Thursday, October 16, 2014

Are Our Prisons Fertile Ground for Recruiting Future Jihadists?

Are we stupid or what? Why do we allow a militant group of supposed clerics, representing Islam and preaching their theocratic political ideology, into our prisons to recruit society's misfits and law-breaking prisoners, in order to recruit future Jihadists who want to do our country and other western countries harm?

Most people who are serving time in prison are generally people who don't respect authority or the norms of good behavior, and are generally alienated from society. They, therefore, make a fertile group for the Muslim clerics to spew their anti-American (and anti-western civilization) agenda, to these generally unbalanced individuals who hate authority and who want payback to the society who has incarcerated them in prison. Many of the militant converts to Islam today got their training in our prisons and we let that happen. Are we stupid, or what?

No other religion, as far as I know, preaches a violent ideology as does Islam and it's clerics who are given access to these disgruntled inmates. Do we let leaders of the KKK, or the Westboro Baptist Church into our prisons to preach their hatred? The answer is NO, so why should we give a free pass to these Muslim clerics who do preach hate against the U.S. and other western civilizations? Isn't that tantamount to yelling fire in a crowded theater?

I'm inclined to believe that the ugly head of “political correctness” has raised it's ominous specter in dealing with Islam. It seems it's O.K. to trash Christianity and Judaism, but not so with Islam. Members of Islam, around the world, are committed to carrying out heinous crimes in the name of Islam, and many so-called civilized countries turn a blind eye and refuse to clamp down on this inhuman behavior. Why? Europe, being very liberal in the past, have let hordes of Muslims, from Africa and the Middle East, re-locate into their countries with open arms, and now they are reaping the ill effects of that open door policy as country after country has had to deal with the chaos and disruptive behavior of these formerly welcomed refugees and immigrants. The Muslim populations have exploded and as a result they have started to exert themselves in disruptive ways causing chaos and sometimes violent confrontations with its citizens.

Islam, being a theocratic political ideology, wants to take over the world and impose it's Sharia Law to all parts of the planet. What better way to get adherents than to radicalize the men and women in our prisons who are more prone to that philosophy of violence and hate? We must be able to monitor what is being taught or preached in our prisons so that no cleric can get carte blanche authority to fill the minds of these inmates with hate, so when they are released from prison they become Jihadist soldiers hell bent on causing mayhem and destruction in and on our society. Look at that crazed, Muslim convert person in Oklahoma who stabbed and beheaded a co-worker after he spent a couple of years in prison being converted. How many more like him are out there waiting to commit crimes in the name of Islam? Are we stupid, or what?

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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  1. Don't expect the Obama administration to do anything about it, except observe after the fact. Can you imagine what will happen if EBOLA would ever hit the prison system?
    The gang who can't shoot straight,in the White House, loves suprises. They've gotten a lot of them the past 6 years after reading about them in the press. Again, after the fact.

  2. Isn't it ironic that the Obama Administration is clamping down on Christian chaplains at the service academies, but encourage the propagation of the Muslim "faith" in our prisons? Maybe Obama's purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.


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