Friday, July 24, 2009

Government Entitlements

Most all of my e-mail friends are on Medicare, retired, or close to joining the bankrupt government programs that are in place right now. With the ambitious proposals of the "Narcissist in Chief" concerning our health insurance problem, this attached link found below seems to capture the predicament we are in and which is causing much angst among all of us. Even with all the sweet talk and empty rhetoric that was spouted at his news conference on Wednesday, the Messiah was unable to explain exactly what he wanted us to accept. No matter what the spin or flowery goals he has used in explaining his "health insurance plan" - you can't polish horse manure - and that is what he was trying to do.
Written by Chuck Lehmann

Further reference to this subject matter can be found at Link below

"GovernmentCare’s Assault on Seniors Link"


  1. I guess you'll be happy to know that we won't have to wait until we are 90 to be told that we better just die. Under Obamacare, we'll be MANDATED to receive end-of-life (death) counseling when we turn 65, as per the House version of the Health Care Bill (pages 425-430)!.
    When we turn 65, we will be forced to receive death counseling at least every five years and more often if we are sick or in a nursing home. That may be why Obama says we’ll “save” money!

  2. "Less money and more patients will necessitate rationing."

    It will also increase the cost shifting to all other health consumers. Doctors, hospitals, providers and drug companies will need to pass costs on somehow. If they are not allowed - then we truly have hit nationalized health care and most/all health-sector companies will be told by the government what level of profit they can make.

  3. Of course government health care will hurt seniors! Government health care will hurt everyone. We need a health care reform but not from the government. We need a reform from the free market, not natural occurs, not one that is forced upon us.

  4. The most dangerous part of the Obama/Pelosi/Reid healthcare “reform” is that it paves the way to a complete government takeover of healthcare in this country that will dramatically expand the size of government; allow bureaucrats and politicians to dictate your choice of doctors, treatments, and medicines; and ration quality care to control costs.


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