Thursday, March 8, 2012

Does Obama Practice Taqiyya?

In the Muslim religion, in the Koran, it is stated that you can lie with impunity when you are dealing with non-believers (infidels). In other words, lying is permitted when the end justifies the means. That is called “taqiyya”. (pronounced: (ta- kee- ya).

Well, you might ask, does Obama, who comes from a Muslim background through his father and step-father and his schooling in Indonesia, practice “taqiyya”? Does he tell you lies to further his political and social agenda? Let's take a look at some of the things Obama has said in the past few years to find out.

*During his 2008 campaign for president, he stated that he would accept public financing along with his opponent John McCain, but once he could figure out ways of raising big sums of money from donors, he opted out. It was reported that he spent over $700 million to get elected.

*In order to enhance his “street cred” among black voters, he stated that he had ties to the Selma Civil Rights March, saying that his parents met at the march, and as result, Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was born - only problem was that Jr. was born in 1961 and the Selma March took place in 1965. That was a big whopper!

*He said he would be the most transparent president in history by placing, on C-Span, all legislation that came to his desk for his signature - but he hasn't put one piece of legislation on C-Span since he became president. Is he that forgetful?

*He said that he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $200,000. So far he's raised taxes on tobacco, tanning parlors, and is planning to let the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of 2012. In addition, he will assess taxes on his health care bill affecting everyone.

*When the place of his birth was called into question, and he refused to produce a birth certificate, in addition to his health and college records, he went against his promise to be open and transparent. Is he trying to hide something?

*He said that he wouldn't appoint former lobbyists, but went ahead and appointed a slew of lobbyists to his cabinet and to be his Czars.

*He promised to exempt the Catholic Church from some of the mandates of his health care law, but reneged on that promise regarding birth control much to the anger and dismay of the Catholic Bishops. Liar, liar pants on fire.

*He promised before the AIPAC Convention that Jerusalem would be the capitol of Israel to much applause from the Jewish audience, but a couple of days later he said the question of Jerusalem should be the subject of negotiation. Was he pandering to AIPAC?

*He said that if the Congress passed his “Stimulus” bill, unemployment would not go above 8% and most of the money would go toward “shovel ready” jobs which we later found out, weren't shovel ready, and they never materialized.

*He gave the O.K., through his Secretary of Energy, for the “green” company Solyndra, to get a $537 million loan guarantee even though the Bush Administration turned the loan guarantee down because of the shaky financial condition of the company, and which, by the way, the company eventually went belly-up and the taxpayers took the loss. That scenario has been replicated on quite a few other Obama favored “green” companies. Most all the companies who got these loans were Obama campaign contributors. Would that be considered crony favoritism?

And finally, over these past few years he has been blaming Bush for the financial mess we find ourselves in today. Granted, Bush had a hand in the financial down turn, but Obama has never taken any responsibility for the massive debt he has rung up, where the U.S. now owes over $15.4 trillion, an increase of over $5 trillion since he was sworn in. As a result, the United States credit rating was lowered for the first time in our history. He takes no responsibility?

So does Obama practice “taqiyya”, after what I listed previously, you make the decision. But remember, if it looks like a duck, walks like duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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  1. Did you see and hear the ¨Anointed One¨ pander to the AIPAC group. He sounded just like George Bush, only George Bush was sincere and wouldn´t throw Israel under the bus like Obama has and will do in the future. 1 hope the Jews and other supporters of Israel will not be taken in by this fraud in the White House. With friends like Obama, Israel doesn´t need enemies.

  2. Obama is not capable of accepting responsibility for any of his actions. This has been true since he took office. See

  3. The Link that Jim mentioned in previous comment is attached to the top of this Comment.

  4. Also Click on Save America - Fire BHO for another great Post


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