Friday, May 28, 2010

Laura Ingraham on Obama Disrespecting Veterans

The fringe MSM ignores the fact that Obama will skip the annual Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Obama, true to his word on "Change", will be the first president to ditch honoring our Veterans, on Memorial Day.


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  1. Laura is spot-on. This administration is very incompetent! Holder and BHO are the real cowards. Napolitano is a space cadet. Reid and Pelosi are 2 of the most detestable Politicians ever. Otherwise, Happy Memorial Day to real Americans!

  2. Maybe the "Unknown Soldier" won't have to turn over in his grave now that Obama won't be placing a wreath next to it on Memorial Day? All the veterans know what their "Commander in Chief" is made and it isn't courage or integrity. Remember what Chuck once said, "You can't polish horse manure". GOD BLESS AMERICA".

  3. I never had the honor to serve my country as a member of our noble and brave Armed Forces. What an honor that would have been. When I turned 18 I dutifully signed up for the Selective Service as required by law. I was never called. So on this Memorial Day, while Barack Hussein Obama is chowing down on burgers in Chicago, instead of honoring our beloved men and women in uniform who died so we could freely contribute to this outstanding blog and enjoy all our freedoms, I will honor them and thank them and silently pray for them and whisper to their brave spirits that they did not die in vain. I will tell them that their supreme sacrifice did matter and Americans like myself and millions of others across this great Nation will cherish their memories on this solemn day and every day. From the bottom of my heart, I say humbly: Honored war dead, thank you, thank you a million times thank you for defending our freedoms and for laying down your beautiful lives so we can live in freedom. God bless you and God Bless the United States of America.
    Joseph Maldonado

  4. Joseph: That was a great comment by you. I, too, was not part of our great military as I was classified as 4F due to a bad knee. I at least tried to serve but they wouldn't have me. My son spent 21 years in the Marine Corps serving his country, so in a way I served through him.

  5. Laura is always right. We need a person with business experience. The commercial real estate market is still tetering. Will Investment Property fall next?

  6. Laura is right! The Left would have impeached Bush if he had done hald of what BHO has done.


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