% of millionaires in America are the 1st generation of their family to be rich? They didn't inherit it, they earned it.
• How can we remain solvent as a country when we take in $2.3 trillion while spending $3.6 trillion, mostly with borrowed money?
• How come Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is being vilified by liberals and unions when his policy of limiting the power of public unions has caused school districts in Wisconsin to be in surplus rather than deficit as a result of his policies?
• How come people who rail against Capitalism believe that “equality of opportunity” is the same as “equality of outcome”, and that successful people don't deserve to be compensated more than unsuccessful people?
• How come, if everything is improving under Obama's policies, why do we have 49 million people (as calculated by the Congressional Budget Office) living below the poverty line?
• How can you negotiate with a group of people (the Muslims) who want to see you dead because you are considered to be an infidel and not worthy of life?
• How can liberals continue to further the canard that George W. Bush was “selected” by the Supreme Court, and not elected by the electoral process? The Supreme court voted 7 – 2 to declare the recount in Florida as unconstitutional (included were 2 members of the liberal minority).
• How much of that Obama $787 billion “Stimulus” money found its way back to Obama campaign contributors instead of using the money in a fair and equitable manner?
• How can Attorney General Eric Holder not know the particulars of that Mexican gun sale (Fast & Furious) to drug cartels, when memos went to his office, addressed to him, about a year before the scandal broke? Shouldn't that be called gross incompetence?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, December 1, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
The SunSentinel’s Sick-Humorist Gone Wild
In the Friday, November 25, 2011 edition of the SunSentinel, that paper’s Resident Humorist Stephen L. (Looney) Goldstein’s screed against the revered ‘now & forever’ spiritual leader of the Republican Party Ronald Reagan, was curiously, found on the Opinion Page.
This newsrag’s management continues to shuffle news, features, opinion and other trivia that rudely intrudes upon the furniture and auto ads, so that the readership is obliged to do a daily shuffle in its effort to locate the Opinion Page. Having found that illusive page in this day’s edition, the realization dawned on me that I am no longer surprised when ‘management’ places Resident Humorist Goldstein’s rant on a page other than that reserved for the drawn comics. Hey, it’s their rag; they have the right to choose when and how to disorganize it. Understood.
So at long last, let me get to the point of this Not-to-the-Editor-letter – it is to recount the bitter bias and hateful nature of Goldstein, the hoary humorist emeritus. This poor chap must find himself in a constant state of dyspeptic distress. If it weren’t for his ill-humor, he’d have no humor at all. Being humorous on purpose is difficult, even for the talented. So, being ‘laughed at’ instead of being ‘laughed with’ is a supremely sad condition for a serious Opinion writer to find himself thus categorized. Goldstein has brought this derision down upon his own tousled head.
His shameful rant against Reagan is without rhyme or reason except to provide a vessel to contain his latest outpouring of vitriolic bile. Rarely does one encounter the fullness of ill-humored rage against Conservatism as in the rancid rants and corrosive writings of the SunSentinel’s Buffoon-in-Chief. Long may he rave.
In the case of this Buffoon-in-Chief specifically, ‘long’ would ideally mean a time frame of hours or days but certainly, no more lengthy a period than that.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Unholy Alliance of the Public Sector Unions and the Government
It's been a hot topic this past year as newly elected Republican governors try to balance their state's books by reining in the unsustainable fringe benefits and pensions of the government workers that were negotiated by the formerly Democratic run administrations. Wisconsin, Indiana, New Jersey, Virginia, and Ohio are just a few of the states that are trying to bring back some fiscal sanity to their state budgets.
French political thinker, Alexis de Tocqueville once warned our fledgling American republic that, “A democracy can endure up to the point when politicians realize they can bribe people with their own money”. Those prescient words can be seen today as the explosion of the federal work force has mushroomed over the past couple of decades and has accelerated greatly since Obama took office (in fact, he has appointed over 40 unelected czars to be advisers to his administration, many earning big six-figure salaries). Most government workers, in trying to protect and enhance their jobs, generally vote for the politicians who have been giving the public sector workers generous salaries and fringe benefits in hopes of getting their votes on election day. Some of the most Democratic areas of the country are around Wash. D.C. and the various state capitols. That tactic seems to have been working for the Democrats up until now, but now with the Obama recession, many citizens are getting fed up with the “sweetheart” deals between the politicians and the unions and are voting for fringe benefit and pension reform, much to the chagrin of both the Democratic politicians and their lackey's in the public sector, the unions.
In New York State, these unconscionable labor deals have come to light by showing how many of the public sector employees have “gamed” the system by retiring early on a “disability” pension, which in some cases are larger than a regular pension and in some cases the proceeds are tax-free. It has been reported that train conductors, for example, have been retiring at the rate of 90% going on disability pensions. Who would've thought that being a train conductor would be such a dangerous job that 90% of the retirees go out on a disability pension? The same is true for policemen, firemen, sanitation workers, and transit workers. The out-of-control pensions and fringe benefits are bankrupting NYC and other cities and states across the country. The union big-shots are fighting the new Republican governors tooth-and-nail, and just a few weeks ago they were able to beat back some reforms in the State of Ohio by spending upwards of $30 million to stop the reforms that were put into place to bring back fiscal sanity to the state and municipal authorities. It looks like the public sector unions are going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs by fighting those sensible reforms.
As more and more taxpayers get fed up with these budget busting collective bargaining agreements, more and more states will be trying to put into place reforms that will enable those governmental entities to survive.
Remember what Alexis de Tocqueville said, “A democracy can endure up to the point when politicians realize they can bribe people with their own money”. The time has come for us citizens to say “enough is enough”, and that we won't take it anymore.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
French political thinker, Alexis de Tocqueville once warned our fledgling American republic that, “A democracy can endure up to the point when politicians realize they can bribe people with their own money”. Those prescient words can be seen today as the explosion of the federal work force has mushroomed over the past couple of decades and has accelerated greatly since Obama took office (in fact, he has appointed over 40 unelected czars to be advisers to his administration, many earning big six-figure salaries). Most government workers, in trying to protect and enhance their jobs, generally vote for the politicians who have been giving the public sector workers generous salaries and fringe benefits in hopes of getting their votes on election day. Some of the most Democratic areas of the country are around Wash. D.C. and the various state capitols. That tactic seems to have been working for the Democrats up until now, but now with the Obama recession, many citizens are getting fed up with the “sweetheart” deals between the politicians and the unions and are voting for fringe benefit and pension reform, much to the chagrin of both the Democratic politicians and their lackey's in the public sector, the unions.
In New York State, these unconscionable labor deals have come to light by showing how many of the public sector employees have “gamed” the system by retiring early on a “disability” pension, which in some cases are larger than a regular pension and in some cases the proceeds are tax-free. It has been reported that train conductors, for example, have been retiring at the rate of 90% going on disability pensions. Who would've thought that being a train conductor would be such a dangerous job that 90% of the retirees go out on a disability pension? The same is true for policemen, firemen, sanitation workers, and transit workers. The out-of-control pensions and fringe benefits are bankrupting NYC and other cities and states across the country. The union big-shots are fighting the new Republican governors tooth-and-nail, and just a few weeks ago they were able to beat back some reforms in the State of Ohio by spending upwards of $30 million to stop the reforms that were put into place to bring back fiscal sanity to the state and municipal authorities. It looks like the public sector unions are going to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs by fighting those sensible reforms.
As more and more taxpayers get fed up with these budget busting collective bargaining agreements, more and more states will be trying to put into place reforms that will enable those governmental entities to survive.
Remember what Alexis de Tocqueville said, “A democracy can endure up to the point when politicians realize they can bribe people with their own money”. The time has come for us citizens to say “enough is enough”, and that we won't take it anymore.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 24, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
For those who might not be familiar with these acronyms, let me ‘splain:
POTUS=President of the United States. MIA=Missing In Action
BHO (that would be Barack Hussein Obama) has been doing his ‘Now you see him; now you
don’t’ act, again. This time he disappeared while the House of Representatives was
stumbling, bumbling and fumbling in yet, another embarrassingly disgusting farce. They blatantly abandoned their collective duty and foisted the task of cutting $1.4 trillion in bloated spending, onto a DOA (Dead On Arrival) Super-Committee comprised of their most partisan colleagues.
The spokes-boob for the President excused Obama’s absence as, the POTUS merely
acquiescing to the suggestion by the House of Representatives that he ‘leave it to them’ to handle this job. Nice try Guys. Our Dodger-in-Chief has gone from avoiding any commitment by voting ‘Present’ as he often did when he was a Senator - to avoiding any responsibility for leadership by being ‘Missing In Action’, now that he is the POTUS.
This President’s priorities are quite obvious. A trip to Hawaii and then dashing across the Pacific to hob-nob with a few of the more despotic leaders of Asia, takes precedent over His Royal Highness actually becoming personally involved in the resolution of any of this nation’s pressing situations – even those that have reached critical mass.
What so many of our citizens fail to remember is that this Federal Government is still comprised of three main branches of government: The Legislative Branch (The Senate and The House of Representatives), the Judicial Branch (The Supreme Court) and the Administrative Branch (King & Potentate-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama – mm-mm).
By the way, has anyone ever had a more elegant ‘get-out-of-town’ chariot than the
mighty Air Force One? George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and
the Wright Brothers must be spinning in their graves.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Are Race and Sexual Orientation Comparable?
From the liberal gay left-wing, you constantly hear the phrase that the gay rights movement of today is the same as the civil rights movement of the 60's and 70's.
Well, are they comparable?
From our point-of-view, race and sexual orientation are not comparable; even if homosexuality stems from innate urges that the gay individual cannot control, the expression of those impulses (like all sexual behavior) involves elements of choice. According to author, pundit Michael Medved, this push for compliance can be called the new “tyranny of marriage equality”. In addition, he stated that the prospect for changes not only threatens the future institution of marriage (by altering that institution beyond recognition), but the core idea of this Republic - that legal standards and social norms should reflect the preferences (or at least the consent) of the majority of the people.
Most blacks find the comparison between gay rights and black civil rights demeaning and insulting (this does not include the self-serving Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus). In fact, when Proposition 8 (defining marriage as being between a man and a woman) came up for a vote in California, blacks voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as being between a man and a woman.
When gay rights advocates say that current marriage laws “discriminate” against homosexuals, they confuse discrimination against people with making distinctions among different kinds of behavior. All our laws distinguish among different kinds of behavior. That is the purpose of our laws. While people may be treated the same, all their behaviors are not.
The real issue is whether marriage should be redefined - and if for gays, why not for polygamists? Why not for pedophiles? If that happens, it then becomes the theater of the absurd and screws up centuries of tradition as set down by most cultures and religions.
Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions, among other things, that have the potential to produce children, and to provide a stable family relationship, which is the future of the nation.
It should be said that not being allowed to marry a person of the same sex is not anti-gay, it is pro-marriage as every civilization has defined it. We, as a country have the right to determine what and how we define the term marriage. To oppose interracial marriage, for instance, is indeed to engage in bigotry, but to oppose same-sex marriage is not. Society is predicated on men and women bonding with one another in a unique way called “marriage”.
It is intolerant for the gays, who demand tolerance from others, to call those who oppose gay marriage homophobes and bigots. We should be able to agree to disagree in a civil manner.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Well, are they comparable?
From our point-of-view, race and sexual orientation are not comparable; even if homosexuality stems from innate urges that the gay individual cannot control, the expression of those impulses (like all sexual behavior) involves elements of choice. According to author, pundit Michael Medved, this push for compliance can be called the new “tyranny of marriage equality”. In addition, he stated that the prospect for changes not only threatens the future institution of marriage (by altering that institution beyond recognition), but the core idea of this Republic - that legal standards and social norms should reflect the preferences (or at least the consent) of the majority of the people.
Most blacks find the comparison between gay rights and black civil rights demeaning and insulting (this does not include the self-serving Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Congressional Black Caucus). In fact, when Proposition 8 (defining marriage as being between a man and a woman) came up for a vote in California, blacks voted overwhelmingly to define marriage as being between a man and a woman.
When gay rights advocates say that current marriage laws “discriminate” against homosexuals, they confuse discrimination against people with making distinctions among different kinds of behavior. All our laws distinguish among different kinds of behavior. That is the purpose of our laws. While people may be treated the same, all their behaviors are not.
The real issue is whether marriage should be redefined - and if for gays, why not for polygamists? Why not for pedophiles? If that happens, it then becomes the theater of the absurd and screws up centuries of tradition as set down by most cultures and religions.
Marriage is not a right but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions, among other things, that have the potential to produce children, and to provide a stable family relationship, which is the future of the nation.
It should be said that not being allowed to marry a person of the same sex is not anti-gay, it is pro-marriage as every civilization has defined it. We, as a country have the right to determine what and how we define the term marriage. To oppose interracial marriage, for instance, is indeed to engage in bigotry, but to oppose same-sex marriage is not. Society is predicated on men and women bonding with one another in a unique way called “marriage”.
It is intolerant for the gays, who demand tolerance from others, to call those who oppose gay marriage homophobes and bigots. We should be able to agree to disagree in a civil manner.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 17, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
OBAMA: Offender-in-Chief
I make no secret of my disdain for the policies of Barack Hussein Obama. I don’t like him and I don’t like his entire retinue of Socialist-Marxist sycophants and enablers. I readily admit to this bias regarding everything Obama says or does; I simply don’t trust the guy, Insofar as what he claims he stands for and the soaring rhetoric he uses in his non-stop avalanche of self-serving speeches, I believe it all to be at least 97% ‘Taqiyya’. For those readers who have yet to become familiar with the terminology of the rapidly-moving encroachment and very real threat to our society by Islamic Shariah - the term ‘Taqiyya’ means ‘lying’. Not just fibbing to get oneself out of a tight spot but, lying with a very purposeful intent to deceive.
Over the course of the past three years, I have been fashionably offended by the utterings of this man as he has developed and refined his skills of insulting the intelligence of the American people. I mean that literally. It is my assessment that he is quite comfortable in portraying himself as Allah’s gift to the world as its Savior-in-Chief. It would be laughable if it were not so deadly serious. This character’s arrogance is quantum leaps beyond anything I’ve encountered in my life’s experience. I’ve been particularly offended by his ego-maniacal performances when he attempts to don the mantle of patriotism. He is unquestionably anti-American, anti-Capitalism, anti-free-enterprise, anti-Constitution, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Whenever he speaks – more Taqiyya.
However today, when I watched him on TV speaking at a Veteran’s Day ceremony, I was offended for the thousands upon thousands of veterans lying beneath their grave markers in U.S. Military Cemeteries throughout our nation and in hallowed ground overseas. It was painful enough to listen to him rave endlessly as he topic-hopped about things unrelated to the special meaning of Veteran’s Day. But then, he tortured his blatherings to provide us with yet, another example of his narcissistic self-aggrandizement. He related a story told by the Mother of a child with a terrible affliction. It seems the child was performing public service without once stopping for food or drink, but asked of its Mother whether she thought this would please President Obama? Really? This flight of fancy is right out of the pages of the Little Red Book by Chairman Mao. A speech-writer has to be pretty hungry or awfully insecure in his job to craft such tripe as this into a serious speech for delivery by the President of the United States on this sacred day reserved for remembrance of our departed heroes. Again, more Taqiyya.
I believe that given what we know about Obama, this is all we can expect from now until November of 2012 when we vote him out of our White House and separate him from any vestige of power to do further damage to our beloved nation. More lies. More bungling. More regulation. More stone-walling. More incompetence. More inefficiency. More shredding of our values. More weakening of our security. More debt. More - ‘me, me, me’. I for one, am sick of it.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
“Sell the Sizzle”
When I taught marketing during my teaching career at Syosset High School, I used some of the sales techniques of a well-known guru of master salesmanship named Elmer Wheeler. One of his famous sales points and the full sentence of the above headline was; “Don't Sell the Steak, Sell the Sizzle”. This phrase referred to the sales point that people don't buy the product itself (the steak), they buy what the product will do for them (the sizzle).
That's what Obama and the Democrats tried to do in selling that monstrosity of a health plan called ObamaCare. They almost completed the sale by using the “sizzle” to claim that ObamaCare would do great things for millions of people. Through manipulation, bribes, cajoling, and backroom deals, they got a willing Democrat Congress to pass it. No Republicans voted for it.
Meanwhile, as more and more information came out (no one actually knew what was in it because no one read the 2,700 page bill - Speaker Pelosi even said that we will know what is in the bill after we pass it, the people turned against it as over 60% of the people now think that it should be repealed. The “sizzle” points of lower medical costs and lower premiums, the claim that you could keep your own doctor regardless, and that Medicare wouldn't be affected etc. were all found to be not true. So after the people were sold on the “wonderful” benefits of this health care proposal, the people decided the product didn't meet the standards they were told was in the bill.
I guess the old adage of “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time” really applies to this boondoggle.
The representatives in Congress are now in the process of trying to repeal the bill in total even though it does contain some worthwhile provisions. The Republicans, knowing that we need some reform of health care, want to repeal it and start over from scratch, and craft a new bill with true bi-partisan input, which was totally lacking in the legislation that was passed by the Democrats.
The efforts by the present Congress might become moot if the courts, as predicted, shoot down this legislation as being unconstitutional, which most constitutional scholars seem to think will happen. No where in the Constitution does it say that a person must buy a product or service directed by the federal government. Obama and the Democrats will argue that the Commerce Clause of the Constitution lets the federal government mandate coverage. I predict that this legislation will finally be shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court as being unconstitutional.
So, many people were sold the “sizzle” of ObamaCare, but later on found that the “steak” was unfit for consumption, and they demanded their money back. I think they'll get a refund.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
That's what Obama and the Democrats tried to do in selling that monstrosity of a health plan called ObamaCare. They almost completed the sale by using the “sizzle” to claim that ObamaCare would do great things for millions of people. Through manipulation, bribes, cajoling, and backroom deals, they got a willing Democrat Congress to pass it. No Republicans voted for it.
Meanwhile, as more and more information came out (no one actually knew what was in it because no one read the 2,700 page bill - Speaker Pelosi even said that we will know what is in the bill after we pass it, the people turned against it as over 60% of the people now think that it should be repealed. The “sizzle” points of lower medical costs and lower premiums, the claim that you could keep your own doctor regardless, and that Medicare wouldn't be affected etc. were all found to be not true. So after the people were sold on the “wonderful” benefits of this health care proposal, the people decided the product didn't meet the standards they were told was in the bill.
I guess the old adage of “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time” really applies to this boondoggle.
The representatives in Congress are now in the process of trying to repeal the bill in total even though it does contain some worthwhile provisions. The Republicans, knowing that we need some reform of health care, want to repeal it and start over from scratch, and craft a new bill with true bi-partisan input, which was totally lacking in the legislation that was passed by the Democrats.
The efforts by the present Congress might become moot if the courts, as predicted, shoot down this legislation as being unconstitutional, which most constitutional scholars seem to think will happen. No where in the Constitution does it say that a person must buy a product or service directed by the federal government. Obama and the Democrats will argue that the Commerce Clause of the Constitution lets the federal government mandate coverage. I predict that this legislation will finally be shot down by the U.S. Supreme Court as being unconstitutional.
So, many people were sold the “sizzle” of ObamaCare, but later on found that the “steak” was unfit for consumption, and they demanded their money back. I think they'll get a refund.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 10, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
Obama Gone in 2012:
Get ready for mass unemployment
How un-American and insensitive of me to wish for the huge jump in the unemployment figure that will occur when Obama is booted out of office on his un-American ass. I know what it is like to be out of a job and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Whoops. I take that back.
My worst enemy is Obama – plus his legion of anti-American thugs, lunatics and useful-idiot enablers. I want to see each and every one of them put ‘out of work’ and designated as ineligible for unemployment benefits as long as they live. As a matter of fact, I would like to see every single Obama supporter become a ward of the State, residing in a Federal penitentiary. Talk about over-bloated Government payroll. Talk about your broken Social Security system, Medicare system and Government-gone-wild-and-out-of-control - - why not seize all the assets of the vaunted poor 99% to alleviate the financial burden of the overcrowded prison system? And, I would consider that having my tax dollars go to feed and house these varmints, would be a good thing. And, if all that revenue turns out to be insufficient, the new President can petition the Chinese for a new loan to bail out the failed penal system, ala Obama’s failed stimulus packages. (only kidding, only kidding)
Such is the total idiocy that has been visited upon our nation by the careless and clueless who voted-in and still support Obama and his band of Chicago street thugs who still slavishly hew to the many-times-failed tenets of Marxism.
Obama has dumped us into such a hole that the next President will indeed be able to state truthfully that in fact, he did inherit his mess from the ‘Inept One’.
It isn’t funny at all. It is deadly serious. And, the mess that Obama has made of our formerly beautiful nation will take decades to repair. But, it can be done and it will be done, once Obama and his Soros-funded string-pullers have been relegated to the ashcan of history. It will take an enlightened citizenry, lots of political courage on the part of the newly-elected members of the Congress; a heavenly intervention to re-align the Supreme Court toward the original intent of the Founders, and a major born-again conversion of the Fourth Estate to the morals and ethics so long abandoned by the teachings of pseudo-professors of Journalism in our institutions of ‘higher learning’. The employment picture should brighten; there will be a lot of work to do.
I see millions of job opportunities, Maybe, a good start would be to secure our borders and extend protection of our natural resources to a hundred miles off our shores. Immediately serve notice to any and all who would attempt to drill for oil in our neck of the woods, they will feel the full power of our commitment to protect our shores and our sovereignty. Put an immediate, screeching halt of foreign aid to our declared enemies - - name them and warn them we mean business. Begin at once, to rebuild our national defense capability – close the post-WWII bases on foreign soil that no longer serve our immediate interests; bring those troops home to re-establish and update our readiness; begin to rebuild our Navy toward the objective that we will once again be the super-power that dominates the world’s oceans. How’s that for starters?
Further, we must address the debt that this administration and the corrupt Federal Reserve has burdened us with – we’ve got to let China know that the viability of our nation, our freedoms and our way of life, come before the re-payment of what we owe them. We must honor and repay our debts but, China might have to wait a hundred years or so before they see anything like the full return of their loans. Maybe those financial trapeze artists, the Brothers Frank and Dodd should be sent to China to help ‘splain to our benefactors how all this works.
As you can see by the aforementioned mix of muck-raking, macabre humor and man-made manure, I’m just full of fun ideas to save our beloved nation from the awful morass in which we are wallowing. Some of them I believe, are really quite valid. But, some of them like this President’s so-called ‘Jobs bill’ are of course, more on the order of hallucinating fantasies, on steroids.
Once again, I claim my right guaranteed by the First Amendment, that everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
The Hell with Political Correctness!
When are we all going to go the window (like in the movie, “Network”) and yell out, “I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore”, when it comes to dealing with the insane, mostly liberal, induced madness called, “political correctness”?
You can't say this, you can't say that, you can't do this and you can't do that - who in hell are these self-appointed arbiters and guardians of proper speech and behavior (a/k/a the P.C Police) to make our lives hell because they deem certain things or actions “verboten”, “not Kosher”, or insensitive, to some real or imaginary groups or individuals? It infects all aspects of our lives especially when it applies to certain “protected” minorities. I thought we had a 1st Amendment right to say what's on our mind, whether it is deemed proper or not. Shouldn't people be allowed to look stupid, say stupid things, and do stupid things as long as it doesn't hurt some else, besides their feelings? It has gotten so bad that some people, in the normal interchange of conversation, can give someone a compliment and be sued for sexual harassment, that telling an ethnic joke, making a racial remark, or using a harmless non-threatening sexual innuendo, can be a cause for someone losing their job, being fined by a court, being refused a promotion, or being vilified by the media, because they (who's they?) deemed it insensitive or insulting? It is outright lunacy, to say the least.
Look what has happened in our judicial system - today when someone commits a crime, it must be determined whether or not it is a “hate” crime, which carries a more severe penalty, than the same crime committed by someone against someone else who is not in that “protected” class. How absurd! A crime is a crime, is a crime, regardless of who is the victim.
Certain people get a pass, just because they are in the “protected” class. If a white person called a black person a “nigger” it can be considered racial harassment, but if a black person called another black person a “nigger”, that is O.K. or at least it would not considered a “major” offense by the P.C. Police.
Zero tolerance is another area where “political correctness” holds sway. The intentions are sometimes laudatory, but the punishment doesn't always “fit the crime”. A casual remark by one person to another with a sexual connotation might be grounds for a lawsuit, a student taking an aspirin in school might be a cause for suspension, telling an ethnic, racial or religious joke might be cause for a firing or banishment from the industry, but there's one area where the P.C. Police don't seem to get involved in, that's when the topic is slandering or mocking Christians. Anything goes and in many cases it is looked upon favorably by those who are non-believers (generally liberal secularists and atheists). Slander a Muslim, a Jew or other protected minority, and all hell will break loose, but not when it comes to Christians - they are fair game. Shouldn't all religions be fair game, even for obnoxious, and slanderous speech or actions?
It was different years ago, when people could joke with one another, say stupid things to one another, and be free to either be nice or nasty, without a “blow back” or being vilified or harassed by the P.C. Police. We should all be fed up with these “unwritten” restrictions called “political correctness”, and we should all run the the window and proclaim that “We are mad as hell and we won't take it anymore”. Political correctness be damned.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
You can't say this, you can't say that, you can't do this and you can't do that - who in hell are these self-appointed arbiters and guardians of proper speech and behavior (a/k/a the P.C Police) to make our lives hell because they deem certain things or actions “verboten”, “not Kosher”, or insensitive, to some real or imaginary groups or individuals? It infects all aspects of our lives especially when it applies to certain “protected” minorities. I thought we had a 1st Amendment right to say what's on our mind, whether it is deemed proper or not. Shouldn't people be allowed to look stupid, say stupid things, and do stupid things as long as it doesn't hurt some else, besides their feelings? It has gotten so bad that some people, in the normal interchange of conversation, can give someone a compliment and be sued for sexual harassment, that telling an ethnic joke, making a racial remark, or using a harmless non-threatening sexual innuendo, can be a cause for someone losing their job, being fined by a court, being refused a promotion, or being vilified by the media, because they (who's they?) deemed it insensitive or insulting? It is outright lunacy, to say the least.
Look what has happened in our judicial system - today when someone commits a crime, it must be determined whether or not it is a “hate” crime, which carries a more severe penalty, than the same crime committed by someone against someone else who is not in that “protected” class. How absurd! A crime is a crime, is a crime, regardless of who is the victim.
Certain people get a pass, just because they are in the “protected” class. If a white person called a black person a “nigger” it can be considered racial harassment, but if a black person called another black person a “nigger”, that is O.K. or at least it would not considered a “major” offense by the P.C. Police.
Zero tolerance is another area where “political correctness” holds sway. The intentions are sometimes laudatory, but the punishment doesn't always “fit the crime”. A casual remark by one person to another with a sexual connotation might be grounds for a lawsuit, a student taking an aspirin in school might be a cause for suspension, telling an ethnic, racial or religious joke might be cause for a firing or banishment from the industry, but there's one area where the P.C. Police don't seem to get involved in, that's when the topic is slandering or mocking Christians. Anything goes and in many cases it is looked upon favorably by those who are non-believers (generally liberal secularists and atheists). Slander a Muslim, a Jew or other protected minority, and all hell will break loose, but not when it comes to Christians - they are fair game. Shouldn't all religions be fair game, even for obnoxious, and slanderous speech or actions?
It was different years ago, when people could joke with one another, say stupid things to one another, and be free to either be nice or nasty, without a “blow back” or being vilified or harassed by the P.C. Police. We should all be fed up with these “unwritten” restrictions called “political correctness”, and we should all run the the window and proclaim that “We are mad as hell and we won't take it anymore”. Political correctness be damned.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, November 3, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
Has a nice ring to it, don’tcha think?
In case it escaped your notice, Obama ‘The One - mm-mm-mm’, is in panic mode. His
Royal Narcissism must have read the news on his Teleprompter that there is a very real possibility his reign of incompetence will come to a screeching halt in November 2012.
He has brushed back the dark curtain that has heretofore obscured his true personality, his real political motivations and his inner-most core belief in the tenets of radical Islam, coupled with his expressed hatred of nearly everything that America stands for. He has thrown all pretense to the winds, along with what was at one time, at least a sham of prudent caution as would be befitting a President who gives speeches, non-stop.
He now, openly embraces dissident organizations, openly lauds anti-Capitalist-system
groups and operatives, hails pro-Palestinian terrorist groups, openly rails against Israel, openly embraces pro-Islam and Muslim Brotherhood groups, and has jumped onto
the bandwagon of the full panoply of corrupt and corrosive bands of hate-mongering,
Socialist-Communist-Marxist thugs who wish only bad things for our country.
Okay, each of you true, red-blooded American patriots - - time to stand up and be
counted as a supporter of Obama and his buddies of bankruptcy; his Democrat
blockhead enablers in the Congress; his sicko-phants who gobble up his racism,
his inexplicable bail-outs; his class warfare screeds, his Robin Hood act where he
takes from the 1% and gives to the undeserving; his Dept of Justice gun-runners and
importers of illegal aliens; his pseudo-science Environmental loonies who love snail-
darters and electric cars; his Dept of Homophobic-Homeland INsecurity; his Secretary
of negative negotiations and UN toady, Hillary the Horrid; and his resident buffoon,
Joe ‘Really Great Guy’ Biden, who is so far, the only Veep in our history who flaunts his single digit I.Q.
Oh yeah, gimme four more years of this throw-up.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Nobody Asked Me , but......! Part 6
- Did all the women who have gotten tattoos in some very intimate places ever think what those tattoos might look like in 30-40 years when the body starts to sag?
- Why, if you criticize Pres. Obama, the liberals call you a racist, but if they criticize Herman Cain or Allen West, it is legitimate criticism with no racial overtones?
- How come the far left liberals rant and rave about ending the death penalty, but never complain about killing babies during a late-term abortion?
- Why is Eric Holder still Attorney General?
- How much of the “Stimulus” money payouts went to “pay back” Obama campaign contributors?
- How come Al Gore bought property on the Pacific coastline after he predicted that the “melting icecaps” would raise sea levels by 20 feet, thereby flooding the coastline?
- Why is it O.K. to give preferential in-state tuition to illegals, but not to legal American citizens?
- Why, since Solyndra Corp. went bankrupt, were the stockholders given preference over the taxpayers in distribution of assets in bankruptcy when the taxpayers gave the company a $½ billion loan guarantee? By the way, wasn't the largest stockholder in Solyndra, George Kaiser, a big Obama campaign bundler?
- Why do we spend billions of dollars each year for energy from foreign countries, when we have the largest reserve of natural gas, oil, and coal in the world right here in our own territory?
- If George Bush were President now during these perilous economic times, would the liberals (a/k/a Progressives) be claiming the economy was as great as they say it is doing now under Obama?
- What President was in office when our annual deficit reached $1.5 trillion, when at the beginning of his presidency the total debt was $9.8 trillion and now after almost three years the debt is over $14.5 trillion and counting, and who was president when our credit rating was lowered from AAA for the first time in our history? Could that president be Barack Hussein Obama?
- Why does President Obama refuse to let the “Voucher School” program continue in Wash. D.C. for 1,500 inner city students who live in public housing, when he sends his own children to a private school instead of enrolling them in the same schools that those 1,500 students must now attend, even though he also lives in public housing, the White House. Would you call that hypocrisy in practice?
- How can the mainstream media continue to attempt to equate as equals the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters and the the “Tea Party”, when the two groups are polar opposites in how they petition the government to air their grievances? Which one causes civil disruption and police confrontation, and the other assembles peacefully, with no arrests, and cleans up after their rallies. I wonder who is who?
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Clear as Night and Day
As an observer I notice vast differences between Conservatives, left leaning Liberals and those labeled Tea Party.
Liberal demonstrations bring out some legitimate participants, but most of the ranks
are filled with what appears to be professionals that travel from one venue to another, where ever their financial backers like George Soros's Moving On orders them. To increase the count, public service union members are enlisted along with the SEIU who outnumber the legitimate protesters. Personal hygiene and grooming doesn't seem to be a priority for many of them. They look so grimy you'd think they were Michael Moore's offspring.
Disorder and disruption is what they bring, like the rabble who stormed the Bastille and reign of terror. After their activities, it takes an army of men and a fleet of sanitation trucks to clean up the mess they leave.
Few are dedicated to a real cause and many are there hired for mischief, to provoke law enforcement and make them look bad. Having missed out on the 60's, it's their 21st century urban Woodstock. The liberal left media loves to champion their cause, to give credibility and sympathy to these low life, unemployed by choice outcasts, who cost time and money for the middle class workers, by disrupting their schedule and preventing access to their place of employment.
In contrast, I never hear of any arrests or profane signs and acts if any, when the Tea Party or Conservatives demonstrate. I separate them, because Tea Party members come from the broad spectrum of American life. Scan the crowd and many could have posed for the cover in the Saturday Evening Post, whereas the, "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators look like they came from a police line up.
You can bet there is no need to recruit overtime sanitation workers to clean up any mess they might have left, because there is none. The Liberal left Democrats, jealous of Tea Party success are trying to equate these dirt bags to their own type Tea Party. Wrong! They want more government, more regulation, more entitlements, more spending, more taxes and more money redistributed to them from the toils of the productive. Tea Party and most conservatives are a 180 from these demands.
The legitimate protest has been taken over by self-interest organizations, anarchists, stoned slackers, public service unions with endorsements by notorious characters like Hugo Chavez, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the American Nazi and American Communist parties, overshadowing unscrupulous board rooms.
Conservative Commentary by George Giftos
Liberal demonstrations bring out some legitimate participants, but most of the ranks
are filled with what appears to be professionals that travel from one venue to another, where ever their financial backers like George Soros's Moving On orders them. To increase the count, public service union members are enlisted along with the SEIU who outnumber the legitimate protesters. Personal hygiene and grooming doesn't seem to be a priority for many of them. They look so grimy you'd think they were Michael Moore's offspring.
Disorder and disruption is what they bring, like the rabble who stormed the Bastille and reign of terror. After their activities, it takes an army of men and a fleet of sanitation trucks to clean up the mess they leave.
Few are dedicated to a real cause and many are there hired for mischief, to provoke law enforcement and make them look bad. Having missed out on the 60's, it's their 21st century urban Woodstock. The liberal left media loves to champion their cause, to give credibility and sympathy to these low life, unemployed by choice outcasts, who cost time and money for the middle class workers, by disrupting their schedule and preventing access to their place of employment.
In contrast, I never hear of any arrests or profane signs and acts if any, when the Tea Party or Conservatives demonstrate. I separate them, because Tea Party members come from the broad spectrum of American life. Scan the crowd and many could have posed for the cover in the Saturday Evening Post, whereas the, "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators look like they came from a police line up.
You can bet there is no need to recruit overtime sanitation workers to clean up any mess they might have left, because there is none. The Liberal left Democrats, jealous of Tea Party success are trying to equate these dirt bags to their own type Tea Party. Wrong! They want more government, more regulation, more entitlements, more spending, more taxes and more money redistributed to them from the toils of the productive. Tea Party and most conservatives are a 180 from these demands.
The legitimate protest has been taken over by self-interest organizations, anarchists, stoned slackers, public service unions with endorsements by notorious characters like Hugo Chavez, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the American Nazi and American Communist parties, overshadowing unscrupulous board rooms.
Conservative Commentary by George Giftos
Monday, October 24, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
The Thoughts of an Officer and a Gentleman.
As one who has didn’t spend 22 years as a career officer in the U.S. Army or been elected by his constituents to represent them in the U. S. House of Representatives – I can only wonder what goes through Congressman Allen West’s mind when he is confronted with the likes of Lois Frankel, Patrick Murphy, the editorial staff of the SunSentinel, political writer Anthony Man and political cartoonist Chan Lowe - and some of the lunkheads who avail themselves of the Letters-to-the-editor venue as an outlet for their venom? What must he think?
The comments and cartoons that spew forth from the bunch of left-threaded bolt-heads who populate this newsrag are pretty much to be expected. The SunSentinel, the painfully-thin newspaper of record in our real-news-deprived area, is of course just one withering arm of that multi-tentacled monster of Liberalism, the Tribune papers. This group of newsrags proudly carries forth the banner first raised by those pioneering giants of ‘yellow journalism’, Col. McCormick and William Randolph Hearst. Scandal sells; the more the merrier.
Retired LTC. Allen West must think back to his days of strict upbringing by his family and faith; his days in the ROTC as a young patriot; his early years in training as a career Army officer and his years of leading his troops into battle in the Middle East, against this nation’s enemies - and he must ponder how it is that the people back home whom he laid his life on the line to protect, can be so stupidly insensitive to the presence of the bad guys among us and the multitude of problems facing us today, that threaten our freedom and yes, even our very survival as a nation?
When such as the aforementioned stupidly-insensitive-group-think followers of Obama the Pied-Piper of false words and anti-free-enterprise policies swallow such Kool-Aid, it boggles the mind to imagine how our dear country might be saved from such as this ilk?
What Congressman Allen West is thinking in terms of our problems as he is privy to them by virtue of his time spent in the Halls of Congress when it is in session and by his time spent among his constituents between Congressional sessions, is vital information that as responsible citizens, we need to know. He shares this information and his practical and workable solutions at each of the two Town Hall Meetings he conducts in District 22 each month, with a clarity that makes one wonder why other representatives from this area aren’t doing the same? Or, did I just answer my own question? Can anyone reasonably expect this kind of representation from a Lois Frankel? Does anyone really expect to hear such cogent analysis and principled solutions from a Debbie Wasserman Schultz, an Alcee Hastings, a Ted Deutch or any of the other faux representatives of the people in this region? I don’t think so.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Is it Settled Science?
According to that guru of man-made “global warming”, Al Gore (a/k/a Al Bore), man-made global warming is a fact, a slam dunk, beyond a doubt, and “settled science”. Sez who?
The flunky's who follow Al Gore, and his “green energy minions”, have claimed that 99% of the scientific community have concluded that the theory of man-made global warming is a reality and only a small disgruntled group of “global warming deniers” are challenging the consensus of the scientific community. Not so fast Al Gore!
A growing number of scientists say the climate change debate is far from over, and global warming was never a crisis, as Al Gore wanted us to believe. Over 560 certified meteorologists and climate scientists are on a U.S. Compilation of climate cataclysm skeptics - and, 32,000 scientists have signed the “Oregon Petition”, saying that they dispute claims humans are causing climate change. They say the dominant “greenhouse” gas is water vapor, which nature controls via evaporation and precipitation.
Since I was in grade school, I remember hearing in my 2nd grade science class that people breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide (CO2), plants “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breathe” out oxygen. It seems like Al Gore and his “green” (does the green refer to the “greenbacks” they expect to make by pushing this scam?) friends who are scientists and journalists missed that day in science class. This “evil” gas (CO2), which seems to inundate this planet, are producing plants that are getting bigger and stronger by taking in more CO2, and, I presume, sending out more O2 (oxygen). Could it be that a little extra CO2 in the atmosphere, rather than spelling out “doom and gloom”, is actually a good thing? Could it be that increased CO2 will mean stronger plants and trees, and thus, more and better crops and healthier forests?
The Al Gore sycophants who believe in the theory of global warming, say that all the scientific global warming “deniers” are bought and paid for by the energy companies. Well, let me give you three names of reputable (among many others), real-live climatologists and meteorologists who are “deniers” because of their scientific expertise and not because of any “fantasy” payments by the energy companies. There is Dr. Timothy Ball, environmental consultant and former meteorology professor at the University of Winnipeg; Dr. Richard Lindzen, meteorologist and Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology and climatology at M.I.T; and John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the “Weather Channel”, who has called man-made global warming “the biggest scientific scam in history”. They all pooh-pooh the so-called flawed data of the U.N. sponsored I.P.C.C. who were caught “cooking the books” a few years back in order to prove the bogus theory of man-made global warming.
So when global warming (a/k/a climate change) fanatics try to sell you their “snake oil”, tell them to stop “blowing that false smoke out their butts” as you don't believe it and that you have thousands of scientists and climatologists who will back you up.
So, Al Gore, the only “settled science” on your theory is that it is in your thick head, with nothing to back it up but “junk science”.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
The flunky's who follow Al Gore, and his “green energy minions”, have claimed that 99% of the scientific community have concluded that the theory of man-made global warming is a reality and only a small disgruntled group of “global warming deniers” are challenging the consensus of the scientific community. Not so fast Al Gore!
A growing number of scientists say the climate change debate is far from over, and global warming was never a crisis, as Al Gore wanted us to believe. Over 560 certified meteorologists and climate scientists are on a U.S. Compilation of climate cataclysm skeptics - and, 32,000 scientists have signed the “Oregon Petition”, saying that they dispute claims humans are causing climate change. They say the dominant “greenhouse” gas is water vapor, which nature controls via evaporation and precipitation.
Since I was in grade school, I remember hearing in my 2nd grade science class that people breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide (CO2), plants “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breathe” out oxygen. It seems like Al Gore and his “green” (does the green refer to the “greenbacks” they expect to make by pushing this scam?) friends who are scientists and journalists missed that day in science class. This “evil” gas (CO2), which seems to inundate this planet, are producing plants that are getting bigger and stronger by taking in more CO2, and, I presume, sending out more O2 (oxygen). Could it be that a little extra CO2 in the atmosphere, rather than spelling out “doom and gloom”, is actually a good thing? Could it be that increased CO2 will mean stronger plants and trees, and thus, more and better crops and healthier forests?
The Al Gore sycophants who believe in the theory of global warming, say that all the scientific global warming “deniers” are bought and paid for by the energy companies. Well, let me give you three names of reputable (among many others), real-live climatologists and meteorologists who are “deniers” because of their scientific expertise and not because of any “fantasy” payments by the energy companies. There is Dr. Timothy Ball, environmental consultant and former meteorology professor at the University of Winnipeg; Dr. Richard Lindzen, meteorologist and Alfred P. Sloan professor of meteorology and climatology at M.I.T; and John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the “Weather Channel”, who has called man-made global warming “the biggest scientific scam in history”. They all pooh-pooh the so-called flawed data of the U.N. sponsored I.P.C.C. who were caught “cooking the books” a few years back in order to prove the bogus theory of man-made global warming.
So when global warming (a/k/a climate change) fanatics try to sell you their “snake oil”, tell them to stop “blowing that false smoke out their butts” as you don't believe it and that you have thousands of scientists and climatologists who will back you up.
So, Al Gore, the only “settled science” on your theory is that it is in your thick head, with nothing to back it up but “junk science”.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Monday, October 17, 2011
Anti-Semitism Is On The Rise
Anti-Semitism is on the rise. Our president and his administration are aiding and abetting it with their solidarity with the Palestinians and tolerance of the intolerance of the Islamic Fascists in the Islamic Brotherhood. Those two organizations, admittedly, are dedicated to the destruction of Israel and our Western Civilization. It is rather puzzling to find that our Jewish Brethren, who have collectively suffered more than any ethnic group when power becomes absolute in the hands of one man, highly support this president and his administration. Their cry of “never again” has become very weak. Aren’t they aware of the power being accumulated by this president? Where is the outcry when the president bypasses Congress and governs by fiat and executive order? He ignores the Iranian protestors but invades Libya without Congressional approval. He usurps the role of our Supreme Court and declares the Defense of Marriage Act “unconstitutional”. Did we
elect a dictator or a president?
Examine the deeds. At one time it was against the law to be a member of the Communist
Party. This president had two, Mark Lloyd and Van Jones, occupy important positions in the White House. No wonder we hear about distribution of wealth and giving the central government all excess of what we need to live. Those are Marxist ideas. In addition to Communists in the White House some of Obama’s other appointees are highly suspect. His list of czars reveals some backgrounds that would have aroused serious questions had they gone through the confirmation process.
Rashad Hussain, whom he appointed as ambassador to the 57 member Organization of
Islam Conference, was a supporter of Sami-Al Arian. That Academic pled guilty and was
convicted of supplying material support to a terrorist organization. Hussain first accused our government of persecution in its prosecution. Then later he denied that he said it, attributing the words to Arian’s daughter. Obama’s White House backed his statement and the first admission was redacted from a report. When Hussain admitted that the first report was the truthful one, the White House allowed its version to stand. There are unanswered questions about Hussain’s connections to the Islamic Brotherhood.
His appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General was imprudent from the beginning
as Holder was instrumental in the Clinton Pardon of Marc Rich. What makes it further
suspect was the donation given to the Clinton Library by Denise Rich after or before
the pardon. Holder has refused to prosecute the new Black Panther party for voter
intimidation in Philadelphia when it had prima facie evidence on tape. He will prosecute the state of Arizona however for enforcing a federal law against illegal immigration.
Now he is prosecuting Gibson Guitar Co. in Tennessee, a Republican contributor, for
using certain exotic woods. The same woods, by the way, are used with impunity by
other guitar companies who happen to be Democratic supporters. Now Congress is
investigating the Department of Justice for its operation ”fast and furious.”
Our president is certainly providing some juicy controversies for the media to exploit. Lucky for him, most of them are ignoring them.
Conservative Commentary by Michael D’Angelo
elect a dictator or a president?
Examine the deeds. At one time it was against the law to be a member of the Communist
Party. This president had two, Mark Lloyd and Van Jones, occupy important positions in the White House. No wonder we hear about distribution of wealth and giving the central government all excess of what we need to live. Those are Marxist ideas. In addition to Communists in the White House some of Obama’s other appointees are highly suspect. His list of czars reveals some backgrounds that would have aroused serious questions had they gone through the confirmation process.
Rashad Hussain, whom he appointed as ambassador to the 57 member Organization of
Islam Conference, was a supporter of Sami-Al Arian. That Academic pled guilty and was
convicted of supplying material support to a terrorist organization. Hussain first accused our government of persecution in its prosecution. Then later he denied that he said it, attributing the words to Arian’s daughter. Obama’s White House backed his statement and the first admission was redacted from a report. When Hussain admitted that the first report was the truthful one, the White House allowed its version to stand. There are unanswered questions about Hussain’s connections to the Islamic Brotherhood.
His appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney General was imprudent from the beginning
as Holder was instrumental in the Clinton Pardon of Marc Rich. What makes it further
suspect was the donation given to the Clinton Library by Denise Rich after or before
the pardon. Holder has refused to prosecute the new Black Panther party for voter
intimidation in Philadelphia when it had prima facie evidence on tape. He will prosecute the state of Arizona however for enforcing a federal law against illegal immigration.
Now he is prosecuting Gibson Guitar Co. in Tennessee, a Republican contributor, for
using certain exotic woods. The same woods, by the way, are used with impunity by
other guitar companies who happen to be Democratic supporters. Now Congress is
investigating the Department of Justice for its operation ”fast and furious.”
Our president is certainly providing some juicy controversies for the media to exploit. Lucky for him, most of them are ignoring them.
Conservative Commentary by Michael D’Angelo
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Eric Holder is in Trouble
Dear Editor,
Most adults become immune to the lies that politicians tell us. However, some lies are not to be forgiven, and America’s Attorney General has foist a “doozey” upon us.
Eric holder, with apparent concurrence of The White House, helped launch a “sting” in 2009 whereby The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives encouraged the sale of almost 2,000 weapons to the Mexican drug cartel. It was hoped that these guns would be used in the drug war there, be found by the FBI and exposed as "smuggled" from America. This would embarrass the gun lobby here and bring public pressure to bear to curtail gun sales, a goal of this administration.
Unfortunately for the genii in Mr. Holder’s Justice Department, two Americans were killed by these guns as well as 200 Mexicans, which prompted investigations led by Senator Charles Grassley and Congressman Darrel Issa. The scheme, dubbed “Fast and Furious”, was initiated in 2009, the killings occurred in 2010, at which point The White House and Justice began what must be termed a cover up. As expected, the mainstream media abetted the administration’s cause by giving this matter little or no coverage.
Attorney General Holder is directly responsible for ATF but has professed ignorance of the sting. In May 2011 he testified under oath before congress and indicated his learning of Fast and Furious “within recent weeks”. Unfortunately for him, email records obtained by CBS News contravene his testimony indicating a much earlier knowledge of the scheme. It seems Mr. Holder was as ignorant of the sting as was Richard Nixon of his White house tapes. For this lie Eric Holder deserves to be indicted; he is not above the law.
The real question, then, is what Eric Holder’s boss, President Obama, knew of these matters and when. The administration Is doing all it can to keep the media at bay and the media, which swoons for Obama, has reciprocated with minimal coverage. What America needs now is a modern day Woodward-Bernstein to flush out the facts.
Conservative Commentary by Richard Klitzberg
Most adults become immune to the lies that politicians tell us. However, some lies are not to be forgiven, and America’s Attorney General has foist a “doozey” upon us.
Eric holder, with apparent concurrence of The White House, helped launch a “sting” in 2009 whereby The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives encouraged the sale of almost 2,000 weapons to the Mexican drug cartel. It was hoped that these guns would be used in the drug war there, be found by the FBI and exposed as "smuggled" from America. This would embarrass the gun lobby here and bring public pressure to bear to curtail gun sales, a goal of this administration.
Unfortunately for the genii in Mr. Holder’s Justice Department, two Americans were killed by these guns as well as 200 Mexicans, which prompted investigations led by Senator Charles Grassley and Congressman Darrel Issa. The scheme, dubbed “Fast and Furious”, was initiated in 2009, the killings occurred in 2010, at which point The White House and Justice began what must be termed a cover up. As expected, the mainstream media abetted the administration’s cause by giving this matter little or no coverage.
Attorney General Holder is directly responsible for ATF but has professed ignorance of the sting. In May 2011 he testified under oath before congress and indicated his learning of Fast and Furious “within recent weeks”. Unfortunately for him, email records obtained by CBS News contravene his testimony indicating a much earlier knowledge of the scheme. It seems Mr. Holder was as ignorant of the sting as was Richard Nixon of his White house tapes. For this lie Eric Holder deserves to be indicted; he is not above the law.
The real question, then, is what Eric Holder’s boss, President Obama, knew of these matters and when. The administration Is doing all it can to keep the media at bay and the media, which swoons for Obama, has reciprocated with minimal coverage. What America needs now is a modern day Woodward-Bernstein to flush out the facts.
Conservative Commentary by Richard Klitzberg
Monday, October 10, 2011
MORT’s Meanderings
There is a fungus among us.
This is meant especially for those of us residing in S. E. Florida who were born under the Star of David. But, since it is my sincere belief that everyone is entitled to my opinion - - all y’all others born under the sky full of stars can listen up, too.
We are surrounded by pretenders: Socialists, pretending to be ‘Progressives’. Democrats, pretending to be bi-partisan. Mainstream media, pretending to be unbiased. News reporters, pretending to be journalists. Liberals pretending to be for the ‘middle class’. A radical Muslim, pretending to be President; an anti-military slacker, pretending to be Commander-in-Chief. A squadron of appointed Czars - thick-skulled, thin-skinned theorists from the nether world of
academia, pretending to be knowledgeable about things with which they haven’t had a scintilla of experience. A First Lady, who truly believes she is the last word in style and substance and therefore, pretends she has every right to spend tax-payer’s money on her own personal whims. Democrat leadership in the Congress, who pretend that they have any other motivation for their shenanigans, than freely taxing & spending and of course, sabotaging the two-party system so they can remain in control, forever. Oh, I could go on but, you get the picture.
Okay, here’s my rant of the day:
RON KLEIN the former Congressman from District 22 and fake Jew, hasn’t given up making a fool of himself by sticking his nose up Obama’s rear end. He recently hosted a ‘closed’ event with fifteen local rabbis enlisted to soak up pretend-VP Joe Biden’s message carried directly from pretend-Fuhrer-Obama. Let us never forget KLEIN the coward, who so viciously attacked then-candidate Allen West and his family by making public, West’s personal information. This fake Jew is genuinely despicable.
Let’s never forget ROBERT WEXLER the former Congressman from District 19 and fake Jew, who made a mockery of his loyal but clueless constituents who had voted for him time and again, simply because he was a member of the tribe. He has unapologetically gone over to the side of the Palestinians against the closest ally of the USA, the sovereign State of Israel. No one ever mis-represented his constituents more blatantly than this fake Jew.
Let’s never forget Congressman TED DEUTCH, the fake Jew from Florida’s District 19 - another handsome member of the tribe, whose only qualification for office is that he is a member of the tribe. His record of representing his constituents in Dist 19 that is heavily populated with retired Jews who ‘vote for their own’, is precisely what you would expect from someone who was hand-picked by his predecessor, the pro-Palestinian Wexler. Prior to being sworn in to represent all the citizens of Dist. 19, Teddy Baby proudly swore to support Barack Obama’s policies, 100%. How’s that for bi-partisanship? Ya gotta love the guy. Someday, he’ll make a great ex-Congressman. The sooner the better.
Let’s never forget BUTTHEAD BURT AARONSON the perennial PBCounty Commissioner and fake Jew, who has for years, used his elected office as a trading post to bargain such goodies as the installation of traffic lights at dangerous intersections, for heavily-obscured benefits for himself, his family and political cronies.
Let’s never forget the always delightful DEBBIE WHATEVAH SCHMUTZ (Schultz) the fake Jew-ess, who devotes 100% of her time serving those who elected her to the U. S. House of Representatives, while devoting the other 100% of her time to her duties as Chairwoman of the DNC (Democrat National Committee). How do she do dat? Somebody is getting short shrift – could it be the voters of Florida’s District 20 or is it the Dem voters in the public at large. Take your choice.
Let me axx you a question? Are these faking Jews worthy of the faith we’ve placed in them?
I don’t think so. Please don’t misunderstand - It ain’t just business with me; it’s personal.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Does Competition Improve Schools?
One of the principles of our free enterprise system is competition - it is one of the main reasons why the U.S.A. is the economic powerhouse of the world (at least it was before Obama was elected).
Since it has worked so well in business, why shouldn't it be the driving force in improving our schools, which seem to have been flat lining, or declining, for the past few decades?
Since the 1970's, attempts at getting competition in our educational system has faced fierce opposition from the teachers unions and their political allies, the Democrats. It seems the teachers unions seem to think that Charter schools and Voucher schools are a threat to the monopoly of government-run schools.
The “one size fits all” idea that the federal government knows best when it comes to educating our children, just doesn't hack it and the poor results seem to back that up. SAT scores have been static or have fallen, even after all of the money that has been pumped into the system. Something is fundamentally wrong for us to be in this sorry predicament. Maybe it's because we don't have competition in our education system, because you are dealing with a monopolistic government-run system that is not performing up to expectations.
Look what happened in Wash. D.C., former Superintendent Michelle Rhee, was hired to run and fix-up one of the worst school systems in the country. She made a hands-on evaluation and decided to close failing schools, fired incompetent teachers, and turned the system around for the better. Included in Wash. D.C., was a voucher plan whereby students could attend a private school of their choice (just like Pres. Obama could do and does as a resident of public housing in Wash. D.C.). The plan only affected 1,500 students, but the results were better than expected, until the teacher's union couldn't stand the success of this program because it it showed positive results as opposed to the poor to mediocre performance of the public schools. After the unions went all out by lobbying the Congress (the Wash. D.C. Schools are financed by the U.S. Congress), the Congress, at that time controlled by the Democrats, voted to “defund” the voucher program, thereby sending 1,500 students back to the poor, less desirable Wash. D.C. public schools. What a compassionate thing to do? Not only was the union “successful” in getting the voucher program defunded, they also worked to get get Mayor Fendy defeated at the polls. In addition, when the pro-voucher Mayor was defeated, Michelle Rhee resigned. What a disgrace for the unions and the Democrat congressmen who cut off the funding for the voucher program, but also for the “stupid” voters who voted out of office a good education mayor. It looks like they cut off their nose to spite their face.
So, just like in business, the public schools need some competition to shake up the “status quo”. The bureaucracy of the public schools needs the competition to force them to innovate and to provide an educational environment that will keep students in their schools. With competition, the public schools must perform better or the students , who hunger to get a good education, will go elsewhere. If the public schools were doing their job properly, there would be no need for Charter or Voucher schools.
Let's bring competition to the public schools, like what is done in business, and see them flourish once again.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Since it has worked so well in business, why shouldn't it be the driving force in improving our schools, which seem to have been flat lining, or declining, for the past few decades?
Since the 1970's, attempts at getting competition in our educational system has faced fierce opposition from the teachers unions and their political allies, the Democrats. It seems the teachers unions seem to think that Charter schools and Voucher schools are a threat to the monopoly of government-run schools.
The “one size fits all” idea that the federal government knows best when it comes to educating our children, just doesn't hack it and the poor results seem to back that up. SAT scores have been static or have fallen, even after all of the money that has been pumped into the system. Something is fundamentally wrong for us to be in this sorry predicament. Maybe it's because we don't have competition in our education system, because you are dealing with a monopolistic government-run system that is not performing up to expectations.
Look what happened in Wash. D.C., former Superintendent Michelle Rhee, was hired to run and fix-up one of the worst school systems in the country. She made a hands-on evaluation and decided to close failing schools, fired incompetent teachers, and turned the system around for the better. Included in Wash. D.C., was a voucher plan whereby students could attend a private school of their choice (just like Pres. Obama could do and does as a resident of public housing in Wash. D.C.). The plan only affected 1,500 students, but the results were better than expected, until the teacher's union couldn't stand the success of this program because it it showed positive results as opposed to the poor to mediocre performance of the public schools. After the unions went all out by lobbying the Congress (the Wash. D.C. Schools are financed by the U.S. Congress), the Congress, at that time controlled by the Democrats, voted to “defund” the voucher program, thereby sending 1,500 students back to the poor, less desirable Wash. D.C. public schools. What a compassionate thing to do? Not only was the union “successful” in getting the voucher program defunded, they also worked to get get Mayor Fendy defeated at the polls. In addition, when the pro-voucher Mayor was defeated, Michelle Rhee resigned. What a disgrace for the unions and the Democrat congressmen who cut off the funding for the voucher program, but also for the “stupid” voters who voted out of office a good education mayor. It looks like they cut off their nose to spite their face.
So, just like in business, the public schools need some competition to shake up the “status quo”. The bureaucracy of the public schools needs the competition to force them to innovate and to provide an educational environment that will keep students in their schools. With competition, the public schools must perform better or the students , who hunger to get a good education, will go elsewhere. If the public schools were doing their job properly, there would be no need for Charter or Voucher schools.
Let's bring competition to the public schools, like what is done in business, and see them flourish once again.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Monday, October 3, 2011
Vote for a Living?
I came across a quote from some clever person who stated; “The problems we face today are there because the people who “work” for a living are outnumbered by those who “vote” for a living”. Think about that for a moment, why do most federal and state government employees vote for the Democrats at election time? Since Democrats want to expand the size of government thereby creating more government jobs, it is in their self-interest to vote for the politicians from the party who will continue to spend taxpayer money to help them in their jobs. As a result, government and unions are tied at the hip with the Democrat Party - thereby giving the Democrats a steady supply of campaign workers and more than ample supply of union campaign funds (Upwards of 95% of their political campaign funds go to the Democrats).
This unholy alliance between the government employee unions and elected government officials (mostly Democrats) has caused many cities and states to be on the verge of bankruptcy, if not already there at the present time. The “real” employers, we the taxpayers, have practically no say in who (also what, when, or where) gets hired and compensated in a government job. Look around the country today, what cities and states are in financial jeopardy? Chances are they are all run by Democrats who have generally given government workers excessive amounts of pay and benefits which have, as a result, pushed the cities and states to the brink of financial disaster and ruin.
When the regular taxpayers and privately employed citizens get enough of the “sweetheart” arrangement between government and labor and vote in a Republican governor or mayor, that is when the trouble arises when these newly elected reformers try to act financially responsible and try to rein in these bloated contracts entered into by the previous self-serving politicians and union leaders.
Look at what has happened over the past year. Republican governors in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, and even the newly elected Democrat governor of New York, have all come under intense fire by trying to do the right thing financially to get their cities and states back from the brink. The demagoguery and vilification of these newly elected leaders has been merciless, but already the “cuts” presented and passed by these victors in last Novembers elections, are already paying dividends for these officials, and the cities and states they represent.
The “Nanny State” which the Democrats believe in, must be reined in in order for us , as a country, to continue to be the pre-eminent country in the world. The entitlement mentality on the part of those in power, espousing their policy of “income redistribution” and trying to emulate the European socialist countries who are on the cusp of going over the financial cliff, must not be allowed to be voted back into office.
Yes, the people who “work” for a living are fed up and “won't take it anymore”, and the people who “vote” for a living are finally meeting their match, mainly from the likes of the Tea Party. Let's hope this energy carries over to the elections of 2012.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
This unholy alliance between the government employee unions and elected government officials (mostly Democrats) has caused many cities and states to be on the verge of bankruptcy, if not already there at the present time. The “real” employers, we the taxpayers, have practically no say in who (also what, when, or where) gets hired and compensated in a government job. Look around the country today, what cities and states are in financial jeopardy? Chances are they are all run by Democrats who have generally given government workers excessive amounts of pay and benefits which have, as a result, pushed the cities and states to the brink of financial disaster and ruin.
When the regular taxpayers and privately employed citizens get enough of the “sweetheart” arrangement between government and labor and vote in a Republican governor or mayor, that is when the trouble arises when these newly elected reformers try to act financially responsible and try to rein in these bloated contracts entered into by the previous self-serving politicians and union leaders.
Look at what has happened over the past year. Republican governors in Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, and even the newly elected Democrat governor of New York, have all come under intense fire by trying to do the right thing financially to get their cities and states back from the brink. The demagoguery and vilification of these newly elected leaders has been merciless, but already the “cuts” presented and passed by these victors in last Novembers elections, are already paying dividends for these officials, and the cities and states they represent.
The “Nanny State” which the Democrats believe in, must be reined in in order for us , as a country, to continue to be the pre-eminent country in the world. The entitlement mentality on the part of those in power, espousing their policy of “income redistribution” and trying to emulate the European socialist countries who are on the cusp of going over the financial cliff, must not be allowed to be voted back into office.
Yes, the people who “work” for a living are fed up and “won't take it anymore”, and the people who “vote” for a living are finally meeting their match, mainly from the likes of the Tea Party. Let's hope this energy carries over to the elections of 2012.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Thursday, September 29, 2011
MORT's Meanderings
Opinion + News Media Madness: It ain’t business, it’s personal.
I’ve always considered that history is a record of stuff that happened yesterday and the days that preceded yesterday. And, to the degree that daily doings are reported factually and accurately, then history should be a relatively accurate reflection of the daily news.
Either my concept is terribly flawed or something is rotten in the state of today’s media.
Here is an example of my complaint: The Opinion page of today’s SunSentinel (9-25-2011) carries the latest column by regular contributor, Prof. Robert Watson. It is typical of his workin that it is full of twisted historical gobbledy-gook. This chap is entitled to his opinions but, he is not ordained with the right to re-create history to suit his pre-conceived notions in order to more easily accommodate the theme of his next, left-leaning opinionated column.
You’ll pardon my limited education that probably explains my lack of understanding about why the esteemed Lynn University keeps this cat on the payroll. In addition to all its fine buildings and excellent facilities, this institution of higher learning must have an endowment that supports a History Re-Write Chair. How else to explain a pseudo-professor who is so willing to cherry-pick history to make his points?
Second example of my complaint: I believe that the mainstream media (Don’tcha get tired of this expression? I do.) is one of the contributors if not the major factor in this era of piss-poor news coverage and organized misinformation dissemination, that keeps the American public in a constant state of Dopamine-deprivation. It is also my belief that the majority of those who majored in Journalism during the 1960s, were so schooled in leftist dogma and so influenced by the Watergate coverage of icons Woodward and Bernstein, that they have as a group, managed to corrupt, pollute and transform the business of factually reporting the news into an unrecognizable whirlpool of unintelligible puke.
If it is true that ‘those who ignore history are condemned to re-live it’, then where does this constant distortion of the facts leave us? If I had my druthers, I’d replace Billy Shakespeare’smantra - - “First, kill all the lawyers.” with, “First, kill all the leftist reporters, journalists and pseudo-historians.” Well, it might not be politically-correct but, it sure would satisfy the soul of this Conservative - - at least, momentarily.
Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011
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