Sunday, March 31, 2013

Should we Change Our Laws and Accept Same Sex Marriage?

That’s the big question today confronting our citizens and the U.S. Supreme Court.

For thousands of years, most all traditions around the world have recognized marriage as between a man and a woman. Only in the last ten years or so, has there been a major effort to change our marriage laws to include same sex marriage, mainly endorsed, quite naturally, by the homosexual community. It seems that gays are no longer seeking tolerance in America, they are seeking approval of their lifestyle. They are using gay marriage as a means of achieving that approval. In the process, they have demonized the opposition by using terms like bigot and homophobe, and it seems to be working.

Our marriage laws spring from a system of values and beliefs i.e., every law that is passed is an instance of legislating morality. A nations laws help shape the beliefs, character, and actions of its citizens. It’s impossible to separate morality from law. To argue that homosexual behavior should be viewed and treated the same as heterosexual behavior suggests that a person has adopted a moral position. And to call me, and others, a bigot for not agreeing with their moral position on homosexual behavior, is a moral judgment.

By trying to change the laws regarding marriage, you are insisting on imposing your morality on the rest of us. The question is, does your morality strengthen the social fabric and further the cause of personal freedom and individual liberty or would it destroy society and undermine liberty.

Firstly, the government doesn’t force anyone to get married. Secondly, no one has a “right” to get married because marriage is not a human right, it is a privilege, even for homosexuals. Government rightly discriminates regarding the privilege of marriage, which means it’s not unreasonable for society to place restrictions on marriage to serve its best interests i.e., the encouragement of children and families. The argument that current marriage laws “discriminate” against homosexuals confuse discriminations among different kinds of behavior, what other purpose does law have? While people are treated the same, all their behaviors are not.

The real issue is whether marriage should be redefined - and, if for gays, why not for polygamists? Why not for pedophiles?

Marriage is not a right, but a set of legal obligations imposed because the government has a vested interest in unions that among other things have the potential to produce children, which is to say, the future population of the nation, and to maintain stable family relationships for the good of society.

The law is a great teacher, and by legalizing same sex marriage it will teach future generations that marriage is not about children but about coupling. When marriage becomes nothing more than coupling, fewer people will get married to have children. That will mean more children born out of wedlock, that will be a disaster for everyone. Also, society will be hurt because illegitimacy starts a chain of negative effects that fall like dominoes - illegitimacy leads to poverty, crime, and higher welfare costs which lead to bigger government, higher taxes, and a slower economy.

Is that what we want for the future of our children, grandchildren and our country?

(Information for this article was gleaned from the writings of I.M. Kane, Frank Turek and Thomas Sowell)

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann

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1 comment:

  1. We have been bombarded by the media and liberal Democrats (or are they now called "Progressives")that same sex marriage is the same as heterosexual marriage and any restrictions against same sex marriage are to be looked at as bigoted, and the people who are against it are homophobes. Maybe it's the homosexual community who are the bigots and not the heterosexual community? The gays are trying to shove their morality down the throats of the majority of other citizens who are in favor of traditional marriage. That's the outrage.


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