Thursday, June 21, 2012

MORT’s Meanderings

Lois Frankelstein:

the ultimate OBAMA Momma

She is so far ‘left’ that she could never, ever be ‘right’ for Florida’s District 22. She never saw a tax she didn’t like nor, has she ever used the snap-closure on the purse that contains taxpayer’s dollars. When it comes to spending other people’s money, this OBAMA Momma takes a back seat to nobody. And, woe unto anyone who tries to curb her penchant for a non-stop shopping spree; this time, with District 22 taxpayer bucks. And of course, all in the name of, ‘the public good’.

Ask your friends in West Palm Beach about the Frankel years – and get ready for an earful. Check into her record as Mayor. This is one heavy-handed political hack who cares only for her career and for the control over public funds that are a big part of the responsibility of elected Representatives. While it is true that as a Congresswoman, Princess Lois wouldn’t have direct access to stashes of CA$H as she did when she was ‘doing’ the Office of Mayor of West Palm Beach – she would nevertheless, be in a position to horse-trade huge chunks of ‘pork’ with other like-minded Democrats in the House of Representatives. And, that kind of ‘pork-trading’ ain’t strictly Kosher.

Morals, ethics, principles – these are concepts that never got in the way of Princess Frankelstein doing the public’s business, her way. Despite office walls full of framed testimonials to her prowess as a civic diva of grandiose proportions, it would be difficult to point to a laudable highlight of non-partisanship that wrapped her in a mantle of high principle.

With all due respect, this is not to deny her role as a doting Mother and beloved family member. No doubt, she can point with pride to her association with some ‘good works’ in the WPBeach community. And, as a warm and loving ‘Bubby’, she has earned the affection of her family and friends and the loyalty of her Liberal following of blue-dog Democrats. Granted.

So, now that the mandatory niceties are out of the way, here comes the admonition to the voters in Florida’s District 22: Be Warned! Watch out for one of the more nasty, civility-be-damned campaigns about to be launched by this tiny Titan of trash-talk. Put on your flak vest, Adam Hasner – the drek is about to hit the fan. Better that ‘Bubby- Princess Frankelstein’ should stay at home but, the temptation to take another fling at the bling is mighty strong. And, old habits are hard to break.

OBAMA Momma is on the loose and District 22 – she’s headed your way.

Conservative commentary by MORT KUFF

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1 comment:

  1. What a disaster it would be if Lois Frankelstein somehow won the election in the 22nd C.D.. Thank god we have a great candidate in the person of Adam Hausner who looks like the eventual winner. It's not going to easy filling the shoes of Allen West but Hausner is the closest one to being able to takeover from West.


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