Saturday, July 18, 2009

After Six Months of the Messiah

After six months of the reign of the “Messiah”, President Obama, does anyone reading this, who voted for him, have any tinge of buyers remorse?

Remember when everyone here was complaining about the Bush deficit and how irresponsible he was, well, what about quadrupling it in six months, not 8 years? How can liberals now defend the indefensible? Does partisan political consideration trump economic commonsense?

How do you responsibly raise taxes during an economic recession? The “Pied Piper of Cluelessness” has no clue as to what his economic and taxing policies will produce as a drag on our economy and its eventual recovery?

How do you spend trillions of dollars you don’t have to spend? When only 60% of the people pay income taxes and the other 40% don’t, there will be a tax revolt sometime in the future. People are starting to realize that the “power to tax is the power to destroy”, everyone, it seems, except the President and the Democratic Congress. Did you notice that most all of the power players in the Obama Administration are lawyers? How many have had actual business experience? Truthfully, if you were looking for a CEO to run your business, would you hire Obama to run it?

Obama likens himself to FDR, who said, “We have nothing to fear, except fear itself”, but Obama has changed that phrase to, “You have nothing to fear, except not enough fear”.

A basic economic principle is that you can’t create prosperity by over taxing the productive citizens, and by spending money that you don’t have on the non-productive citizens. That is a recipe for economic disaster, but what can you expect from a “community organizer” who was raised on the principles and ideas of Saul Alinsky and the views of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright? Remember, “You can take the man out of Chicago, but you can’t take Chicago out of the man”.
Written by Chuck Lehmann

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  1. I am paraphrasing here from a Man who built billion $ Companies. He is afraid it is dangerous, the Obama spending Frenzy. He does not think people in this country generally understand that we face, not just a short- term economic strain right now with a potential of falling into a more severe recession. This also is a risk that if we continue to borrow excessively that the world may decide that the dollar isn't worth very much.

  2. Obama’s 10-year budget proposes to increase government spending by 2.4% over the baseline spending trajectory. This increase, which represents 0.5% of gross domestic product (GDP), has numerous goals: address the current economic crisis, create jobs, and transform the economy for the 21st century through improvements in energy, health care, and education. Sadly, this upsurge in spending pushes the United States past the socialist threshold.


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