Thursday, May 31, 2012

Progressive Liberal Democrats in MSM

Response to: "Apathy is the enemy of the electorate" by Stephen Goldstein of the Sun Sentinel.

Stephen says we need to consign devisive candidates to the ash heap of history. May I ask whether or not anyone reading this believes that our country is less devisive now that the democrats control the white house? I am "incredulous" that he finds fault with only republicans in his article. I suspect he may be a progressive liberal democrat.

Stephen obviously does not care for the tea party. But they are not being apathetic when they get off the couch to get their candidates elected. They were apathetic until this president and the left leaning democrats galvanized them into action to stop the destruction of our country through his executive orders and 50 plus unappointed czars that are circumventing congress. It is actually the liberal democrats that Stephen wants to stop being apathetic. Perhaps they are apathetic because the president has made them so. All the promises he has made and broken would make anyone apathetic.

Governor Rick Scott has "extremist ideology" according to Stephen. Anyone who does not agree with a liberal progressive democrat is immediately labeled an extremist or even a racist. These are words in their lexicon that are intended to shut down the competition. They are worn out, overused and no longer work.

I would love to hear Stephen's views on Governor Walker of Wisconsin and how the unions are trying to overturn his election. Are these moderate democrats in action?

Yes Stephen, you are correct that only constant vigilance and activism protect our rights and the rights of others. That is exactly why the tea party was formed. The tea party is off the couch and will no longer allow our rights or the constitution to be trampled.

Conservative commentary by Steve MacMillan

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