Sunday, May 25, 2014

MORT's meanderings

Pay attention, America!
You are about to learn first-hand, the truth about how Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handled the Muslim terrorist's attack on Benghazi  and just how much this President and his Administration really care about those who courageously serve our nation in some of the world's most dangerous foreign diplomatic posts.
For those who are not close followers of the political maneuverings and the shenanigans that go on in Washington, D.C., particularly in the halls of Congress -
For those who are too busy with their own lives and have little interest in what goes on at the seat of our Federal Government in the Capital City -
For those who are not in the habit of reading newspapers or periodicals and get all their news from CNN, CNBC, ABC and CBS on their flat screenTVs   and -
For those who simply can't be bothered with knowing the facts about where our nation is headed or just how close we have become to losing our freedoms and our traditional American way of life - -
Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) of The U.S. House of Representatives will chair a Select Committee (comprised of both Democrats and Republicans) to Investigate the Benghazi Terror attack on 9/11/2012.  Check your  local listing on your favorite stations listed above for selective coverage - or FOX News and C-Span for full coverage.  
If you really want to know how seriously your elected Representatives take your national security and how interested they are in getting to the full truth about the Benghazi horror that included four murdered Americans - and precisely how politically  partisan your Reps can behave - make it your business to follow the progress of this  investigation.   This will be your best chance to learn what's going on.    
Your hair will catch fire.  Guaranteed.

MORT KUFF  © 5-25-2014

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1 comment:

  1. Remember when the Iran-Contra episode came about, the Democrats who were the majority party went on a crusade to tar the Reagan administration. Now we have Benghazi and the Democrats want to cut off inquiry as to what really happened to our ambassador and three brave Americans who were murdered. Do they have something to hide or wlll they be shown to be the party of the cover ups like Fast & Furious, the I.R.S. targeting of Conservatives, the NSA snooping on journalists and citizens etc., etc. This was supposed to be the most open administration in history, what a joke.


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