Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Charity Deserving of Your Support

Dear Friends,

Like all of you, I was saddened to learn that Bill and Hillary Clinton were "dead broke",
and deeply in debt when they left the White House. Admittedly, much of that debt was
self-inflicted. Their heavy legal expenses were incurred because of Bill's bimbo
dalliances, in particular the one with a highly sophisticated 20 year old intern.

Also, instead of sending Chelsea to the top-rated Washington, D.C. public schools,
they chose an outrageously expensive private school so that their daughter would
have a diversity of classmates instead of only African-American friends.

Finally, in retrospect, it would have made more sense to buy a house in the South Bronx,
or in Brooklyn's Bed-Sty neighborhood where home prices were considerably lower than
in tree-lined, upscale Chapaqua. She still would have been eligible to run for office
in NY State from one of those less glamorous communities.

It seems that many of their bad monetary decisions were probably the fault of an
incompetent financial advisor. To get out from under their crippling financial
troubles, they have been giving stimulating speeches on American exceptionalism,
and the values we all admire such as honesty, ethical conduct, and a willingness
to accept responsibility for their actions. Modest fees in the $200,000 range
have been helpful.

I have always felt sorry for people who face hard I'm organizing a fund-raising
campaign for the Clintons. I'm asking each of you to contribute $100.00 to a fund that
will be used to help ameliorate their plight. Please make out your check to
Anthony P. Di Perna of the What Difference Does It Make Fund, and mail it to my home
address. Unfortunately, your contribution is not tax-deductible. I applied to the IRS
for tax-exempt status, but was turned down by Lois Lerner.

Conservative commentary from Tony DiPerna

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1 comment:

  1. Being so much in debt when the Clinton's left the White House is probably the reason why they took so much of the furnishings, they had to furnish their new houses in Chappaqua and Wash. D.C.? Could it be that she wants to get back into the White House to collect the rest that she missed the last time? I wonder if she is going to beat up on the 1% when she gears up for her campaign? Credibility is not her strong point.


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