Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rep./Physician Tom Price admonishes Govt-takeover of Healthcare

During this highly contentious debate we are having about fundamentally changing our delivery of health care to our citizens, a very cogent and powerful critique of the Democratic plan was given by Rep. Tom Price, a practicing physician. Whether you think that what the Democrats are proposing is good or bad for us, you should listen to what Rep. Price has to say, and then make up your mind.

Watch the Video and hear the truth about the horrendous HealthCare idea being shoved down our throats!

Submitted by Chuck Lehmann

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  1. In lieu of a MRI and Chemotherapy, ObamaCare will give you 2 tickets to Oprah and a gravestone

  2. I have heard nothing that would lead me to believe the plan includes any level of improvement in the health care system for anyone. Senior Citizens will be put down to rest.
    Control of the system? Yes.
    Improvement? No.


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