Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Liberals Paint Health-Reform Protesters As Dangerous Nuts

By Susan Jones, Senior Editor
( – Democrats have a warning for Republicans: Angry constituents who berate their congressional representatives at public forums are “dangerous” people.

“These are the sort of excessive displays that breed a backlash,” wrote a blogger on Monday. The national press secretary for the Democratic National Committee linked to the Politico item in a mass email on Tuesday, effectively endorsing the blogger’s message.

“Yes, there is now much energy on the right,” Politico’s Jonathan Martin wrote on Monday afternoon, adding “there is danger in such raw passion.”

Martin mentions Rep. Lloyd Doggett’s recent encounter with protesters at an Austin area grocery store. Some of his constituents were captured on videotape shouting “just say no” (to the Democrats’ health care plan).

Two minutes into the YouTube video of the Doggett protest “you’ll find a guy carrying a kid on his shoulders and hoisting a sign with the Nazi ‘SS’ lettering,” Martin wrote. (The hand-lettered sign appears to read “SS Stop SS Socialized” ?? health care.)

The New York Times quoted Doggett as saying that he was “ambushed,” not by grass-roots protesters, but by “a very coordinated effort where the local Republican Party, the local conservative meet-up groups sent people to my event.”

On a completely separate topic, a blogger on the far-left Democratic Underground Web site wrote Monday about Americans who “cannot, will not accept Barack Obama as their president.”

“They want him dead,” the blogger wrote in the posting on Democratic Underground. “They won’t stop until Obama is murdered.”

That blogger specifically was referring to so-called “birthers,” those who insist that Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen, despite evidence to the contrary.

The blogger opines that "birthers" are “just part of the larger marxist, anti-american, usurper, tea party, take-our-country-back, 'wolverines!' angle.”

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