Sunday, August 18, 2013

MORT’s meanderings

John Kerry (rhymes with fairy)  Secretary of Statements.
In this era of Governmental crises, chaos & corruption created by the policy dictates of his pathological sickness, President Hussein Obama has selected other sickees & incompetents to do his bidding. Their raison d’ etre consists in the main, of enabling his political lunacy.
One of those picked from a large cadre’ of astonishingly sub-standard career creeps, is John Kerry.  Obama considers Kerry to be fully-qualified to serve as his Secretary of State.  And why not?  Kerry (who served in Viet Nam precisely, 4 months + 12 days, y’know) is by Obama’s standards, a certified war hero.   Yeah, right.
Upon his discharge from the U. S. Navy, Kerry testified before a Congressional Committee about horrific atrocities he alleged had been committed by members of our Armed Forces against the enemy in Viet Nam..  I recall seeing that testimony on TV.  I also remember that as I watched it unfold, I had the weirdly odd feeling I was attending  a well-rehearsed performance being delivered by a totally-professional actor.  To be sure, John F. Kerry was a spell-binder.
Years later, while campaigning as the Democrat candidate for the Presidency, he touted his Viet Nam ‘experience’ as a major element in every speech he made.  Unable to tolerate this unabashed sham, a large number of Viet Nam veterans who had served in the same places at the same time as Kerry – and  who became known as, ‘Swiftboaters’ - rallied behind the authors of a book titled, “Unfit for Command”.  The book laid out chapter & verse with clear, undeniable, eye-witness accounts, the accurate history of Kerry’s 4 months + 12 days spent in Viet Nam. Over the years, I’ve made reference to this as his, ‘Immaculate Misconception’.  
When one is aware of what hundreds of former U.S. Navy ‘Swiftboaters’ had to say about Kerry’s actual participation in military actions, as opposed to the extraordinary decorations he garnered , it is difficult to reconcile the two. His psychological wounds are readily apparent; his physical wounds – not so much.
Now, as this is written, Secretary of Statements John F. Kerry, rather than addressing the red hot war of violence being conducted against our citizens and our embassies all across the Middle East, stays occupied with a far more lofty task.  He is totally committed to tilting that hoary old windmill – Peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian rabble.du jour.  A sadly laughable comparison comes to mind - that of the gangly John Kerry with the fabled old tilter of windmills, Don Quixote. A case of the blind emulating the blind.  To be slightly unkind, what we have here, is two of a kind.
MORT KUFF   8-10-2013

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