Thursday, June 27, 2013

Are They Trying to “Lynch” George Zimmerman?

The term “lynching” carries with it some unsavory memories of times gone by in our country. Today, we have not seen “lynchings” like some of our fellow citizens forebears had happen to them, in many years past. But, the symbol of a “lynching” can very readily be resurrected when we zero in on the case of George Zimmerman, a Community Watch volunteer, who is charged with 2nd degree murder against black teenager, Trayvon Martin.

The unfortunate incident in question happened on Feb. 26, 2012 in a gated community in Sanford, Florida.

The scene went like this - George Zimmerman, upon doing his rounds in the community, noticed a hooded figure acting suspiciously in the community (there had been a number of break-ins recently in the neighborhood), so his antenna went up. As he was approaching this hooded figure, he called 911 to report this suspicious behavior he had observed. During this time, some words were exchanged between Zimmerman and the other person, we now know as Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was informed that the police were on their way and he was headed back to his car after the 911 operator told him to stop following the suspicious person. During his conversation with the 911 operator, the operator asked if he could tell who this person was and what was the color of the person. Zimmerman said he couldn’t tell, but that he might be black. (So much for the “racial profiling” accusation). At some point while he was headed back to his car, Zimmerman was confronted and attacked by Trayvon Martin and was thrown to the ground with Martin on top of him throwing punches and banging Zimmerman’s head against the sidewalk. During this attack, Zimmerman, who had a legal permit to carry a firearm, pulled it out and gave off one shot which hit Martin in the chest killing him. When the police arrived within minutes of the shooting, and saw what had happened, and the fact that Zimmerman had a broken nose, and wounds to his head, his story seemed , to the police, that Zimmerman’s use of his licensed gun to protect himself from further harm or possibly death, was an act of self-defense. The police did not arrest him at that time. Witnesses near the crime scene also verified that it was Zimmerman, being straddled by Martin, who was taking the beating.

In the weeks following the incident, outside agitators like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rep. Frederica Wilson, and the New Black Panther Party, came to town to demand the arrest of George Zimmerman, and the highly inflammatory word of “racism” was introduced into the case, thinking that Zimmerman was a “lily white” vigilante, hell-bent on taking the life of an “innocent” black teenager for no apparent reason. (Later on it turned out that Zimmerman was not “lily white”, but was part Hispanic who had a black grandparent, (but it made no difference to the “racial arsonists“ who had their minds already made up that Zimmerman was guilty, so did much of the liberal media).

This pressure on the authorities by these outside agitators, caused the police, after a few weeks, to arrest Zimmerman, which they did, and then the State Attorney stepped in to charge Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder. The agitators stirred up the black community by claiming that this was another case of a “white profiling” of a black person, and in fact, the New Black Panther Party offered a $10,000 bounty for the capture of George Zimmerman before his arrest. The Zimmerman family was also threatened with bodily harm, even up until today.

Most of the evidence that has come out, in the media since the incident, seems to be exculpatory of the actions of Zimmerman on that night, but the “race hustlers”, regardless of the facts, want nothing less than a murder conviction of Zimmerman - in other words, they want to “lynch” him, the facts be damned.

The trial is now in progress. Let’s hope the judicial system works free and clear of any outside pressure by special interest groups in trying to taint the verdict, one way or the other. “Political correctness” should not raise its ugly head in the adjudication of this matter, but we shall see. Stay tuned.

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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  1. Florida has many People who want a George Zimmerman type person as a neighbor. They want someone to chase away the thugs, hoodlums and crooks. However when it comes time to support Zimmerman for doing what many are scared to do, far too many people become cowards. Political Correctness will destroy your neighborhood as it spreads like cancer.

  2. Yes, Florida you are correct, Political Correctness will destroy your neighborhood. Maybe more north east Liberals will come to Florida to take away your Legal Guns. Then we will end up like Chicago, strictest gun controls and massive amounts of murders. Thanks to the Liberals we will see more crime in all areas.

  3. For weeks the Traitorous MSM tried to paint the picture that Zimmerman was a racist however the real truth came out. Videos were revealed and clearly showed the back of the George Zimmerman’s head bleeding profusely. The dirtbags in the Mainstream Media wanted to build a narrative that this was based on racism. Yet the evidence was clear that want-a-be thug, Trayvon, brutally attacked George Zimmerman.

  4. Let us not forget that the police report and witnesses all reported that Zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head. These Facts are consistent with Zimmerman being punched in the face and having his head bashed against the sidewalk. All of the evidence in this case points to Zimmerman’s self-defense claim being true. And there is simply no evidence that supports the racist narrative that the MSM and the race hustlers have spun.

  5. What would the Left Wingers do if a six foot tall person was bashing their head into the concrete?

  6. Sid Cohen from OrlandoJune 27, 2013 at 9:19 AM

    This isn't about anything more than the anti-gun liberals finding a cause they can exploit, no matter how many facts prove them wrong. Can anti-gun liberals spell C H I C A G O? This Zimmerman case is just a means for the wacko leftists to parade their hatred of the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution.

  7. Rachel Jeantel and Trayvon are certainly products of the public school system. They can't even get their racism right. Zimmerman is Hispanic so Jeantel better get back to obama voters and find out their racist names for Latinos.

  8. This Rachel Jeantel can't read cursive but knows Zimmerman was Racist? When questioned repeatedly as to why she hadn’t mentioned some exculpatory information before, she repeatedly said, “Nobody axed me.” After about ten such questions, I fully expected the state’s attorney to say, “Objection! Axed and answered!”

  9. Shouldn't Zimmerman have, by law, a "jury of his peers"? And wouldn't those peers be as described by Liberals as "white Hispanic males"?

  10. The only racism Zimmerman ever displayed was on NBC’s phony tape. The incoherent Liberals at NBC never told Viewers it smeared Zimmerman with Doctored Audio. That is a factor of why some People thought Trayvon was innocent. Of course many ignorant Obama Voters will always side with skin color not the truth.

  11. Besides the bullet hole in Trayvon's chest, the only one with injuries was George Zimmerman. Did he cause his own injuries? Also, why do most liberals think that Zimmerman is guilty, and most Conservatives think Zimmerman is not guilty? Could it be that Zimmerman used his registered handgun in his defense, and most liberals are anti-gun, therefore, anyone using a gun must be guilty? Be prepared for riots if Zimmerman is found not guilty, the "troops" are already practicing at the various Malls around Florida and the country.


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