Thursday, December 1, 2011

MORT’s Meanderings

The SunSentinel’s Sick-Humorist Gone Wild

In the Friday, November 25, 2011 edition of the SunSentinel, that paper’s Resident Humorist Stephen L. (Looney) Goldstein’s screed against the revered ‘now & forever’ spiritual leader of the Republican Party Ronald Reagan, was curiously, found on the Opinion Page.

This newsrag’s management continues to shuffle news, features, opinion and other trivia that rudely intrudes upon the furniture and auto ads, so that the readership is obliged to do a daily shuffle in its effort to locate the Opinion Page. Having found that illusive page in this day’s edition, the realization dawned on me that I am no longer surprised when ‘management’ places Resident Humorist Goldstein’s rant on a page other than that reserved for the drawn comics. Hey, it’s their rag; they have the right to choose when and how to disorganize it. Understood.

So at long last, let me get to the point of this Not-to-the-Editor-letter – it is to recount the bitter bias and hateful nature of Goldstein, the hoary humorist emeritus. This poor chap must find himself in a constant state of dyspeptic distress. If it weren’t for his ill-humor, he’d have no humor at all. Being humorous on purpose is difficult, even for the talented. So, being ‘laughed at’ instead of being ‘laughed with’ is a supremely sad condition for a serious Opinion writer to find himself thus categorized. Goldstein has brought this derision down upon his own tousled head.

His shameful rant against Reagan is without rhyme or reason except to provide a vessel to contain his latest outpouring of vitriolic bile. Rarely does one encounter the fullness of ill-humored rage against Conservatism as in the rancid rants and corrosive writings of the SunSentinel’s Buffoon-in-Chief. Long may he rave.

In the case of this Buffoon-in-Chief specifically, ‘long’ would ideally mean a time frame of hours or days but certainly, no more lengthy a period than that.

Conservative Commentary by MORT KUFF © 2011

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1 comment:

  1. Mort, you forgot to mention that Stephen L. Goldstein started out at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since. His I.Q. is lower than his shoe size.


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