Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Is our Health Care too Expensive?

The Democrats, in trying to sell their health insurance plan, keep bringing up the claim that we spend more money today and, in return, get inferior medical care. Does anyone think that our health care was better in 1950 than it is today?
My father died in 1969 from colon cancer. They didn't have then, colonoscopies like we have access to today. I've had about six colonoscopies over the past 20 years and on two or three occasions I've had polyps removed which probably means that I will die of something other than colon cancer in the future. Think of all the other life saving breakthroughs that have come about over the years that has raised our life expectancy to almost 80 years. This article, that appeared in the WSJ, very succinctly lays to rest the canard that health costs are soaring. I think you will agree with what the author says about this very emotional topic.

Check out our website and view a great video on comparing our medical care with that of Canada. After viewing that video, I'm sure you wouldn't trade what you have here in the U.S.A. with the medical plan in place in Canada.
Submitted by Chuck Lehmann
Click this Link below for WSJ article
Health Care- Too Expensive or Better than 1950
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1 comment:

  1. Barney Frank just said the other day that the health care proposal is not a single-payer plan but that once this plan is instituted, it will evolve into a Canada type single-payer plan in just a few more years. Another lie by the Obama Administratio and the Democrats. And this was supposed to be the most ethical Administration and Congress in our history, and some still want to believe them that they want to insure everyone and not raise the deficit. How can people be so dumb to believe that crap?

    Jack Bauer


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