Monday, August 31, 2009

Glenn Beck - The New Republic, Americas Future

During the week of Aug.24 to Aug. 28, Glenn Beck, noted radio and T.V. talk show host, expounded on the people and organizations who work for and surround President Obama. Many of these groups and individuals have immediate access to the "ear" of the President. Many of the left-wing organizations, who fervently support Obama, are very upset with Glenn Beck and have called for a boycott of his advertisers. Remember, these are the same groups that "champion" free speech except if you don't agree with them.

We have chronicled the 5 episodes (commercial free) of his expose for you to see for yourself what he found out from his extensive research.

I think you'll be amazed, and in some cases offended, at to what he found out.

Click on the picture (or link) to be painfully educated as to what our government is doing to us.

Chuck Lehmann

The First Of A Five Day Series
Glenn Beck - The New Republic, Americas Future

Click on Picture to watch Video for Day 1

Day 2
Glenn Beck - The New Republic, Americas Future

Click on Picture to watch Video for Day 2

Day 3
The Attack On Freedom Of Speech

Click on Picture to watch Video for Day 3

Day 4
Civilian Security Force

Click on Picture to watch Video for Day 4

Day 5

Click on Picture to watch Video for Day 5

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  1. Day 3 & 4 are extremely important to watch. The entire week was great. By the MSM not reporting on these Czars, Commies & Thugs is like they are accepting of these Thugs. So the MSM should be stripped of their rights as BHO has planned to do to us

  2. This series help uncover Van Jones. His past wasn't considered because the Obama administration skirted the requirement for an FBI background check for these "czars".

  3. Wow, great job Chuck putting this Glen Beck "info" week together. My attempt pales, will save and send friends and family here.



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