Monday, February 28, 2011

Slow Death by a Thousand Cuts

Doesn't that headline seem to illustrate what is happening to us, the U.S.A., today as we slowly sink into the abyss of becoming a second rate country? How did we get into this unfortunate position, and how can we get out from under?

Think about all the things we once held dear in the past, but now question the efficacy of many of those “sacred cows”. Was what we once believed in not relevant anymore? Let's see what has happened in our society that has brought us to this point in time.

Who'd have thought that we would be questioning whether or not we'd be banned from displaying a Christmas tree, a manger or a Menorah in a public place.......

Who'd have thought that saying a non-denominational prayer in a public place would somehow be harmful to someone else or that having the slogan, “In God We Trust” on our currency would be considered something undemocratic.......

Who'd have thought that marriage between a man and a woman should be considered passe, and that a “marriage” between two people of the same sex would be considered as an equal alternative, and anyone who disagreed would be considered a bigot or an intolerant person.......

Who'd have thought that giving amnesty and extra privileges to people who have violated our immigration laws would be celebrated by some of our public officials and anyone who opposed this policy would be called racists.......

Who'd have thought that we'd have the government intrude in our lives by passing a health care insurance law, which represents 1/6 of our economy, when approximately 60% of the people were against its provisions, and in addition, were called insensitive to the plight of poor people...........

Who'd have thought that our government officials, from on high, would side with the enemies of our foremost ally in the Middle East, Israel, by constantly making demands which undermine the policies and the leaders of that harassed nation, while ignoring the threats by its Arab and Muslim neighbors who wish its permanent demise.......

Who'd have thought that our government (both elected officials and non-elected Czars) would mostly all come from the same radical philosophical and political backgrounds, and which, some might say, don't have the best interests of the United States as their primary goal........

Who'd have thought that our government officials would have instituted policies that undermined the cohesion of our military units by dropping the Clinton “Don't Ask Don't Tell” policy, and by using the insidious “political correctness” mantra in setting the “Rules of Engagement” for our brave fighting soldiers during a time of war.......

Who'd have thought that we would be fighting terrorists, but we couldn't call them terrorists out of fear we might hurt their feelings (they are radical Islamist terrorists – there I said it)........

Who'd have thought that we could borrow trillions of dollars to bring about prosperity and create jobs when that tactic was tried before and failed miserably (the Roosevelt Administration during the 1930's).

And finally, who'd have thought that we'd have a President who would flip-flop on many of his pronouncements that he promised the voters in order to get elected, and then blaming all his shortcomings on his predecessor........


Who'd have thought that our constitution and our economic system could be going through a “Slow Death by a Thousand Cuts” and we just stood by and let it happen.

May God help us, and the United States of America. Lord knows, somebody has got to help us because we have met the enemy and it is us.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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1 comment:

  1. Can you believe that as gas inches up to $4.00 and possibly $5.00 per gallon, our erstwhile "Panderer in Chief" is continuing his hold on further exploration of our natural oil and gas reserves on our own land and offshore? That is "Presidential Malfeasance" and could contribute to a weakening of our national security. Why should we have to rely on energy from countries that do not have our best interests at heart? When will the phony liberals finally see the light that Obama has been a disaster for the economic well-being of our country?


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