Sunday, September 6, 2015

Always Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop

President Barack Obama's administration is stressing out knowledgeable Americans
when you consider the clumsiness of his operational skills. It's like putting him in the
cockpit of a sophisticated fighter jet when all the previous experiences he had was
no more complicated than running a lawn mower.

I don't know where to begin, because he and his chosen cabinet and staff have made
too many gaffs to list or remember.

Backing green energy financial failures like bankrupt Solyndra. The blunder of arms
deals known as "Fast and Furious." Untethered NSA (National Security Agency).

Illegal targeting conservative organizations and companies to deny them tax exemptions.
Stonewalling the attempt to get answers about mishandling the Benghazi tragedy, or the
where about of the lead principals of responsibility...the President and Secretary of State.
A six year pending promise to fix the problems with the Veterans Administration.
The legal prison break of 36000 illegal criminal immigrants by Obama's Department of
Homeland Security, to direct Immigration and Customs Enforcement to open the gates.
Obama's benevolence toward the Muslim Brotherhood.

Negotiating a flawed nuclear agreement with Iran to create a legacy. Resuming diplomatic
 relations with Cuba and taking them off the terrorist nation list. Carelessly leaking the
 names of the CIA station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan. Bypassing Congress and the
 required 30 day notification law by releasing five of the to most notorious terrorists
 from Guantanamo, in swap to free alleged deserter, Sgt Bowe Bergdahl. And playing
 second banana to Vladimir Putin on the world stage.

Some of the above might not have happened, or occurring to a lesser degree, if the
President wasn't so detached, and exert so much effort and resources on his "Affordable
 Care Act." It was put together by politicos who dismantled the medical profession in
order to overhaul it; but it turns out they knew little about how to put it back into working
 order. Millions added to our over eighteen trillion dollar debt have been wasted with cost
over-runs, by engaging foreign technologists in its chaotic implementation.

There are skunks in the room emitting those repugnant odors by the Obama administration
and nobody has done. or is doing anything about it. It remains to be seen if the new AG,
 Loretta Lynch has the independent integrity to begin clearing out the stench, or will she
 interpret and prosecute the law as seen by her personal beliefs. The caution flag went up
during her confirmation hearing she espoused, illegal residents have all the rights afforded
 to legal American citizens.

Conservative column from George Giftos

Texas Senator Ted Cruz on the Mark Levin Show: I Stand with Kim Davis

Ted Cruz made the statements which are “for every politician — Democrat and Republican — who is tut-tutting that Davis must resign, they are defending a hypocritical standard. Where is the call for the mayor of San Francisco to resign for creating a sanctuary city — resulting in the murder of American citizens by criminal illegal aliens welcomed by his lawlessness?"

"Where is the call for President Obama to resign for ignoring and defying our immigration laws, our welfare reform laws, and even his own Obamacare?"

"When the mayor of San Francisco and President Obama resign, then we can talk about Kim Davis."

"Those who are persecuting Kim Davis believe that Christians should not serve in public office. That is the consequence of their position. Or, if Christians do serve in pubic office, they must disregard their religious faith–or be sent to jail."

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