Wednesday, December 31, 2014
What Are The Lies That Liberals Tell?
The old expression of “how can you tell a liberal is lying?” The answer is, “when his lips are moving”. Is that being harsh or fair? Well, let's look at the record to see if that is an over the top statement or a true assessment of their actions and rhetoric.
First off, it's almost a given that in every political contest between a liberal and a conservative (a/k/a and Republican), the liberal always accuses a conservative of being anti-woman (the phony “War on Women”), being racist, and always favoring the rich and ignoring the poor and middle class. They are just like a “Johnny one-note” and ever so predictable.
According to a liberal, a conservative wants to keep women down by depriving women of equal pay, abolishing the rights of women to an abortion, and banning contraceptives. Do they, in their heart of hearts, really think that, or is it just emotional political rhetoric directed at the “woman vote”? Are women that gullible or stupid to believe that? The Democrats seem to think so,as they keep repeating that charge over and over, especially to single women. Since 1972, when the Supreme Court ruled that abortion was legal in Roe vs. Wade, has there ever been a concerted effort by the Republicans to overturn that Supreme Court decision? The answer is “NO”, even though some people, with strong religious feelings, think it is a form of infanticide and should be overturned. Even when the Republicans held the majority of Congress and the Presidency, no concerted effort to repeal was made. That's 42 years ago and counting.
As to the equal pay charge, that is also bogus. Since 1963 we've had on the books the Equal Pay Act, banning pay discrimination against women. So all those claims that conservatives (Republicans) don't want women to get equal pay is a bold face LIE. The same with the banning of the sale of contraceptives charge by the liberals. NO effort has been made to ban the distribution of contraceptives. Another LIE and counting.
The next LIE that liberals try to pass off as fact, is the charge that conservatives are racists. At almost every election, including this off-year election (2014), the liberals trot out ads directed at their most ardent voter base, the black and Latino base, telling them that they must get out to vote for the Democrat because voting for the Republican will mean that their civil rights will be taken away. These charges are made even though the Republican Party was the party freeing the slaves (Abraham Lincoln), integrating the segregated schools of the South (Eisenhower), and casting the decisive votes in Congress by passing the Civil Rights Acts in the 1960's. The ploy that Democrats use to appeal to the black and Latino communities is to offer them “freebies” from the public treasury. By doing that, the Democrats, instead of helping those communities, are actually keeping them on the Democrat “plantation” by making them dependent on the government for their livelihood. Those liberal LIES continued, even in this past election cycle.
Another egregious LIE perpetrated by the Democrats is that the Republicans are the party of the rich. Really? An anomaly is that most of the millionaires in the House and Senate are Democrats. Yet, they continually demonize the wealthy successful people even though President Obama and the Democrats attend $35,000 a plate fund raisers featuring those same wealthy Democrat fat-cats. That's the height of hypocrisy. Conservatives want to help the people to become successful and possibly become wealthy, by giving everyone a hand up rather than a handout. The Democrats want to foster the “re-distribution of income” by taking from the wealthy (the taxpayers) and giving to the many non-taxpayers, which is right out of the Karl Marx playbook.
There are many more instances of the use of LIES to further a political agenda on the part of the liberals, but these are the most blatant examples just enumerated. If the shoe fits liberals, wear it. Your verbosity, liberals, is exceeded only by your stupidity.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, December 28, 2014
The Two Minute Warning Whistle
Sometimes I think I was born too early. Although many who preceded me
can probably say the same thing. We came before the technological age
of miracles, when we had to do many things by hand, the long way, to get
by and survive without the conveniences and entitlements of today.
Being first generation, having one foot in America and one foot out of
respect, in the heritage of my parents, was an additional step to contend
with. Having watched how they assimilate in their new home country, and
the thought of their fear and uncertainty and pride I have for their
fortitude that made it possible for me to be born American. They made it
without all the advantages society offers to everyone today, if you are willing
to exert the effort.
Their integrity, hard work and respect for the law in their new country set an
example for us to follow, that started when they applied to emigrate from their
birth land to here. It was their intent to partake, with humility, in the opportunities
America had to offer and leave behind the reasons they left.
It is not xenophobic or racist, to resent those who enter our country unlawfully
availing themselves of liberal freebies without assimilating into American society;
but wanting to change us into their culture and the tyranny they left behind.
Many bring unsavory baggage with them they refuse to confiscate, demanding,
instead of humble gratitude.
During my formidable years, I lived and experienced a great depression and a
world war that had influence in shaping the who and the why of me. Every penny
was prioritized for necessity; not for frivolity that plagues today's "me" generation.
There were few, if any toys, bicycles, sports gear or costly concerts and entertain-
ment, inducing creativity to fill our leisure time. We didn't consider ourselves
deprived or expect others to hand it to us. Slush funds were unheard of by families
in those days, because there was no extra money left over after putting food on the
table and clothing us, with much sacrifice in personal need for our parents.
Generations following mine roll their eyes when they hear or read anything that
sounds like what I write. A lot of manners, decency and respect has died, replaced
by greed, self absorption and indifference. It is disheartening when moral level is
lowered, to mimic those at the bottom rung of society, namely stoners and
promiscuous losers when it hits close to home. The collateral damage, often caused
by uncontrolled progress.
Now, at my age, I hear the two minute warning whistle, and the game is nearly over
for me. I don't want to be the last man standing, because it has been too painful to
lose so many loved ones and dear friends. If I go into over time, there will be no one
left to say good-by.
Like the political question oft asked, "are you better off today than 6 years ago?" I
can give the same answer when comparing it from the time I saw my first light, even
with all the ups and downs, struggles, setbacks, joys and heartbreaks.....NO! That
negative answer was induced by the President, who is hell bent on destroying tradition
through divisiveness. He was not raised in a traditional family and wants to even the
score. exacerbating the decline of our nation's moral fiber and Judeo/Christian values.
Even though we had so much less yesteryear, their was so much more in civility
and honesty when coping with the negatives. When God becomes an inconvenience
toward doing our own thing, our country is in trouble; but I hope to be able to leave
this life on a high note.
Conservative article by George Giftos
Jihad vs We The People
This Youtube Video is from Wild Bill for America. It speaks on the subject of Special Operations Speaks calling on all Americans to take a stand against the threat of Islam.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
“Aah, The Rigors of Getting Older”
Life is predictable, everyone gets older, whether we like it or not. Some of us age gracefully, some of us try to postpone the ravages of aging by getting a nip and a tuck, here and there or everywhere.
So, what are some of the general signs of getting older. One obvious one is the simple act of getting up and out of a chair or a couch. During our younger years we jumped up and out in an instant, but now we have to get help by maneuvering back and forth or by getting a helping hand and a helpful pull up. It’s embarrassing how “unagile” we’ve become.
Many of us, when we reached forty, had difficulty reading the newspaper or a restaurant menu, but had no problem seeing a good looking guy or gal some 50 yards away and could see what they were or were not wearing, and whether it matched or not. From that time on, we invested in reading glasses, not just one pair, but several, to be available at an instant’s notice, in time of need, which now seems to be all the time.
Another vexation of getting older is those sneaky aches and pains that pop up at unexpected times without any reasonable expectation of figuring out why, where, or what you did to deserve this ache and pain. The term “ pain in the neck” can be taken more literally as we get older rather than the other definition of being an obnoxious person.
Since we older folk are encouraged to exercise by our doctors, our family, and our friends, little mention is made about the exercise gained by walking to the bathroom, to empty our bladders, sometimes 3 times or more per night, much to our dismay, chagrin and annoyance, and about our disrupted sleep, right in the middle of a dream about Clark Gable or Marilyn Monroe, as luck would have it. Talk about walking zombies? Boris Karloff had nothing on us.
Our friends, as we age, get fewer and fewer and they eventually disappear all together, depending on how long we live. When reading a newspaper when we were younger, we either turned to the fashion section or the sports section, but now, as we age, we go right to the obituary section. By the way, did you notice that everybody who died, died alphabetically according to the newspaper? If our name isn’t there, we move on to another section, with a big sigh of relief.
Talking about health, or lack of it, did you notice that when we meet a friend or someone new, the talk inevitably centers on the status of your health or their health. It’s something like giving or getting an “ organ recital”, my heart, my liver, my kidney’s etc., etc. Instead of names, we could refer to each other by our blood pressure figures, “ Hi, 135 over 70 or “Hi, 125 over 75”. This would save us a lot of small, meaningless talk and get right down to the nitty-gritty.
In conclusion, another one of the rigors of getting older is the slow progression of finding out that the foods we once gulped down with no problem, and with gusto when we were younger, which now cause us all kinds of trouble, especially in the area of creating that social pollutant called - methane gas. One positive result is that it does cause us to smile more often in order to camouflage our indiscretion to others who unfortunately happened to be near us at the time. What kind of an “eating” grin do they call that?
So, keep on smiling and grow old gracefully, and never look back, something might be gaining on you.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
President Reagan's Address to the Nation About Christmas from 1981
President Reagan's Address to the Nation About Christmas and the Situation in Poland from 12/23/81
This blast from the past shows what a Real President sounds and acts like. A President of the United States of America should fight tyranny not impose it on our citizens.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Twas the night before Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house,
Not creature was stirring,
Not even the Louse.
The stockings were hung,
On the fireplace with care,
In hopes that jolly St. Sharpton,
Soon would be there.
When all of a sudden,
Wif a rattle and roar,
Down the chimney he came,
That little black whore.
He cursed and he blasphemed,
Taking Obama to task,
Where’d dat bum go?
He queried and axxed?
But Obama the chicken,
Had flown his White coop.
He was basking in Hawaii,
Wif his skin-colored female troop.
He was livin’ it up,
While Sharpton steamed.
Sharpy had come for free stuff,
And to partake of largess,
He knowed he wuz stood up,
And so, just to digress,
He went to the drawer,
Where the silver was kept,
And he filled up his sack,
‘Til nuffin wuz left.
It was then he turned,
And wif a wink of his eye,
He left through a window,
Without sayin’, ‘Goodbye’.
He got what he came for,
‘Twas sumpin’ for nuffin,
Paid for by sumbody else.
He jumped into his Limo,
A pink PimpMobile it wuz,
Stocked wif stolen booze,
And six tacky white HO’s.
As into the D.C. sky he arose,
Wif alla his White House loot,
He were heard to ‘exclaim’,
“Screw you Obama, all right?”
I be duh Pressydent, tonight.”
MORT KUFF © 12-19-2014
Stories Liberals Tell: How Conservatives Can Win Back the Culture
The lowly Liberals have dominated the storytelling and culture making industries for some time now. So we ask how do Conservatives win back the hearts and minds of America? Find out with this Video, as Bill Whittle takes a look at what has made Leftie Hollywood such a success. Bill Whittle points to a path for the Right. Because, if we, real Americans, lose the culture for good, we will lose in the ballot boxes too.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Government joint select committee
Congressional Democrats and their pundits are seething in uncontrollable anger because
the Obama administration stonewalling and heavily redacted pertinent documents about
the blunder in Benghazi, has force a Government Joint Select Committee investigation to
be formed. Their reaction is to accuse Republicans of political witch hunting. The
withheld documents are Obama's 18 1/2 minute gap in the Nixon tapes.
It is because of politics that the investigation is happening. The politics of cover-up by the
administration's actions, or non action in Benghazi, in order to protect the re-election of
their president, due to his erroneous claim of defeating Al-Qaeda into a non entity, doesn't
sound like a witch hunt to me.
Still ringing in the ears of the families of the four murdered victims and the concern of
millions of Americans, is the statement made by the then Secretary of State, Hillary
Clinton, "At this point, what difference does it make?" It is being repeated by others who
are hiding their shame with defensive anger. It's like saying, "what's the big deal? People
are murdered every day!" This cold,detached, and indifferent emotion may be so in
Barack Obama's home town of Chicago, but it doesn't play for the rest of the country.
Before becoming an Independent, I was one of them. Their behavior toward the Benghazi
incident, among many others, evinced me their ability and trust in running our country
has put us in a precarious position by weakening us diplomatically, diminishing our
prestige and strength, caused by the infestation of a different breed of liberals now in
control of the Democratic Party, and who presently hold the reins of power.
Their fanaticism to change America has not only put us in danger, it has put the whole
world in peril, because it can no longer rely on our strength or word.
Conservative article by George Giftos
Sunday, December 14, 2014
It has been said about President Obama that you can take the man out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the man. To some of his most avid supporters that is a slur against the president, but to any observant person who is watching what is going on in Washington, it is an apt description of what is actually happening. It seems like the lights are on in the White House, but nobody is home.
Back during the Presidential campaign in 2008, stories came out about the people who were associated with that obscure candidate out of Chicago called, Barack Hussein Obama. Most all of those personal contacts and friendships were with people from Chicago and with the notorious Daley political machine. The main stream media (except Fox News) pooh-poohed these relationships as meaningless as compared to the message “their” candidate was trying to deliver – meaning a total “transformation” of the United States of America, “ hope and change” were the words. To question him or his ideas meant that you were probably a “racist” and therefore not credible.
All of these nefarious Chicago relationships including Rev. Jeremiah Wright, an anti-Semite and black liberation preacher, Father Phleger, a radical Catholic priest, Bill Ayers an admitted unrepentant, domestic terrorist, Tony Rezko, a convicted felon who helped Obama buy his house, Louis Farrakhan, a white hating Black Muslim, Blago, the disgraced former Governor of Illinois, and his present and past close advisors in the White House, Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, William Daley and Valerie Jarrett, are all on the public record as being close to him as he rose up the ranks in the Chicago political machine. What a motley crew of radical extremists? Many might be called “red diaper babies” (as they were brought up in a Marxist/Socialist oriented households). In addition, Obama is a disciple of the late radical guru, Saul Alinsky, whose home base, was also in Chicago. He was the author of the book, “Rules for Radicals” which Obama used in becoming a “community organizer”, an ACORN trainer, as well as being used as a textbook for his classes at the University of Chicago, where he was a “lecturer” in the law department (not a professor as has been falsely attributed to him).
Once Obama was sworn in as President, he continued to add more Chicago cronies and radicals to his Administration including Van Jones, an avowed communist, Cass Sunstein, a far-left professor, Anita Dunn, an admirer of mass murderer Mao Tse-tung, Kevin Jennings, a gay activist in charge of school safety, and a host of other leftist ideologues named as presidential czars with no congressional oversight whatsoever.
The way things “got done” in Chicago seems to be the modus operandi of the current Obama Administration. The heavy-handed process of do as I say, not as I do, and leave no prisoners, and to marginalize any dissenters in order to shut them up, is the “Chicago-way” and now seems to be the “Washington- way” of doing things. That’s the way Obama, and his minions, are going against Fox News, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Conservative groups, and the insurance Co’s, and banks in trying to shut them up or shut them down. How un-American is that tactic? It seems that Obama is more inclined to wage war on Fox News and the coal industry than he is in waging war against Al-Queda, the Taliban, and ISIS. What a waste of presidential effort while our brave military men and women are in harms way in both Afghanistan and a small contingent left in Iraq as advisers. During the run-up to passage of Obamacare in 2009, it was reported that in order to get his health insurance “reform” measure passed in the Senate, the “Chicago-Way” of doing things politically was used to get some balking Senators to vote the “right- way”. Both Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Co.) were told, in no uncertain terms, to vote the “right-way” or they would lose funding for some state projects, and in Ben Nelson’s case, military base closings in Nebraska was mentioned if he voted the “wrong-way”. Mary Landrieu was offered $300 million dollars to use for projects in her state to vote the “right-way”. Is this political bribery? Of course it is, but what would you expect from a Chicago-bred politician. That’s business as usual. What a disgrace!
It seems that all President Obama is capable of doing, instead of meaningful acts and making firm policy decisions, is making speeches and attending fund-raisers around the country with his rhetoric laced with platitudes and fuzzy, warm feelings. It's all symbolism over substance. As the wise old saying goes – “Action speaks louder than words” doesn’t seem to apply to this Administration. His answer to everything is that he is trying to clean up the mess he inherited from the previous Administration – he takes no responsibility for the lousy things that have happened under his watch these past six years. The Bush Administration is the reason things are going downhill, not the policies and indecision of Obama. That’s leadership? Even former cabinet members and fellow Democrats are questioning his leadership skills (or lack thereof).
A big smile, lofty rhetoric and a nice family are not enough to get things done – we don’t need another “Chicago on the Potomac” – we need a president that can make decisions and take responsibility for his actions in an honest and open way. He is making Jimmy Carter look good in comparison – god forbid!
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
In her “Opening Statement” segment on the Fox News Channel broadcast, “Justice with Judge Jeanine” host Jeanine Pirro took aim at Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).
Judge Jeanine boldly stated to Feinstein, “You justify the drone killings of American citizens who have gone to work with al-Qaida, but we can’t water board al-Qaida themselves to save an American citizen?” Judge Jeanine blasted the partisan hack, Feinstein, for her “liberal naïveté”.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
MORT’s meanderings
Let’s do away with police uniforms, badges, whistles, nightsticks, guns and radios.
U. S. Attorney General , who has resigned but, is still on the job and continuing to pervert our system of Justice – and who admits to being black and refers to all blacks, law-abiding or otherwise as ‘my people’, proves once again that he is on the side of Lawlessness & Disorder.
He has announced that it is his intention to remove racial profiling from the tool kit of every policeman in the nation. I suggest that he might as well remove the policeman’s uniform, badge, whistle, nightstick, notebook and gun, then handcuff his hands behind his back before sending him out on patrol to keep the peace.
This proposal to halt profiling skin color (That would often indicate ‘race’, wouldn’t it?) is sheer lunacy on the face of it. How on Earth could one conduct a department that is designed to protect the citizenry from physical attack, if no description of a suspect can include such a vital bit of information as his skin color? The suspect can easily change his clothing and do some quick fixes to alter his facial appearance but, he cannot change the color of his skin.
President Barack Hussein Obama, noted ‘Uniter & Peace Keeper’, has announced that for a mere $250+ million dollars, he’ll provide each policeman with a video camera to record the image of the thug who is charging at him with intent to kill. Good move, Prez. U R sharp!
I’ve an idea that doesn’t cost a cent – not a red cent. What would you think if instead of our policeman making any reference to skin color in his incident report, he refers to a black suspect as a Democrat or a white suspect as a Republican?
That is, unless this kind of categorization might be offensive to Independents, illegal aliens, the Muslim Brotherhood or presidential advisor on race relations, the Rebberun Al Sharpton.
MORT KUFF © 12-2-2014
This is a Mark Levin Video soundtrack on Obama mulling sanctions against Israel.
Sanctions for building homes in its own capital?
Why do Jewish Voters still protect Obama?
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Pants up, Don't Loot!
The most scurrilous symbol or slogan of the recent Ferguson riots was the made up phrase, “Hands up, Don't shoot”. It was coined by the “racial hustlers” to incite and motivate the black citizens of Ferguson (and to many outside agitators) to get them all riled up about the false presumption that the police are going out of their way to kill innocent black children and black men for no good reason. Most of the rioters who were committing mayhem in Ferguson were young black teens and young black adults, who were looting and setting businesses on fire, so the slogan really should be:
“Pants Up, Don't Loot”
The facts of the case about the supposed “execution” of an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown, by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, were totally made up out of whole cloth by the “racial arsonists” led by Al Sharpton and his band of race baiters. Yes, there have been incidents when police have encountered and shot black men, some of whom were unarmed as was Michael Brown in the Ferguson shooting, but that doesn't mean that the policemen, doing the shooting were reckless and, in some cases, guilty of using unnecessary deadly force on innocent black men. Most likely the confrontation was in response to a report of a crime being committed, and the policeman was responding to that call. In the vast majority of cases, the policeman was justified in using force, and sometimes deadly force, because the policeman or other citizens were in harms way, and it is the policeman's main job is to protect the community. This decision, on the part of the policeman to use force, sometimes is made in split seconds and it is difficult to second-guess his actions under those stressful conditions.
There is not an epidemic of policemen going around shooting black men just because they were black as the “racial arsonists” like Al Sharpton and his followers have implied in their hysterical rhetoric as they try to stir up racial animosity between blacks and whites. In fact, more policemen have been killed by blacks than the other way around, that's not to say that in certain isolated cases, the policeman over reacted and caused the death of an innocent black person, but that is the rare exception, not the rule and should not be used as a clarion call to cause looting and arson in the minority neighborhoods. That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. The community of Ferguson will not be the same for many years to come.
The police have a greater presence in minority communities because the greater percentage of crime is committed in those communities (mainly by black men between the ages of 16 – 30). Most residents of those communities look favorably upon the presence of the police as they are the barrier between the bad guys and the law abiding citizens. It is the “rabble rousers”, like Sharpton, who shout police brutality whenever an unfortunate incident takes place and the media generally inflames the situation more by jumping to erroneous conclusions of fact before the facts are even revealed.
In the Ferguson case, the victim was the aggressor and by his actions toward the police officer, caused his own demise. The Grand Jury heard over 60 witnesses and read the results of three medical examiners, one who was hired by the Brown family, most all of whom pointed the finger at Michael Brown as the one who was responsible for his own death by his own behavior and belligerent actions toward the police officer.
It has been a sad state of affairs that people, who should know better, like the Congressional Black Caucus and others in the government, and the media are pouring gasoline on the fire of racial dissonance between whites and blacks by their inflammatory rhetoric. They have completely discounted the real facts that came out during the testimony before the grand jury. That is reckless behavior and could possibly gin up further mayhem around the country.
So stop with this phony slogan of “Hands up, Don't shoot” and replace it with “Pants up, Don't Loot”, as that makes more sense and it is less volatile.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

Judge Jeanine Opening "Why don't you act like the President of the United States?"
Not just the President for one group!
Judge Jeanine Pirro's opening from 12-6-2014 talks about the current race baiting events taking place with Ferguson Missouri and New York City protests. She also calls out President Obama to start acting like the President and not to just looking out for one group (African Americans).
Judge Jeanine calls out B. H. Obama on having the tax cheat Al Sharpton in meetings about the current affairs.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Liberal Hypocrisy
I admit it. At one time in my younger days I was a liberal. I was a strong advocate of free speech and thought everyone should be able to express his or her opinion even if it went against what I advocated. Most liberals were like that at that time. However, I changed as I got older and got into the work force. I became that dreaded word: a conservative. I continue to be a strong advocate for equal opportunity – not special privileges for a few – and strongly believe in freedom of speech. Unfortunately, liberals have changed too – but not in a good way.
Did you ever notice how liberals have become hypocrites in that they say one thing and then do another? Or how the standards they impose on others they don’t impose on themselves.
For example, the Clintons, Gores, and Obamas are strong advocates for public schools and all have opposed the voucher program where middle class and poor folks can send their children to private or charter schools. Well, the Clintons, Gores, and Obamas sent their kids to a private school: the Sidwell Friends School where tuition costs over $35,000 a year. So public education is good for you and me but not for liberals.
Then there is the issue of conservation and concern for the climate. Here is where liberals truly excel. There are many Hollywood liberals who drive a Prius and then arrive to their destination in a private jet. Or the infamous Al Gore who talks about “carbon footprints” and then lives in a 20 room mansion that uses more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year. Or Michael Moore. In his recent divorce proceedings it was revealed that he is worth millions of dollars and owns nine properties one of which is a 10,000 square foot mansion on Torch Lake in Michigan. So, it is important for the average person to maintain a small carbon footprint as long as the liberals can live as lavishly as they like.
Then there is the issue of free speech. Liberals really outdo themselves here. Liberals can rant and rave about conservatives calling them vile names such as they did with Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. However, if anyone says anything critical about them out come the PC police to silence them. For example, Domino’s Pizza was subject to a boycott because the founder was a religious Catholic and said things about abortion and Chick-fil-A because of the founder’s Christian religious beliefs. I guess freedom of speech only applies to liberal causes.
Or take the issue of concealed carry permits and handguns. Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, and Chuck Schumer don’t want the average individual to be able to carry a handgun. However, Boxer and Feinstein have concealed carry permits handed out by California, a state in which such permits are difficult to obtain. Schumer is reported to have such a permit and he has armed security around him.
Next comes the issue of gay marriage. Liberals are all for gay marriage and will say and do anything to a conservative who voices opposition. However, liberals are promoters of Islam rights even though in Islamic countries gays are punished and even put to death.
Liberals such as Diane Sawyer, John Edwards, etc. will criticize any conservative politician who takes money from Robert Murdoch and yet are silent when liberal politicians take money from George Soros. Why a dual standard?
Liberals are infamous for saying the wealthy should pay their “fair share,” whatever that means. However, when that is put into practice it is different. Do you recall the issue of John Kerry, a resident of MA, registering his mega yacht in RI to avoid the $435,000 sales tax and $70,000 annual excise tax MA imposes? Or Warren Buffett’s strong comments about companies who buy foreign companies to shift taxes to countries that have taxes lower than the US. This is called a tax inversion and liberal politician’s rail against it – except when a liberal like Buffett does it. And yet Buffett is doing that through Burger King buying a Canadian company and then moving to Canada. By Buffett’s clever maneuver he is saving millions of dollars in taxes. And then there are the Hollywood elite and others who complain the estate tax is not high enough. Today farmers and some business owners can’t pass down their farms and businesses to their children because of estate taxes. And yet these are the same folks who set up “charitable foundations” and then put their children and other relatives in charge to run these foundations at incredibly high salaries. Plus, these people then syphon off huge sums for travel and other purposes.
For example, take a look at the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation. In 2012, the most recent year with data available, the Clinton Foundation disclosed assets of $226 million, with $51.5 million in contributions and grants received. The salaries and benefits of all the staff at the foundation are an eye-popping $220,218,840—well above the total grants for the lifetime of the foundation. Travel expenses paid by the Clinton Foundation far exceed the total of grants outside the top three grants made, and for the years 2003-2011 totaled $55,628,306. Chelsea Clinton now helps run the foundation leaving a lucrative job at NBC. By way of info, NBC paid Chelsea Clinton $600,000 a year for whatever she did there or as Vanity Fair reported $26,724 per minute she appeared on the network. Another example, of do as I say and not as I do. All you have to do is set up a charitable foundation and get a tax deduction, and then pass on to your children and relatives income in the form of salaries rather than paying an estate tax.
There are many more examples. But, as you can see liberalism has become a synonym for hypocrisy.
Conservative Commentary by Jim Pirretti - Click HERE For More From Jim
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Ferguson - Obama's Legacy
Our worse fears came true on Nov. 24, 2014, when Ferguson, Missouri went up in flames over a “supposed” decision by the Grand Jury by not bringing an indictment against Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson. I use the word “supposed” because instead of being an outrage over a judicial decision, this was a pre-planned anarchy attack by a gaggle of racial arsonists, led in part by that “racial pimp”, Al Sharpton and other radical liberal and progressive groups.
Not only in Ferguson, but across the country, demonstrations took place after months of pre-planning, that regardless of what the grand jury decision was going to be, mayhem was going to happen. These “grievance goons” were using the white cop, black teenager confrontation as an excuse to commit mayhem around the country. Looting, vandalism, and criminal arson were all orchestrated by these “grievance goons”. What was the purpose other than fueling racial strife against the police and the public, and white people in general?
President Obama, who was not physically present in Ferguson, was in a secondary way responsible for the lawlessness that occurred. His actions during the 6 years he has been president, set the table for this outright breakdown of law and order. Starting with the Harvard professor, Louis Gates, incident in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, and now the Michael Brown case in Ferguson, his passivity and wishy-washy attitude toward the events that had racial overtones, was conducive with what happened in Ferguson. In these cases, he was not color blind, as he seemed to side with the black persons involved, even if the facts didn't support that position. He was a racial divider not a racial uniter, as he once claimed to be.
His appointment of Eric Holder as Attorney-General has been a special disaster from the get-go. This Attorney-General has been a racial polarizer ever since he took the reins of the Justice Dept. By refusing to prosecute the New Black Panther thugs in the polling place in Philadelphia, by calling our country a bunch of “racial cowards”, and his constant reference to his past experiences of supposed racial harassment in his life, he has sent the wrong signal to the violence prone people in the black community. It's like he gave a wink and a nod to continue the agitation by the “grievance goons” to continue their actions.
Another factor in the moral fiber (or lack thereof) of our country, is that tax cheat, rabble rouser, and professional liar and racial agitator, Al Sharpton, has been given preferential access to the Oval Office on numerous occasions. Can you imagine if George W. Bush invited former KKK wizard and faux Republican, David Duke, to the Oval Office - all hell would've broken loose, and rightly so.
As of now, it looks like Obama will have a tough time leaving a positive legacy after he leaves the White House. Ferguson, along with his other scandals, will tarnish his place in history. He can't blame anyone (although he'll try) but himself for it is his exaggerated ego and brazen arrogance that is responsible for that void in his presidency.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Ferguson Lost
There is no doubt in my mind, if the Ferguson bully was white, the mainstream
media wouldn't devote even two lines or thirty seconds reporting the incident.
Bullies come in all colors and all sizes, but if the liberal press thinks it won't rile
the public, it will remain local, of interest to no one.
Stirring the pot to cause racial divide sells newspapers and boosts ratings and
circulation, especially for dying networks and newspapers. Legitimate news
sources are forced to join the fray in order to maintain some sense of honesty.
Everyone opposed to the Grand Jury outcome were prejudgmental; many
swayed by nonfactual reporting and inborn prejudices. What occurred in
Ferguson and other urban areas after the decision that turned protest into
violence and destruction, is caused by the ignorance of some blacks,easily
manipulated by charlatans like Al Sharpton and a racist Attorney General, plus
the President's pre beer summit comment that the Cambridge police acted
stupidly when they arrested the black Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
who appeared to be breaking into a residence that turned out to be his house.
These radical liberals are aware of the vulnerability of the poor, school drop
out, uneducated druggies, to use as they see fit, for advancing their personal
agendas. It worked to get a second term for Barack Obama and for economist
Jonathan Gruber to deceptively put over a forced, faulty and expensive health
When the black community lacks traditional families, out of control child
pregnancies, disproportionate crime rates, black on black homicides, disregard
for law and order and chip on the shoulder attitude, it is a self created profile.
These delinquencies have collateral effect and reflect unfairly on the people and
families who walk the line.
It is time for those who don't, to clean up their act. It is time for the leaders in the
community to stop enabling them by keeping the wounds of past injustices open.
It is time to heal.
Conservative article by George Giftos
Sunday, November 23, 2014
MORT’s meanderings & Judge Jeanine Pirro Rips Obama
Tea Party irrelevant?
So’s your patootie.
If you are a Conservative Republican living in Florida, who listens to Democrat post-loss spin, you’ve probably read and heard that the Tea Party is no longer relevant and that biggees in the (R) party won’t take these patriots or their beliefs into consideration when making policy.
If you swallow that swill, you probably voted (if you voted) for all the local-yokel Dems on the ticket because they hewed the Obama party line. That would be Debbie Whatevuh, Ugly Hastings, Turr Ditch, Pansy Murphy, Lois Funkle, Hattie McWilson and of course, Maria Sux. What a list of delusional barfers.
These losers are frightened out of their Halloween costumes by the Tea Party. Why? Because the Tea Party is comprised of genuine, 100% through & through, American patriots. They believe whole-heartedly in the Constitution of the United States of America. They believe in the individual, in individual freedoms and individual responsibility. They believe in smaller, transparent government and unequivocal honesty. Whaaat? What’s wrong with these people?
And oh yeah, one other thing - - Tea Party people believe in their Creator. That means they possess an undying belief and total faith in a higher power than Obama, or the Democrat Party, or the IRS, or Global Warming. They even believe that their Creator, our Creator, outranks so-called Liberal Progressives, who believe themselves to be the smartest people on Earth. Scary, huh?
The original Tea Party was staged on December 16, 1773, by a group of irate Colonists aboard a merchant ship who protested highly-taxed English tea by throwing a few bales over the side, into Boston Harbor. Well, here we are some 241 years later, with a latter-day reincarnation of those irate, over-taxed, under-represented activist citizens, figuratively throwing bales of Obama’s Horse Manure Tea overboard. Our Tyrannical King, His Lordship Barack Hussein Obama, the First, is every bit as fair & equal in his governing style as was kindly English King George III. One sick monarch inherited his Kingship from his forebears; the other sick monarch was voted into the Presidency of the United States by a majority of clueless & careless voters.
Like that original Tea Party bunch, this latter-day reincarnation is a fiercely independent bunch. They are relentlessly dedicated to ousting this generation’s reincarnation of tyrants that are bent on destroying the Constitutional form of governing our beautiful nation. They would replace it with a form of Socialism that would soon morph into a Caliphate ruled by violent, blood-thirsty Islamist lunatics. Sound like a good idea?
Attention: Newly-elected, establishment Republicans . . . don’t be stupid. The Americana Patriots who belong to the loosely-organized Tea Party, voted you into office as their representatives. They didn’t do it because you are pretty to look at; they expect and will demand that you govern with intelligence, courage, and in the full conviction that the guiding principles contained in The Constitution are as valid today as they were in 1776. Got it? I mean, do you really got it?
MORT KUFF © 11-9-2014
Judge Jeanine Pirro rips B. H. Obama from stem to stern for his outlandish and lawless immigration "orders."
She has another terrific opening statement and compares Obama at one point to Tony Soprano.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Is Jonathan Gruber the Invisible Man?
If you watched T.V., read the newspapers, or listened to the radio (with the exception of Fox News and conservative talk shows), you'd think that Jonathan Gruber was an invisible man. He's the former Obamacare consultant (who was paid almost $400,000 and who visited the Oval Office at least 10 times regarding Obamacare), who said that the Obama Administration purposely mislead (a/k/a lied) about the provisions that were included in Obamacare in order to get it passed because they felt that the voters were too stupid to understand what a great piece of legislation Obamacare was. They knew what was the best for us (how elitist and condescending is that). Ordinarily, especially if Republicans were in power, this would be a really big story that any honest journalist would latch onto because it exposed politicians “sticking it” to the citizens. But no, hardly any mention was made by NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, the N.Y. Times, the Wash. Post and other Democrat leaning media outlets in the week or two after videos surfaced that showed Jonathan Gruber pointing out the deception the Obama Administration used to sell it's abomination called Obamacare.
When Obama was elected, he said that his administration would be the most “transparent” administration ever (this coming from a product of the Daley political machine in Chicago, notorious for being totally non-transparent). Well, if you look at the last six years of the Obama Administration, you'd have to conclude they haven't even come close to achieving that designation of transparancy. Starting with Fast & Furious, Benghazi, the I.R.S. harassing conservative groups, the NSA snooping on American citizens and journalists, and the big “kahuna”, Obamacare, it has been lie after lie, coverup after coverup as their modus operandi. Never have we seen such hubris and arrogance by elected and appointed government officials. These corrupt politicians and government officials think that the citizens are all stupid (at least Jonathan Gruber thought so), even in the age of technological advances whereby within minutes, hours and days we could see first hand actual officials lying through their teeth. And they still have the nerve to deny it.
This obfuscation (lying) goes all the way up to the White House. For example, in regards to the ACA (which really should be entitled the (Un)Affordable Care Act), Obama said that you could keep your doctor (untrue), that you could keep your health care plan (untrue), that the average family would save $2,500 per year (untrue), and stated that 30 million people would be covered by Obamacare (untrue). These lies were about just one of Obama's screwups, but the others were just as egregious.
Even with all these revelations, the Obama Zombies will not admit that our “Liar in Chief” is in way over his head, and that they claim the reason his opponents are bad mouthing him (Obama) is because he is black – in other words, they are all racists. Maybe they should look in the mirror to see who the real racists are?
The American electorate saw through these deceptions and gave the Republicans a resounding electoral victory all across the country this past November, by unseating 9 Democrat Senators, more than 10 Congressmen, and a few state governors (the Republicans now have 31 governors out of 50) and they now control 70% of the state legislatures. But, that shellacking didn't phase Obama and his flunky's - they are acting like this past election never really happened, and that it was a repudiation of Obama's policies (which it truly was).
So, when the mainstream media totally ignores Jonathan Gruber and what he has said and what he stands for, they prove that they are still in the tank for their fair-haired boy, Obama and his policies. They (the media) should be ashamed of themselves by abdicating their journalistic duties in rooting out corruption and deceit in government, but, then again, it looks like they have no shame to lose. It is the American people who are the big losers.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, November 16, 2014
The Obama Fan Club
In Tuesday's Tampa Bay Times a political cartoon seems to give credit to Obama for low employment, a soaring stock market, and gas prices among other things. Similarly, some of the Obama Fan Club make the same claims. However, an analysis shows that give credit to Obama is misplaced.
First, the real unemployment rate is approximately 12.6% and not 5.8% as claimed in the newspaper and other liberal sources. The real employment rate takes into account those individuals who have given up looking for jobs but who are available for work and those individuals who are forced to work part-time jobs because they can't find full-time jobs. A 12.6% unemployment rate - which is about the best he has done in his terms of office - is certainly not a grand accomplishment.
Second, giving Obama credit for the "soaring stock market" ignores some critical facts. Because of persistent economic problems the Fed has engaged in a policy of quantitative easing that has held interest rates at all time lows. Companies have been able to refinance debt and to borrow at record low rates. As a result of artificially low interest rates the stock market has boomed as it always has when rates go lower. It will be interesting to see what happens when the Fed slows down or stops its quantitative easing policy. Further, the Fed policy has had an adverse impact on retirees many of whom are on fixed income and rely on interest on bonds as income. These individuals have seen their bonds called in and have had to replace them with lower interest rate bonds. Another example of the Obama Fan Club giving him credit for something the did not do.
Finally, it is a joke to give credit to Obama for $3 a gallon gas. Keep in mind that the price of gas was approximately $1.79 a gallon when he took office and was well over $3 a gallon for much of his presidency. Again the Obama Fan Club didn't get its facts straight.
Yes, Obama has accomplished quite a bit during his presidency. We have persistent unemployment. A health care plan that is a disaster. A country more divided than ever. A country that is no longer respected because of his weak foreign policies. A country that has no sane energy policies. Yes, he has accomplished a lot but these are not accomplishments that should result in lavish praise.
Conservative Commentary by Jim Pirretti
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Let's Not Screw it Up!
The Republican's had a big electoral win on election day and they now have the opportunity to point the country in a new positive direction - don't screw it up!
This success won't last if we start to turn on each other over petty differences of ideology or tactics. The Republican electorate finally did what the Democrats usually do (although not this time), support their candidates regardless of whether they had some minor differences. The old Reagan principle of supporting a candidate who believes in 80% of what you believe because it is better to have that candidate win than to have a candidate win with a 0% or very low rating win. Look what happened in 2012, some Republicans didn't agree with all that Mitt Romney stood for and refused to go out and vote. Look what we got out of that “purest” attitude - 4 more years of utter chaos and lousy economic and foreign policies. Were we better off by being “politically pure”? I think not. You could say that 4/5ths of a loaf is better than none.
The G.O.P. was accused of being the party of “NO”, but in actuality it was the party of “KNOW” by trying to slow down the Marxist/Socialist “total transformation” train wreck that was driven by Barack Hussein Obama.
A perfect example was the career of (now former political career) what could be called the Charlie Crist phenomenon. He lost his chance to regain the governorship of Florida because he stood for nothing, nada, nil, and zilch. He would and did sell his soul for a vote. In the space of 4 years, he morphed from a Republican, to an Independent, and finally to a Democrat. He flip-flopped on almost all his previous positions, he was like the man without a country. The voters, who were indoctrinated by a virulent anti-Rick Scott media and Democrat Party, saw through the chameleon, Charlie Crist, and re-elected Rick Scott, much to the chagrin of the Democrats, the media, and Charlie Crist.
So republicans, you have the opportunity to become the majority party - don't blow it by fostering petty divisions among your fellow party members. It's always good to have principles and to articulate them, but for the greater good of the party and society, sometimes you have to compromise in order to further those principles. My advice to my fellow Republicans (Conservatives) is to put the Democrats and Obama on the spot by putting all those bills sitting on Sen. Harry Reid's desk, that have been passed by the House, and send them up to Obama and have him either sign or veto those bills. This way, Obama and the Democrats, will go on the record. If he vetoes those bills, he will go on the record and the Democrats will be tagged as the party of “NO”, not the Republicans. That will have a major effect during the presidential campaign of 2016.
So G.O.P., don't screw up the big win you received in the election, now go do the right thing and show the American people you can lead, which is a big change from what we have now.
Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Is Novocain covered under ACA?
Since passing the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, I have lost
count of the unconstitutional changes and mandates made with executive
orders by President Obama as Novocain, to delay the financial pain
on the middle class households and struggling millenniums entering the
adult working force, if they are lucky. The dose is calculated to last
just beyond elections.
Creating family by responsible individuals will be put on hold due, to
diminishing financial circumstance with no effect on the underclass,
because they have been programed to accept they are the responsibility
of the state.
It doesn't matter how many offspring they pop out to perpetuate heirs
in their societal image, because Uncle Democrat will be there to reward
them for increasing its voter base.
Novocain wears off eventually and most of the public has no idea the
excruciating pain they and their progeny will have in store for them.
Conservative article by George Giftos
Judge Jeanine Pirro Opens with "Obama Is Delusional"
We have the Video of Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro and her opening
statement from Nov 8, 2014. Judge Jeanine says B. H. Obama is delusional.
She also talks about the results of the big win the Republicans had from
the mid term elections.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
MORT’s meanderings
Congratulations Losers – You Won!
That would include all the ‘Smarter-than-everyone-else-Progressives’ here in S. E. Florida, who worship at the feet of our Failure-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
Among them, proudly:
Elsie Hastings, Patsy Murphy, Lois Funkle, Debbie Whatevuh Schmutz, Ted Ditch, Hattie McWilson and Maria Sucks. You guys are the best, you won!
Only one problem as I see it: You are totally out of step with the rest of the thinking Americans who came to their senses.
But don’t fret Boobies. Obama still has his pen and he still has his phone. And he still has his pad of Executive Order blanks and 2 years in which to use them.
And, he is still full of hate for America, hate for The Constitution, hate for patriotic Americans, hate for Christians, hate for Jews, hate for Israel and hate for all those horrible Republicans who are the reason he is not yet the most exalted, most magnificient, most beloved, ‘Imam of the United States of Islam’.
Geesch. What were you guys thinking? No matter, you’ve got your jobs. You won!
Now, as Governor Rick Scott says, “Let’s get to work”.
MORT KUFF © 11-5-2014
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